
10 Worst Episodes of Plebs

Sitcom about three desperate young men from the suburbs who try to get laid, hold down jobs and climb the social ladder in the big city - which just happens to be ancient Rome.

Written by Sophie and last updated on jan 14, 2023.

PS: The following content contains spoilers!

PPS: I will admit that parts of this page was written with the help of AI - it makes my work so much easier to not start from a blank page!

Plebs - S4E6

#10 - The Bath House (Season 4 - Episode 6)

The boys attend a free trial session at a swanky new bathhouse and attempt to outstay their welcome. Marcus courts a potential business contact he meets in the changing room, while Jason starts dating a yoga instructor.

The episode was rated 7.53 from 123 votes.

Plebs - S4E3

#9 - The Marathon (Season 4 - Episode 3)


Marcus spies a money-making opportunity when the city goes into a frenzy of fundraising at marathon time, and Jason bets Aurelius he can beat him in the big race.

The episode was rated 7.50 from 127 votes.

Plebs - S4E4

#8 - The Satirist (Season 4 - Episode 4)

The boys launch a cabaret night in the bar when Marcus starts dating the popular Roman satirist, Minerva. But can he cope with her dissecting their relationship live on stage? Meanwhile, Jason, Aurelius and Grumio form a house-band.

The episode was rated 7.48 from 134 votes.

Plebs - S5E5

#7 - The Hooligans (Season 5 - Episode 5)


The boys attempt to infiltrate a local firm of chariot hooligans in order to get some big drinkers into their bar. Grumio is soon welcomed into the fold by Paulus, head honcho of the Green Army, but Marcus falls out with Gloria, whose shop front keeps getting smashed up by their new clientele.

The episode was rated 7.45 from 80 votes.

Plebs - S5E2

#6 - The Paedos (Season 5 - Episode 2)

Marcus offers to tutor Gloria's teenage son Barney, while Grumio is mistaken for a schoolboy and soon finds himself recruited into the under-14s boxing team.

The episode was rated 7.45 from 94 votes.

Plebs - S4E5

#5 - Lupercalia (Season 4 - Episode 5)


It's the Roman festival of love so when Marcus is asked out by Gloria from next door, he can't tell if it's a date or a meeting about their party wall. Jason tries to maintain his Lupercalia perfect-score, while Grumio enjoys a romantic meal for one.

The episode was rated 7.39 from 132 votes.

Plebs - S4E1

#4 - The Accident (Season 4 - Episode 1)

Following a catastrophic industrial accident, the boys respond in their own ways: Marcus immediately seeks financial compensation, while Grumio prefers to 'go to seed' at home. Then Jason, a cheery out-of-work builder steps into their lives.

The episode was rated 7.39 from 161 votes.

Plebs - S5E8

#3 - The Wedding (Season 5 - Episode 8)


Jason's brother Darius is getting married and Marcus desperately wants to hire out the Crown and Toga for the occasion, while Grumio offers his services as wedding planner. But their plans are threatened when they find out that Darius is a serial jilter. Elsewhere, Marcus clashes with their lazy postman.

The episode was rated 7.38 from 71 votes.

Plebs - S1E1

#2 - The Orgy (Season 1 - Episode 1)

Things take an upward turn for the boys when Marcus meets some fit Britons in the courtyard and Stylax finds a flyer to an orgy. With his grocery budget now spent on orgy tickets, Grumio must scrimp and save in order to put food on the table.

The episode was rated 7.33 from 295 votes.

Plebs - S5E1

#1 - The Vineyard (Season 5 - Episode 1)


The boys set off on a wine-buying trip to Tuscany, but when their cart has a collision on the road they are forced to pull in to a nearby village.

The episode was rated 7.29 from 102 votes.

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