Pretty Little Liars

10 Best Episodes of Pretty Little Liars - Season 2

Based on the Pretty Little Liars series of young adult novels by Sara Shepard, the series follows the lives of four girls — Spencer, Hanna, Aria, and Emily — whose clique falls apart after the disappearance of their queen bee, Alison. One year later, they begin receiving messages from someone using the name "A" who threatens to expose their secrets — including long-hidden ones they thought only Alison knew.

Written by Sophie and last updated on feb 04, 2023.

PS: The following content contains spoilers!

PPS: I will admit that parts of this page was written with the help of AI - it makes my work so much easier to not start from a blank page!

Pretty Little Liars - S2E17

#15 - Blond Leading the Blind (Season 2 - Episode 17)

Aria, Emily, Hanna and Spencer have had to sacrifice a lot at the gloved hands of "A," especially when it comes to love. Toby continues to pursue Spencer, knowing that she is keeping something from him. With another "accident" possibly popping up at any minute, Spencer is desperate to keep Toby safe and can think of only way to truly end it. Also worried about her relationship, Hanna begs the other girls to stop using Caleb to help with their search. The more involved Caleb gets, the bigger target he becomes. But is the valuable information Caleb is finding more important to the others than Caleb's safety? Meanwhile, Aria is desperate to save her relationship with Ezra still not returning her calls. Will one more "date" with Holden give Aria the opportunity to get the answer from Ezra she is longing for?

The episode was rated 7.89 from 542 votes.

Pretty Little Liars - S2E7

#14 - Surface Tension (Season 2 - Episode 7)


It's moving day for Emily, and with a new place to call home, she is feeling more like a guest than part of the family. Hanna is also feeling uneasy, but for her it is in regards to Caleb's continued shady "business" dealings and his nonchalant attitude about it. And when Toby makes a surprising discovery, Spencer is thrown for a loop by the find and her father's reaction to it. With the girls already on edge, could they be sitting targets for "A's" next move? Or does "A" have bigger plans for the four and is just making them wait? Meanwhile, Aria is put in a tricky position when both Ezra and Jason are invited to the Montgomery dinner party and vie for her attention when the soiree goes awry.

The episode was rated 7.89 from 560 votes.

Pretty Little Liars - S2E1

#13 - It's Alive (Season 2 - Episode 1)

With Ian's body missing and the entire town of Rosewood questioning what exactly happened the night before at the church, Aria, Emily, Hanna and Spencer have a lot of explaining to do. But with the police and their parents not quite sure what to believe, the girls' parents rally together to try and help the four out with the assistance of a therapist. Now being forced to talk out their problems, Aria, Emily, Hanna and Spencer feel more alone than ever. Even with a reassurance that everything they discuss won't leave the therapist's office, is this the person the Liars can finally tell about "A?" Or is there no place safe from "A's" watchful eye? Meanwhile, love is on the rocks for the girls when Spencer is forbidden to see Toby, Aria cools things off with Ezra, and Caleb comes back to town for Hanna.

The episode was rated 7.89 from 668 votes.

Pretty Little Liars - S2E19

#12 - The Naked Truth (Season 2 - Episode 19)


Rosewood High’s "Truth-Up Day," is not just an opportunity for the students of the school to air their grievances and stop bullying, but also a chance for Aria, Emily, Hanna and Spencer to get answers to some burning questions. Spencer looks to find answers on what is going on between Jason and her father when Jason shows up as a chaperone; Aria continues to question Holden on what exactly he is up to during their "date nights," and Hanna tries to figure out the latest situation with Kate. But will the girls be ready for what they find out when shocking truths are revealed? Meanwhile, Emily gets help from an unlikely source to get back on the Rosewood swim team.

The episode was rated 7.93 from 536 votes.

Pretty Little Liars - S2E10

#11 - Touched by an 'A'-ngel (Season 2 - Episode 10)

Aria finds herself in a difficult position when trying to process Spencer and Emily's news about Jason, while dealing with what happened at the park and her undeniable feelings for him. How could Jason be the dangerous person that her friends say he is, when he has shown nothing but compassion and vulnerability to her? With Aria waffling on her stance on Jason, Spencer decides drastic times call for drastic measures. But will Spencer's actions help Aria to see Jason for who Spencer thinks he really is, or only push Aria closer to Jason? Hanna finds herself in a different kind of prickly situation when she tries to play nice with her future step-sister, Kate, only to have things go horribly wrong. Meanwhile, 'A' turns up the heat on Emily by trying to push her to a breaking point.

The episode was rated 7.94 from 564 votes.

Pretty Little Liars - S2E23

#10 - Eye of the Beholder (Season 2 - Episode 23)


Aria, Emily, Hanna and Spencer are on the quest for answers of what Alison knew before she died and they might have just gotten a big lead when someone from Alison's past appears. Duncan might hold the key to all of the girls' answers, but can they trust him to let down their guard? And just when they feel like Duncan may be the only lead, Jason drops off a bag of Alison's personal items that could be more than just a bag of junk. Meanwhile, Toby's return to Rosewood brings a surprise reunion that ends dangerously.

The episode was rated 7.98 from 521 votes.

Pretty Little Liars - S2E11

#9 - I Must Confess (Season 2 - Episode 11)

After being pushed around, threatened and more by "A," Emily is at a breaking point and her friends know that something drastic has to be done to save her. The girls turn to the only person they have come to trust and know that she can't let their secrets out — Dr. Anne Sullivan. Finally being able to reveal the torment that "A" has put them through to someone outside of the tight-knit group gives the girls a sense of relief and Emily a new sense of courage. But with the cat being out of the bag, has a weight really been lifted off their shoulders, or could it possibly have just provoked a beast? And now that Dr. Sullivan is aware of "A" and what the girls have been put through, could she be next on "A's" target list? Meanwhile, Hanna's grandmother comes to town to stir up trouble for Tom's rehearsal dinner.

The episode was rated 8.00 from 569 votes.

Pretty Little Liars - S2E21

#8 - Breaking the Code (Season 2 - Episode 21)


Aria, Emily, Hanna and Spencer have been the target of "A’s" games for awhile, leaving them emotionally cut off from their families and friends. But when a surprising new victim of "A" is revealed, the PLLs tight-knit group may just get one person larger. But what is "A’s" motive of targeting someone outside of Alison’s group of besties? Meanwhile, Spencer runs from her family troubles right into Wren’s arms, as Ezra’s new opportunity could push him away from Aria.

The episode was rated 8.01 from 537 votes.

Pretty Little Liars - S2E15

#7 - A Hot Piece of 'A' (Season 2 - Episode 15)

After their recent encounter with “A,” Aria, Emily, Hanna and Spencer think they may be closer than ever to figuring out whom “A” really is. But when the girls decide to enlist Caleb’s hacking skills to help with their quest, Hanna no longer wants a part of the plan. The last thing Hanna wants is to get Caleb involved in something else shady and also to open the door to questions that Hanna can’t answer. Once the girls realize that “A” has a helper, Hanna has no other choice. Instead of focusing on figuring out who the “helper” is, Hanna decides to put all of her efforts into throwing a surprise party for Caleb. But will a surprise party at Spencer’s lake house be the diversion Hanna is looking for, or just a recipe for disaster? Meanwhile, Aria and Ezra must deal with the aftermath of coming clean.

The episode was rated 8.02 from 565 votes.

Pretty Little Liars - S2E13

#6 - The First Secret (Season 2 - Episode 13)


It is the Halloween before Alison went missing and the only concern for Aria, Emily, Hanna and Spencer is to score an invite to Noel Khan's Halloween party. But with a new girl in town to challenge Ali for Queen Bee dominance, Spencer possibly losing the class president election along with her parents' approval, and a shocking revelation for Aria about her father — there may be more to worry about than finding the perfect costume. With all of the tricks and treats floating around Rosewood, there may be something more sinister waiting out there for Ali and her best friends.

The episode was rated 8.05 from 583 votes.

Pretty Little Liars - S2E20

#5 - CTRL:A (Season 2 - Episode 20)

Caleb's involvement in cracking "A's" phone has had Hanna worried from day one and now "A" is determined to punish him for it. With Det. Wilden and Garrett now circling Caleb on bogus hacking charges and in possession of his computer, Hanna and her friends are convinced that this won't end well. What are the police looking for on Caleb's computer and better yet, would could "A" have possibly planted on the computer to interest the police this much? Aria, Emily, Hanna and Spencer may soon get another example of what happens to people they involve in "A's" game. Meanwhile, Aria learns what Holden's been keeping a secret as Byron starts to question the relationship.

The episode was rated 8.05 from 539 votes.

Pretty Little Liars - S2E14

#4 - Through Many Dangers, Toils and Snares (Season 2 - Episode 14)


A month has passed on "Pretty Little Liars" since Aria, Emily, Hanna and Spencer were arrested and a lot has changed in Rosewood, and with the girls. No longer the mighty four best friends, the Liars are at each others' throats and Emily has been iced out completely. But what could have divided them so severely? Has "A" finally won the game of divide and conquer? With Emily now truly on her own, is she ripe for "A's" picking?

The episode was rated 8.11 from 555 votes.

Pretty Little Liars - S2E12

#3 - Over My Dead Body (Season 2 - Episode 12)

Aria, Emily, Hanna and Spencer have made a crucial mistake — they told someone about "A" and now they must pay the price. With the clock ticking and "A" calling the shots, the girls are sent on missions to do "A's" bidding in order to save their trusted confidant. Each mission will ultimately lead to what the four liars want the most, but at a costly price to their loved ones and themselves. Can Aria, Emily, Hanna and Spencer go through with their given tasks in order to save one, or will they ignore "A" to save those around them from being hurt? And ultimately, will this matter when all is said and done? Nothing is ever as it seems in Rosewood, PA.

The episode was rated 8.12 from 585 votes.

Pretty Little Liars - S2E24

#2 - If These Dolls Could Talk (Season 2 - Episode 24)


Aria, Emily, Hanna and Spencer search for the meaning of new clues leads them to a doll hospital that holds some very familiar looking dolls and a little boy that knows more than he leads onto. But what would bring Ali to such a creepy and weird location on her hunt for "A?" And what can the four girls learn about the secrets that are stashed away on the shelves between forgotten playmates? Meanwhile, Jenna’s surgery brings about more than just the possibility of regaining her sight.

The episode was rated 8.23 from 526 votes.

Pretty Little Liars - S2E25

#1 - unmAsked (Season 2 - Episode 25)

Rosewood's Junior League Masquerade Gala is the perfect setting for "A's" next game of cat and mouse with his/her favorite targets. But with Aria, Emily, Hanna and Spencer fast on his/her heels, will this game be "A's" last?

The episode was rated 8.46 from 576 votes.

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