Robot Chicken

10 Worst Episodes of Robot Chicken

A series of pop-culture parodies using stop-motion animation of toys, action figures and dolls. The title character was an ordinary chicken until he was run down by a car and subsequently brought back to life in cyborg form by mad scientist Fritz Huhnmorder, who tortures Robot Chicken by forcing him to watch a random selection of TV shows, the sketches that make up the body of each episode.

Written by Sophie and last updated on feb 12, 2023.

PS: The following content contains spoilers!

PPS: I will admit that parts of this page was written with the help of AI - it makes my work so much easier to not start from a blank page!

Robot Chicken - S10E20

#10 - Endgame (Season 10 - Episode 20)

The Super, Extra-Special, One of a Kind, 200th episode spectacular! The Robot Chicken crew finally reveals everything you wanted to know about his experiment with the chicken, the chair, and the televisions.

The episode was rated 7.05 from 38 votes.

Robot Chicken - S10E18

#9 - Sundancer Craig in: 30% of the Way to Crying (Season 10 - Episode 18)


Rita Repulsa finally figures out a way to take down The Power Rangers. We get to see Freddy Krueger's worst nightmare. The Robot Chicken crew reveals the monster from Bird Box. We get to see a different viewpoint from the movie Predator.

The episode was rated 7.04 from 80 votes.

Robot Chicken - S9E1

#8 - Freshly Baked: The Robot Chicken Santa Claus Pot Cookie Freakout Special: Special Edition (Season 9 - Episode 1)

Santa experiences a memorable Christmas; the elves dream of the simple toys of holidays past; Krampus puts in a good word for the coal industry; St. Nick meets his idol.

The episode was rated 7.04 from 28 votes.

Robot Chicken - S11E5

#7 - May Cause the Exact Thing You're Taking This to Avoid (Season 11 - Episode 5)


The Robot Chicken writers think Disney is running out of classics to remake; Luke Skywalker is a little too comfy inside that Taunaun; Midsommars' big problem was it wasn't cute enough.

The episode was rated 7.03 from 68 votes.

Robot Chicken - S1E18

#6 - The Sack (Season 1 - Episode 18)

It's Alien vs. Predator on the battleground of love in a special episode of "First Date". Frogger creates a huge car wreck in this episode. See what the future holds in the Carousel of Tomorrow. Popeye experiences a world without his hamburger-leeching friend in "It's a Wimpy-Filled Life." The modern video game Halo invades the old-school classic Donkey Kong. The cereal spokesbunny Stix Rabbit finds himself a new way to make a buck.

The episode was rated 7.02 from 106 votes.

Robot Chicken - S10E16

#5 - Ghandi Mulholland in: Plastic Doesn't Get Cancer (Season 10 - Episode 16)


Good Will Hunting goes Goodwill Hunting. Pennywise the clown shows off some new moves. A Fortnite contractor is hired to build a house. And the RC crew reimagines the show Pete & Pete.

The episode was rated 6.99 from 88 votes.

Robot Chicken - S11E6

#4 - May Cause One Year of Orange Poop (Season 11 - Episode 6)

Robot Chicken shows you how Batman Beyond's training goes way beyond Batman's training; A deleted scene makes Cats a masterpiece; Bitch Pudding is determined to bring it on!

The episode was rated 6.86 from 72 votes.

Robot Chicken - S10E15

#3 - Buster Olive in: The Monkey Got Closer Overnight (Season 10 - Episode 15)


Tyrion Lannister learns the true meaning of winter is coming; Blade tries to slice his way into informercials; Inside Out Boy goes to college; the "Robot Chicken" writers show what happens when "Halloween" meets "Home Alone."

The episode was rated 6.85 from 68 votes.

Robot Chicken - S11E13

#2 - Happy Russian Deathdog Dolloween 2 U (Season 11 - Episode 13)

In this terribly terrific Robot Chicken tale, treasure the trials and tribulations of a time-twisted teenager's toxic tussle with tons of terror on, uh, Halloween!

The episode was rated 6.77 from 66 votes.

Robot Chicken - S10E14

#1 - Petless M in: Cars Are Couches of the Road (Season 10 - Episode 14)


The RC writers imagine Harry Potter as a 70’s sitcom. The future looks bleak for Nostradamus’s assistant. We answer the question of what’s underneath Abe Lincoln’s hat. And the Jonas brothers learn they are more than just brothers.

The episode was rated 6.74 from 73 votes.

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