A spinoff of The Goldbergs set in the 1990s that follows Lainey and the faculty of William Penn Academy who, despite their eccentricities and crazy personal lives, are heroes to their students.
Written by Sophie and last updated on mar 27, 2021.
PS: The following content contains spoilers!
PPS: I will admit that parts of this page was written with the help of AI - it makes my work so much easier to not start from a blank page!
It's 1990-something, and since Lainey still hasn't achieved rock ‘n' roll greatness, she returns to William Penn Academy as the new music teacher. Lainey has a hard time adjusting to being an authority figure, but she realizes she might not be so bad at it when she discovers a kindred spirit in Principal Glascott's niece, Felicia. Meanwhile, Coach Mellor struggles with Michael Jordan's influence on modern-day basketball.
The episode was rated 7.43 from 325 votes.
When Lainey starts to teach the easy A course for jocks, Coach Mellor challenges her to expect more from his athletes. After CB points out Felicia needs to beef up her resume for college, Glascott bribes his niece to run for class president
The episode was rated 7.43 from 176 votes.
Hoping to improve the football team's chances at winning the title, Coach Mellor and Principal Glascott recruit star soccer player Felicia to kick field goals. But soon, she is treated like one of the guys, which affects her relationship with fellow player Reza. Meanwhile, CB chaperones an overnight ski trip and hopes to get in some quality time with Lainey but is constantly thwarted by socially awkward Tom Scott.
The episode was rated 7.42 from 146 votes.
Coach Mellor is cracking down on cheating, which leads him to take on the failing mathletes for the upcoming Math Olympiad. Meanwhile, Lainey helps CB deal with a challenging student.
The episode was rated 7.37 from 213 votes.
Coming off the musical success of "Rent" last year, Lainey is asked to direct a school production of "The Lion King," but she fears she can't top herself. Meanwhile, Coach Mellor's athletic records may soon be broken, so he must find a way to keep his name in the spotlight.
The episode was rated 7.36 from 126 votes.
Lainey and Glascott encounter an overbearing parent and enlist the help of Beverly Goldberg; Mellor realizes he might want to be a father after C.B. shows him how to care for confiscated digital pets.
The episode was rated 7.33 from 209 votes.
Cool parent Greg distracts CB from being a good teacher to help his son Weasel receive extra credit, while former Principal Ball is upset at Principal Glascott when he approves the use of Ball's parking spot as a community garden.
The episode was rated 7.32 from 106 votes.
After two students show up to school dressed in backward clothes, a la Kris Kross, Lainey tries to get kids to conform to social norms to protect them from ridicule while CB encourages them to embrace their uniqueness. Meanwhile, Principal Glascott struggles to say no to his teachers and disappointing his friends, so he enlists the help of Mellor to lay down the law.
The episode was rated 7.27 from 167 votes.
When a bad flu epidemic hits William Penn, Coach Mellor is sent to his sick bed and Principal Glascott must step it up as the wrestling coach with the Jenkintown Cup on the line. Meanwhile, Lainey thinks she can easily pass a class taught by CB, yet it's anything but.
The episode was rated 7.25 from 140 votes.
Hoping to gain respect among her colleagues at school, Lainey comes up with a misguided plan to give an awkward and insecure student a full makeover. Meanwhile, Principal Glascott and Coach Mellor take friendly competition to a new level when they are both romantically interested in the math teacher.
The episode was rated 7.19 from 254 votes.
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