Star vs. the Forces of Evil

10 Best Episodes of Star vs. the Forces of Evil - Season 2

Intergalactic warrior Star Butterfly arrives on Earth to live with the Diaz family. She continues to battle villains throughout the universe and high school, mainly to protect her extremely powerful wand, an object that still confuses her.

Written by Sophie and last updated on jan 26, 2023.

PS: The following content contains spoilers!

PPS: I will admit that parts of this page was written with the help of AI - it makes my work so much easier to not start from a blank page!

Star vs. the Forces of Evil - S2E26

#15 - Naysaya (Season 2 - Episode 26)

Marco shyly tries to ask Jackie Lynn Thomas out on a date, but finds that he is blurting out embarrassing things about himself. He then discovers he has sprouted a small little head out of the side of his neck that is saying all those things. It is a Naysaya, a curse that Tom had placed on Marco so that Marco would not be able to ask out Star. The Naysaya can only go away when it is appeased, so Marco tries giving it what it wants, which is some cereal, but it doesn't go away. Marco meets Jackie again but the Naysaya starts to act up, so Marco decides to spill out all his insecurities in front of Jackie.

The episode was rated 7.96 from 56 votes.

Star vs. the Forces of Evil - S2E2

#14 - Ludo in the Wild (Season 2 - Episode 2)


After the destruction of his castle, Ludo is thrown into the cosmos by Star and lands in a forested location. He competes with a giant spider as they go ice fishing. When a bag of potato chips is found, he and the giant spider fight until he wins. He also tames a bald eagle. When he spots Star in the woods, he chases her until he realizes he is back on Mewni. He also obtains a wand of his own which holds the other half of Star's wand magic.

The episode was rated 8.02 from 125 votes.

Star vs. the Forces of Evil - S2E35

#13 - The Hard Way (Season 2 - Episode 35)

Glossaryck agrees to teach Ludo stuff from the Book of Spells. He first makes Ludo do some physical exercises as Ludo wanted to learn the hard way. Ludo learns and masters a levitation spell and is quite proud of his accomplishment. But when he learns there is a secret chapter that Glossaryck withheld from him but showed Star, he makes Glossaryck unlock them. Ludo reads the forbidden chapter and gains some dark magic, but when he talks with Glossaryck, he now has the voice of Toffee, who has possessed him.

The episode was rated 8.07 from 58 votes.

Star vs. the Forces of Evil - S2E15

#12 - Game of Flags (Season 2 - Episode 15)


During a reunion between Star's parents' families – the Butterflies and the Johansens – Star is placed at the kids' table. The two families compete in Flags, a king of the hill game where whoever plants their flag atop a dangerous hill full of obstacles gets to look down on the rival family members for a year. Against the wishes of her mother, Star fashions a decoy at the table and participates in Flags. Marco tries to keep up with Star and later tries to convince her to stop when he realizes how serious the participants are in winning.

The episode was rated 8.09 from 132 votes.

Star vs. the Forces of Evil - S2E28

#11 - Raid the Cave (Season 2 - Episode 28)

Star tries to find Ludo and retrieve the Book of Spells. She packs a large amount of stuff and goes to Buff Frog, who gives Star and Marco a map of Ludo's hideout. There they find some monsters that have taken over the place but see no sign of Ludo. Star uses the seeing eye spell to find Glossaryck and pleads for him to come back, but he refuses, saying that he has to follow Ludo now.

The episode was rated 8.12 from 113 votes.

Star vs. the Forces of Evil - S2E23

#10 - Into the Wand (Season 2 - Episode 23)


Star's wand malfunctions, making a mess of her spell casting. Glossaryck tells Star that the way to fix it is to go inside the wand and to fetch the item that does not belong. Star finds that the inside is connected to her memories, but when she gets distracted she loses touch with Glossaryck, and must find the item before her duplicate selves overwrite her past memories. She eventually finds the item in a room highlighting her mother's lineage.

The episode was rated 8.15 from 111 votes.

Star vs. the Forces of Evil - S2E19

#9 - Friendenemies (Season 2 - Episode 19)

Tom invites Marco to a movie marathon featuring Mackie Hands, Marco's favorite kung-fu film star. They start to become friends on the way there after learning they both like Mackie Hands and a band called Love Sentence, but when Marco wants to leave to catch the marathon, Tom refuses to let him go, and gets angry, voiding his chance to earn an anger management graduation badge. Tom apologizes and tries to win back Marco with a Love Sentence song, and then raises Mackie Hands from the dead. Although they cannot get into the theatre, Tom and Marco watch Mackie lay a beatdown on the movie's security guards.

The episode was rated 8.20 from 128 votes.

Star vs. the Forces of Evil - S2E30

#8 - Baby (Season 2 - Episode 30)


Star's parents send a fairy godmother named Baby to evaluate Star, who takes the task seriously, as failing the eval would mean she would have to return to Mewni. At first, Star cleans up her room, shoving stuff in closets or dimensional pockets, but when Baby starts asking Star questions, and things start falling out of the pockets, Star's responses are met with the same neutral phrase "Interesting." followed by jotting down of notes. Meanwhile Marco tries to help Star by bringing Baby food. Baby then asks Star to bring her an apple using magic, but Star fails to do the task despite repeated tries. Baby concludes that Star failed, but Star tries one last time and ends up using the apple seeds to grow an apple tree which drops an apple for Baby. Star's parents learn from Baby that despite not being organized, losing the book of spells, and failing to do simple spells, Star has magic potential way ahead of when her mother was her age, and might even be comparable to Queen Eclipsa.

The episode was rated 8.23 from 110 votes.

Star vs. the Forces of Evil - S2E39

#7 - Just Friends (Season 2 - Episode 39)

Star surprises Marco with tickets to a Love Sentence concert, but also invites Jackie. When Star and Jackie start having fun together, Marco starts to feel jealous and wants them to go on without him, but Jackie convinces him otherwise. At the concert Jackie and Marco engage in a kiss, which results in Star running off out of jealousy. As Star leaves the concert, she fires a blast of tainted magic, destroying a billboard.

The episode was rated 8.27 from 79 votes.

Star vs. the Forces of Evil - S2E25

#6 - Page Turner (Season 2 - Episode 25)


Glossaryck lets Star pick any page in the book to learn some new magic. Star chooses a mysterious chapter, but Glossaryck tells her it is very dark magic and that he will only let her get a short peek at the page. However, Glossaryck is summoned to the Bureau of Magic; he tells Star not to turn to that page, and his consciousness is dragged away into another dimension. While Glossaryck must deal with a not-so-helpful receptionist and has a difficult time getting to the top floor because the magic system is "on the fritz", Star is tempted to turn the page, and enlists Marco to help do it.

The episode was rated 8.29 from 91 votes.

Star vs. the Forces of Evil - S2E27

#5 - Bon Bon the Birthday Clown (Season 2 - Episode 27)

Star and Janna plan a sΓ©ance to bring back the spirit of Bon Bon, a clown who had died 100 years ago, but the event coincides with a school dance that Star had planned to go with Marco. Star lets Marco go to the dance with Jackie, who finds the dance boring but changes it to a date instead at a park. During the seance, when Janna falls asleep, Star checks up on Marco with a spy spell, only to find that he and Jackie are having a good time together, which makes her jealous. Star is surprised by Ludo, who steals Star's spellbook. Marco and Jackie share a kiss, but when they hear Star in trouble they rush to help her. They pull Star from being sucked through a portal. Glossaryck wakes up to find Ludo as his new master.

The episode was rated 8.45 from 118 votes.

Star vs. the Forces of Evil - S2E40

#4 - Face the Music (Season 2 - Episode 40)


The songstrell Ruberiot is ordered to write a song about Star for the tradition of Song Day, but Star is reluctant to participate because it portrays princesses as being perfect. Ruberiot ultimately convinces her to let him write a song about the real her, but inadvertently reveals to the people of Mewni that Star lost the book of spells, and that she has a crush on Marco.

The episode was rated 8.46 from 128 votes.

Star vs. the Forces of Evil - S2E22

#3 - Spider with a Top Hat (Season 2 - Episode 22)

Spider With a Top Hat has been entertaining Star's wand monsters at a party. Afterwards, he tries to learn a fighting move where he tries to blast through a wall. Despite getting training from Narwahl and Rock, he is unable to break through the wall. The other monsters are summoned for a fight but they are beaten up. Encouraged by Rock's words, Spider is finally called to fight a monster'.

The episode was rated 8.48 from 81 votes.

Star vs. the Forces of Evil - S2E41

#2 - Starcrushed (Season 2 - Episode 41)


At the Echo Creek graduation party, Marco struggles to reconnect with Star after the events of Face the Music. While Queen Moon invades Ludo's new castle with the Magic High Commission, Star is convinced by her friends to ditch the graduation party and instead attend a party with Oskar. Meanwhile, Toffee takes possession of Ludo's body and regrows his severed arm from Ludo's wand, draining the magic of the Magic High Commission and nearly killing Queen Moon. When Star returns, Queen Moon informs her that they will have to leave Earth. Star confesses to Marco about her feelings for him and tearfully leaves him forever.

The episode was rated 8.59 from 138 votes.

Star vs. the Forces of Evil - S2E31

#1 - Running with Scissors (Season 2 - Episode 31)

Marco borrows Star's Dimensional Scissors to find a place to walk the laser puppies, but he soon becomes accustomed to its conveniences, opening a bunch of portals from his bed to access things. Hekapoo, the forger of all of the Dimensional Scissors, pulls Marco into her dimension and confiscates the Scissors as they did not belong to him or Star (Pony Head had stolen them and gave them to Star). Marco must earn the scissors by having to blow out the flame atop Hekapoo's head. Star goes to Hekapoo's dimension to recover Marco, who had chased Hekapoo for 16 years before winning the challenge. When they return, Marco reverts to his teenage body as only a few minutes have passed on Earth time.

The episode was rated 8.68 from 71 votes.

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