The Fortress

10 Best Episodes of The Fortress - Season 3

Borgen (The Government) is a drama series about the fight for political power – and about the personal sacrifices and consequences this has for those involved on and behind the political stage The central figure is the 40-year old political leader Birgitte Nyborg, who through her idealism and huge effort secures her party a landslide victory and thus faces the biggest challenge of her life: how most effectively to use the newly won seats, and how far she is willing to go in order to gain as much influence as possible. Privately, Birgitte leads a happy family life with her husband and two children. She is a woman with a burning commitment, a big heart and little time. Will she be able to be a successful and professional top politician and stay true to herself at the same time?

Written by Sophie and last updated on oct 09, 2020.

PS: The following content contains spoilers!

PPS: I will admit that parts of this page was written with the help of AI - it makes my work so much easier to not start from a blank page!

The Fortress - S3E6

#10 - Sons of the Past (Season 3 - Episode 6)

The New Democrats finally have enough signatures to run for Parliament but need more candidates. Birgitte suggests economics professor Soren Ravn, but not all of the candidates in the party share her enthusiasm about him as he is very left-wing, and had previously been a member of the Communist Party. When the press catch on to this, they dig up his past and put him under intense personal pressure. Meanwhile, Birgitte receives bad news from the doctor which she tries to conceal from those around here. At TV1, viewing figures are up which has pleased the management, but the newsroom staff are unhappy with the changes in the programmes. Torben is under pressure both at work and at home, but is offered sympathy from his colleague Pia.

The episode was rated 7.80 from 137 votes.

The Fortress - S3E5

#9 - Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery (Season 3 - Episode 5)


There is unrest amongst the New Democrats when the sex trade is placed on the agenda. In Copenhagen, police have found three women who have been locked up and forced to have sex against their will. The case causes the political parties to discuss the need for a law prohibiting the purchase of sex in Denmark. During the negotiations on the bill, however, Birgitte requests time for reflection when she becomes in doubt about what prostitutes themselves actually want or need. This comes as a disappointment to Katrine, who supports a rapid ban. Torben's problems escalate when his boss, Alex, finds out about his affair. Katrine and Kasper work out where it all went wrong in their relationship. Birgitte wonders whether to introduce Jeremy to her children, while he has concerns for her health.

The episode was rated 7.80 from 148 votes.

The Fortress - S3E3

#8 - The Right Shade of Brown (Season 3 - Episode 3)

Chaos and confusion rule in the party rooms of the New Democrats. Chaos also rules at home as Gustav is sick, and Birgitte and the children move into a new, cheaper apartment. Birgitte has a problem with one of her hands.

The episode was rated 7.81 from 144 votes.

The Fortress - S3E1

#7 - A Child of Denmark (Season 3 - Episode 1)


Birgitte Nyborg has left politics and is now a well-paid speaker and sits on several boards. Her old friend Bent Sejro tries to persuade her to re-enter politics. Katrine Fonsmark and Kasper Juul juggle their careers and parenthood as well as their volatile relationship.

The episode was rated 7.93 from 145 votes.

The Fortress - S3E4

#6 - Their Loss... (Season 3 - Episode 4)

Birgitte's English boyfriend falls ill after eating pork as the government are trying to relax the rules applying to Danish pig farms. Birgitte argues for protecting citizens, not the industry.

The episode was rated 7.98 from 145 votes.

The Fortress - S3E7

#5 - The Fall (Season 3 - Episode 7)


When prime minister Lars Hesselboe calls a general election, he takes everyone by surprise. TV1 swing into action, as do the political parties. However, with Birgitte undergoing daily radiation treatment, she is already struggling to keep up with work. How long can she keep making excuses and keep her illness a secret?

The episode was rated 8.06 from 146 votes.

The Fortress - S3E2

#4 - The Land is Built on Law (Season 3 - Episode 2)

Birgitte decides to start a new party. At TV1, Torben Friis is under pressure to report less bad news.

The episode was rated 8.07 from 149 votes.

The Fortress - S3E8

#3 - If You Never Change Your Mind (Season 3 - Episode 8)


As election day nears, Birgitte comes clean to her party about her recent performance. Meanwhile, unable to make their mark with the opposition's policies, the New Democrats try to highlight the differences between their party and the Moderates. But when Jacob Kruse steals a key policy, a mole is suspected within the party.

The episode was rated 8.08 from 132 votes.

The Fortress - S3E9

#2 - Sense and Sensibility (Season 3 - Episode 9)

With the general election nearing, the mudslinging begins. Can Birgitte keep both her integrity and win votes? Can TV1 win viewers with their new election debate format?

The episode was rated 8.23 from 142 votes.

The Fortress - S3E10

#1 - The Election (Season 3 - Episode 10)


The day of the election finally arrives. However, politics is not the only thing on Birgitte's mind.

The episode was rated 8.38 from 152 votes.

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