The Midnight Club

10 Best Episodes of The Midnight Club

At a manor with a mysterious history, the 8 members of the Midnight Club meet each night at midnight to tell sinister stories – and to look for signs of the supernatural from the beyond.

Written by Sophie and last updated on feb 04, 2023.

PS: The following content contains spoilers!

PPS: I will admit that parts of this page was written with the help of AI - it makes my work so much easier to not start from a blank page!

The Midnight Club - S1E4

#10 - Gimme a Kiss (Season 1 - Episode 4)

The club explores a hidden chamber, where Sandra's unsettled by items in the room. A voice calls to Spence through the intercom. Anya sees a dark shadow.

The episode was rated 7.16 from 144 votes.

The Midnight Club - S1E10

#9 - Midnight (Season 1 - Episode 10)


Dr. Stanton reprimands Ilonka the following morning, revealing more about Julia Jayne. Sandra says her goodbyes. At long last, Kevin concludes his story.

The episode was rated 7.20 from 98 votes.

The Midnight Club - S1E1

#8 - The Final Chapter (Season 1 - Episode 1)

When cancer cancels her plans for college, star student Ilonka finds a sliver of hope at Brightcliffe, a mysterious hospice for terminally ill teens.

The episode was rated 7.24 from 262 votes.

The Midnight Club - S1E3

#7 - The Wicked Heart (Season 1 - Episode 3)


Family Day at Brightcliffe brings news from home — but not for everyone. A series of strange clues lead Ilonka down a path of startling discoveries.

The episode was rated 7.39 from 161 votes.

The Midnight Club - S1E5

#6 - See You Later (Season 1 - Episode 5)

Ilonka digs deeper into Brightcliffe's mysteries — and receives an unexpected gift. Later that night, the club gathers for Amesh's "Death Day" party.

The episode was rated 7.39 from 126 votes.

The Midnight Club - S1E2

#5 - The Two Danas (Season 1 - Episode 2)


Anya brings bitterness to a tense group therapy session, and Ilonka meets a healer on the grounds. A deep cut sends a shaken Spencer to the infirmary

The episode was rated 7.47 from 197 votes.

The Midnight Club - S1E9

#4 - The Eternal Enemy (Season 1 - Episode 9)

Kevin confesses he's been seeing things. Dispiriting news sends Ilonka away from Brightcliffe, but an optimistic Shasta urges her to go back.

The episode was rated 7.47 from 96 votes.

The Midnight Club - S1E6

#3 - Witch (Season 1 - Episode 6)


With Anya's health hanging in the balance, Ilonka and the others move quickly to perform a ritual from the Midnight Club's past.

The episode was rated 7.58 from 120 votes.

The Midnight Club - S1E7

#2 - Anya (Season 1 - Episode 7)

Anya's eyes open to a strange new reality. Ilonka blames herself for a crushing loss... then overhears a conversation that could change everything.

The episode was rated 7.75 from 110 votes.

The Midnight Club - S1E8

#1 - Road to Nowhere (Season 1 - Episode 8)


Armed with new information, Ilonka is determined to find answers. Shasta extends an intriguing offer. The club convenes to find the library doors locked.

The episode was rated 7.87 from 100 votes.

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