The Outer Limits

10 Worst Episodes of The Outer Limits

Anthology series of composed of distinct story episodes, sometimes with a plot twist at the end, with occasional recurring story elements that were often tied together during season-finale clip shows.

Written by Sophie and last updated on jan 20, 2023.

PS: The following content contains spoilers!

PPS: I will admit that parts of this page was written with the help of AI - it makes my work so much easier to not start from a blank page!

The Outer Limits - S1E22

#10 - The Voice of Reason (Season 1 - Episode 22)

A civilian with strong ties to the military tries desperately to use concrete evidence to convince a high level committee that alien forces are trying to overcome the human race.

The episode was rated 7.08 from 51 votes.

The Outer Limits - S7E22

#9 - Human Trials (Season 7 - Episode 22)


A decorated soldier undergoes life-and-death tests for a mysterious mission.

The episode was rated 7.07 from 28 votes.

The Outer Limits - S6E4

#8 - Manifest Destiny (Season 6 - Episode 4)

The UFS Mercury is in route to the planet Trion to do scientific tests in preparation to establish a colony when they get a distress call from a battleship, the UFS Rhesos. It was only weeks ago the the Rhesos dropped bombs on Trion, killing the local flora and fauna, making it ready for colonization. When the crew of the Mercury boards the Rhesos, they quickly realize that things are not as they should be.

The episode was rated 7.05 from 40 votes.

The Outer Limits - S6E14

#7 - Abaddon (Season 6 - Episode 14)


It's late in the 23rd century and the aging interplanetary hauling vehicle Pequod is on a ten-year reclamation project on behalf of The Company, the corporation that has run North America since 2102. The crew is tucked away in hyper-sleep when the ship comes across a mysterious object floating in space. Awakened from their artificial slumber, they retrieve the pod and are shocked to discover the body of Virgil Nygard, executed 150 years earlier for leading his militia in the slaughter of more than a million people. They are even more shocked to discover that Nygard is alive.

The episode was rated 7.03 from 40 votes.

The Outer Limits - S2E3

#6 - Unnatural Selection (Season 2 - Episode 3)

Howard and Joanne Sharp are going to have a baby. Like many people in the near future, they are mulling over the possibility of black-market genetic enhancement. The upside is a perfect baby, able to compete with all those other perfect babies created by the popular, but illegal process. The downside is GRS - Genetic Rejection Syndrome - which turns one in every 10,000 genetically enhanced babies into a monster. The Sharps are willing to take the risk and go ahead with the procedure. Then they learn of the dark secret that their neighbors and best friends, Tony and Fran Blake, keep in the basement.

The episode was rated 7.02 from 49 votes.

The Outer Limits - S3E3

#5 - Re-generation (Season 3 - Episode 3)


After their four-year-old son Justin dies in a household accident aspiring politician Graham Highfield and his wife Rebecca get a second chance at happiness. Dr. Lucy Cole clones a new embryo from Justin's brain and nerve cells and implants it in Rebecca's womb. As the pregnancy progresses, however, it becomes clear to Rebecca that this isn't just any fetus -- this is Justin himself, a fetus with the skills -- and the memories -- of a little boy. As he shares those memories with his mother, Justin reveals secrets that may destroy the whole family.

The episode was rated 6.97 from 35 votes.

The Outer Limits - S5E21

#4 - Star Crossed (Season 5 - Episode 21)

It is 2056, six years after the Hing, a humanoid race, invaded earth. While America fights on, Russia has reached an uneasy truce with the aliens, leaving some regions under their control and other declared neutral. In the neutral city of Archangel on the Barent Sea, cynical American expatriate Michael Ryan (Nathan Fillion) runs Heaven, a small coffee bar and music club, where shady Russians mingle with Hing soldiers and other dubious characters. Everything is agreeably corrupt until Alexandra Nevsky (Natasha Vasiluk) informs Michael that Hing commander Sulat Ray (Derek de Lint) is on the lookout for two NATO soldiers who might be interested in buying a Hing scout vehicle has gone missing. Those soldiers, Winston Meyerburg (Justin Louis) and Cass Trenton (Angeline Ball) have dodged Hing patrols and found their way Michael's bar. Cass, who was Michael's lover before the war - she only took up with Winston because she thought he was dead - suspects Michael can g

The episode was rated 6.92 from 25 votes.

The Outer Limits - S5E9

#3 - What Will the Neighbors Think? (Season 5 - Episode 9)


Mona Bailey (Jane Adams) lives with her husband Ned (Peter Outerbridge) in the Clackson Arms, an old apartment building that is being taken over, apartment by apartment, by a mysterious developer called KM Inc. Mona is a hypochondriac, an able-bodied woman who rides a wheelchair, who treats the Physician's Desk Reference like a personal bible and who has not left the building in six months for fear of catching a disease. One day she backs her wheelchair into an electrical box and gets a shock, leaving her hearing strange voices and seeing bodies dropping out of windows. At first she thinks she's going crazy, but as the voices get louder, she realizes that she is hearing her neighbor's thoughts. Suddenly, she is privy to all their secrets. She knows that Dom Pardo (Garwin Sanford) likes to wear the panties of the women he seduces, like Shirley (April Telek) and Delia (Tabitha St. Germain). She knows Shirley's husband Vince (Brent Stait) suspects his wife is hav

The episode was rated 6.90 from 30 votes.

The Outer Limits - S6E10

#2 - Down to Earth (Season 6 - Episode 10)

The true believers have gathered once again for the North American UFO Convention where there are typically squabbles, petty betrayals and egotistical grandstanding. Max Buford has in his possession what appears to be afragment from an alien spaceship. Max's arrival causes a flurry of activity, as the fragment's true origins are thrown into question.

The episode was rated 6.86 from 37 votes.

The Outer Limits - S5E11

#1 - Ripper (Season 5 - Episode 11)


In Victorian London, someone is killing prostitutes, someone the police have dubbed ""Jack the Ripper."" On the face of it, John C.V. York (Cary Elwes) is a likely suspect. A once-respected doctor who sunk to absinthe and laudanum addiction after his misdiagnosis killed the young daughter of a Duke. He retains a connection to polite society thanks to the devotion of Lady Ellen Chamberlain (Clare Sims), who loves him and hopes to marry him. But, he is also a habitue of the seedy district where the killings have taken place and has the medical knowledge to make the precise, surgical cuts that are the Ripper's modus operandi. But, this Jack is not the killer. Instead, he is a witness to the strange alien force that inhabits the prostitute's bodies, leaving them drooling a strange green bile, and then kills them when it jumps to another host. After seeing the alien force kill one woman, he does battle with a prostitute named Lizzie Stride, whose body has been taken

The episode was rated 6.55 from 20 votes.

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