The Profit

10 Best Episodes of The Profit - Season 4

When Marcus Lemonis isn’t running his multi-billion dollar company, Camping World, he goes on the hunt for struggling businesses that are desperate for cash and ripe for a deal. In the past 10 years, he’s successfully turned around over 100 companies. Now he’s bringing those skills to CNBC and doing something no one has ever done on TV before … he’s putting millions of dollars of his own money on the line. In each episode, Lemonis makes an offer that’s impossible to refuse; his cash for a piece of the business and a percentage of the profits. And once inside these companies, he’ll do almost anything to save the business and make himself a profit; even if it means firing the president, promoting the secretary or doing the work himself. [CNBC]

Written by Sophie and last updated on feb 08, 2023.

PS: The following content contains spoilers!

PPS: I will admit that parts of this page was written with the help of AI - it makes my work so much easier to not start from a blank page!

The Profit - S4E9

#15 - Bowery Kitchen Supplies (Season 4 - Episode 9)

A beloved kitchen supply store in Manhattan faces extinction after its owners' divorce. If Marcus can't figure out a way to get them working together, the deal may go up in smoke.

The episode was rated 7.61 from 107 votes.

The Profit - S4E10

#14 - Los Gemelos (Season 4 - Episode 10)


A Mexican-American's tortilla business is being decimated by big competitors. Marcus will team up with George Lopez and the owner to develop products and make this American dream a reality.

The episode was rated 7.61 from 114 votes.

The Profit - S4E17

#13 - Hip Pops (Season 4 - Episode 17)

Marcus helps a gelato popsicle company whose owner jumped the gun by starting a franchise business and now suffers from a waning work ethic.

The episode was rated 7.64 from 104 votes.

The Profit - S4E19

#12 - Top 10 Rules for Success (Season 4 - Episode 19)


Marcus Lemonis shares his top 10 most important rules for success while sharing key moments of past episodes.

The episode was rated 7.65 from 63 votes.

The Profit - S4E18

#11 - Zoe's Chocolate Co. (Season 4 - Episode 18)

A family-owned chocolate shop was started by three siblings in support of their chocolatier father; despite circumstances becoming desperate, the family is resistant to change.

The episode was rated 7.67 from 116 votes.

The Profit - S4E6

#10 - Murchison-Hume (Season 4 - Episode 6)


The owner of a cleaning product line is putting her business at risk with aristocratic marketing, high prices, and an unwillingness to face reality.

The episode was rated 7.68 from 108 votes.

The Profit - S4E13

#9 - Windward Boardshop (Season 4 - Episode 13)

A Chicago snowboard shop goes downhill after its owners try to expand too quickly and stop communicating with one another.

The episode was rated 7.68 from 102 votes.

The Profit - S4E4

#8 - Flex Watches (Season 4 - Episode 4)


A charity-centric watch business suffers from a rushed process, unfocused branding and emotional baggage.

The episode was rated 7.71 from 127 votes.

The Profit - S4E1

#7 - Farrell's Ice Cream Parlour Restaurants (Season 4 - Episode 1)

The fourth season begins with the revival of a well-known restaurant chain that didn't turn out like two business partners planned.

The episode was rated 7.72 from 158 votes.

The Profit - S4E15

#6 - Overtone Acoustics (Season 4 - Episode 15)


Marcus helps a sound-proofing company, started by two best friends, which has so little cash they must rely on unpaid volunteers.

The episode was rated 7.79 from 106 votes.

The Profit - S4E11

#5 - Susana Monaco (Season 4 - Episode 11)

Marcus helps a Manhattan-based fashion designer who is failing because she lets her family and co-workers overpower her.

The episode was rated 7.80 from 101 votes.

The Profit - S4E5

#4 - Honest Foods (Season 4 - Episode 5)


A Chicago catering company needs help after suffering a steep drop in sales and an owner who vents his frustration on the employees.

The episode was rated 7.80 from 127 votes.

The Profit - S4E16

#3 - Bodhi Leaf Coffee Traders (Season 4 - Episode 16)

Marcus helps a California entrepreneur who went all-in on a coffee business with no prior experience and got in over his head.

The episode was rated 7.81 from 107 votes.

The Profit - S4E7

#2 - Pacific Hospitality (Season 4 - Episode 7)


A Los Angeles furniture company struggles with old inventory and quality control.

The episode was rated 7.85 from 114 votes.

The Profit - S4E8

#1 - Tea2Go (Season 4 - Episode 8)

A father and son with a broken relationship are leading their tea shop franchise into dangerous territory. If Marcus can't get them to separate their business and personal lives, tea time will be over... for good.

The episode was rated 7.94 from 107 votes.

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