The Three Stooges

10 Best Episodes of The Three Stooges - Season 7

The Three Stooges were an American vaudeville and comedy team active from 1922 until 1970, best known for their 190 short subject films by Columbia Pictures that have been regularly airing on television since 1958. Their hallmark was physical farce and slapstick. In films, the stooges were commonly known by their actual first names. There were a total of six stooges over the act's run (with only three active at any given time), but Moe Howard and Larry Fine were the mainstays throughout the ensemble's nearly fifty-year run.

Written by Sophie and last updated on nov 20, 2021.

PS: The following content contains spoilers!

PPS: I will admit that parts of this page was written with the help of AI - it makes my work so much easier to not start from a blank page!

The Three Stooges - S7E1

#8 - You Nazty Spy! (Season 7 - Episode 1)

The King of Moronica is overthrown and the Three Stooges are chosen to take his place. When three politicians from a small country discover there is no money in peace, they decide to hire a paperhanger (Moe) as a puppet dictator. Classic Stooge short was the first Hollywood film to satirize the Nazis and Fascists from World War II (predated Charlie Chaplin’s “The Great Dictator” by 9 months). Due to its historical significance, this was known as the favorite Stooge short of Larry, Moe and Jules White. Much of the short reflects the American Public’s knowledge of affairs in Germany at that time. First Stooge appearance by Stooge supporting player John Tyrrell.

The episode was rated 8.47 from 15 votes.

The Three Stooges - S7E9

#7 - Boobs in Arms (Season 7 - Episode 9)


The stooges are greeting card salesmen who are mistakenly inducted into the army after escaping from the jealous husband of one of their customers. In bootcamp their sergeant turns out to be the same man, whom they constantly vex and bewilder. When the boys are sent to the front lines and the sergeant is captured they must rescue him, which they do after doping themselves with laughing gas. At the end they get shot off into the sunset on a cannon shell. Greeting card salesmen Larry, Moe and Curly hide from an irate man in what they think is a bread line and find themselves inducted into military service. Title is a parody of MGM film “Babes in Arms” (1939) starring Judy Garland and Mickey Rooney.

The episode was rated 8.53 from 15 votes.

The Three Stooges - S7E6

#6 - From Nurse to Worse (Season 7 - Episode 6)

The stooges' friend Jerry convinces them to buy an insurance policy on Curly and then have him act insane to collect. Moe and Larry put Curly on a leash and take him to the insurance doctor and have him act like a dog. But the plan backfires when the doctor wants to perform a brain operation on Curly.

The episode was rated 8.64 from 11 votes.

The Three Stooges - S7E8

#5 - Cookoo Cavaliers (Season 7 - Episode 8)


Messrs. Hook, Line and Sinker decide to get out of the fish business and into the saloon business. But their business broker mistakenly believes they want to buy a beauty salon, and sells them a dilapidated shop in Mexico. The stooges are three fish peddlers who, looking for a new business opportunity, open a beauty salon south of the border. Their first customers are some chorus girls from a local night club. After the stooges completely ruin the girl's hair, and their manager finds out, the boys must leave on the run.

The episode was rated 8.67 from 12 votes.

The Three Stooges - S7E4

#4 - Nutty but Nice (Season 7 - Episode 4)

Three bumbling waiters try to help a clinically depressed little girl by locating her kidnapped father. The Stooges operate a restaurant and try to help a little girl who becomes ill when her father, a bail bondsman, disappears with a lot of cash and the Stooges have to fight gangsters.

The episode was rated 8.67 from 12 votes.

The Three Stooges - S7E7

#3 - No Census, No Feeling (Season 7 - Episode 7)


The Stooges new jobs have them taking the census, from an afternoon society party to a local football game. Three gung-ho census-takers let nothing stand in the way of an accurate count,whether it be crashing a fancy bridge party,spiking drinks or invoking a riot at a professional football game.

The episode was rated 8.77 from 13 votes.

The Three Stooges - S7E3

#2 - A Plumbing We Will Go (Season 7 - Episode 3)

To escape the police, the stooges pose as plumbers and are hired to fix a leak in a fancy mansion. The Stooges are would-be plumbers and mistake pipes filled with wires for water pipes. One of the most popular Stooge shorts. Dudly Dickersons battle in the kitchen is a classic, as well as his famous line: “This house is sho goin crazy!” Later remade with Shemp in “Vagabond Loafers” (1949) and “Scheming Shemers” (1956).

The episode was rated 8.86 from 21 votes.

The Three Stooges - S7E5

#1 - How High is Up? (Season 7 - Episode 5)


The stooges are the 'Minute Menders', three tinkers who live under their car. The boys decide to drum up some business by punching holes in the unattended lunch boxes of some workmen. When they're caught in the act, they escape and accidentally get hired as riveters on a new building, working on the 97th floor. Their ineptitude and lousy workmanship screw up construction of the building and they must parachute off the building to escape the wrath of the boss. The Stooges secure construction jobs on a new building, but find they have to start on the 97th story!

The episode was rated 8.90 from 10 votes.

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