Best Episodes
The Tick: The Animated Series is an American animated television series adaptation of the New England Comics superhero, The Tick. The series debuted September 10, 1994 on the Fox network's Fox Kids block and was responsible for introducing the satirical comic book character to a mainstream audience. Lasting three seasons, the final episode aired on November 24, 1996. Since then, The Tick has been syndicated by various networks, further increasing the show's cult following, and has been released on both VHS and DVD. A live-action series was created in 2001.
Written by Sophie and last updated on oct 20, 2022.
PS: The following content contains spoilers!
PPS: I will admit that parts of this page was written with the help of AI - it makes my work so much easier to not start from a blank page!
Mr. Mental steals a device from Dr. Pendecker that lets him hypnotize Arthur and the Tick into thinking he's a baby so they'll protect him. Unfortunately, Mental leaves the device in the taxi and has to recover it.
The episode was rated 6.81 from 16 votes.
The Tick and Arthur end up in the distant past and uncover a diabolical plot by the Hotel Manager, a man from the future using prehistoric man as staff for his Hotel at the beginning of the universe. They manage to defeat him and free man's ancestors from a life of low-paying minimum wage jobs.
The episode was rated 7.07 from 15 votes.
The Deerfield Aztecs, a baseball team, crashed in Mexico and formed their own lost tribe of real Aztecs. They track their missing shortstop, Carmalita (Arthur's girlfriend) to America but grab Arthur instead. When the Tick and Carmalita pursue, the Aztecs and their leader Wally unleash ""Speak"", some kind of lowly animal that they intend to wed Arthur to. Tick takes a shine to ""Speak"" (as he names him) and he defeats the Aztecs and rescues Arthur.
The episode was rated 7.31 from 16 votes.
Dinosaur Neil, palaeontologist, curator of Dinosaur Grotto and one-time giant city-destroying mutant, is marrying Arthur's sister Dot. Chairface Chippendale, The Breadmaster and El Seed have other plans, though - plans which involve tampering with Neil's medication, man-eating bouquets, exploding wedding cake, and The Indigestible Man. And as if that wasn't enough, Neil's best man is... The Tick! It's up to our blue hero, Arthur and Dot to save Neil, with the aid of a submarine and 1,400 pounds of pungent raw meat...
The episode was rated 7.31 from 16 votes.
The Tick and Arthur are chosen to teach Superhero School and a classroom of unlikely heroes. They must rush into action to take on Uncle Creamy, a corporate mascot turned into a evil ice cream cone who strikes out at the company who made him. Meanwhile Uncle Creamy II attacks, trying to kill Uncle Creamy before he tells the heroes what the company is up to.
The episode was rated 7.38 from 16 votes.
The Tick is chosen for a superhero exchange program - he travels to Antwerp while Eclair comes to The City. While the Tick and Eclair's sidekick Blitzen foil a kidnap plot against the King of Belgium, Arthur and the lightning-blasting Eclair must defeat the Breadmaster and his Gingerbread men.
The episode was rated 7.38 from 13 votes.
The Tick and Arthur are invited to the Mad Scientist Fair to help Dr. Vahtoss try out his mind-transference device. Hilarity ensues when the two switch bodies. Chairface Chippendale moves in to try and steal the device and soon everyone is switching with everyone.
The episode was rated 7.53 from 15 votes.
Arhtur is annoyed at his failed attempts to lose weight and dismayed at how much of a wimp he is. When he and Tick defeat a villain named Evil, Arthur takes Evil's strength-enhancing belt. When Arthur wears it, he gains confidence and likes seeing himself with a muscular physique. While dating Carmalita, Arthur picks a fight with two guys to show his new strength and confidence. The Tick is called in to end the fight and he tangles with Arthur. In the end, Arthur must get rid of his strength belt to save his and Tick's life. Arthur realizes the addiction the belt gave him and tosses it away so that he can be himself.
The episode was rated 7.65 from 17 votes.
The Mustache, a U.S. secret weapon, escapes from the lab and tries to team up with its counterpart, the Russian Beard. In hot pursuit are Jim Rage and the Ladies of Project: Shave, so the Mustache takes refuge on the Tick's lip. Meanwhile, Dinosaur Neil and Dot plan for their marriage.
The episode was rated 7.72 from 18 votes.
Sewer Urchin battles his arch enemy, the Sewer Czar, earning the respect of his fellow superheroes.
The episode was rated 7.80 from 15 votes.
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