The Unit

10 Best Episodes of The Unit - Season 1

A covert team of special forces operatives risk their lives on undercover missions around the globe, while their wives maintain the homefront, protecting their husbands' secrets.

Written by Sophie and last updated on jan 12, 2023.

PS: The following content contains spoilers!

PPS: I will admit that parts of this page was written with the help of AI - it makes my work so much easier to not start from a blank page!

The Unit - S1E5

#13 - Non-Permissive Environment (Season 1 - Episode 5)

Jonas and the team carry out an assasination of a terrorist in Spain. However, they soon find out that the government called off the mission and will now not protect them in the country which means there only hope is to escape. Back at the base, Molly learns that her daughter Betsy wants to drop out of college and Kim thinks about taking a college course herself.

The episode was rated 7.73 from 252 votes.

The Unit - S1E2

#12 - Stress (Season 1 - Episode 2)


The team, minus Bob, are in search of a fallen Chinese satellite. This quickly turns into an opportunity to capture one of the world's most wanted terrorists. Meanwhile, Bob is questioned about the Unit's role in the rescue of the hijacked plane. Molly decides to visit the Unit's psychiatrist about the shooting at her home. Kim is frustrating about moving and then comforts a woman who has just learned her husband has died in combat.

The episode was rated 7.74 from 383 votes.

The Unit - S1E3

#11 - 200th Hour (Season 1 - Episode 3)

Jonas attempts to rescue a group of American missionaries in hiding in Indonesia. However, he soon realizes the mission is going to take more manpower then he expected. At the base, Mac ends up being shot by Bob during a training exercise and Molly, Kim and Tiffy prepare to host a visiting senator.

The episode was rated 7.78 from 302 votes.

The Unit - S1E11

#10 - Exposure (Season 1 - Episode 11)


Keith Soto returns to the base for a reunion and it's quickly discovered by Jonas and Col. Tom Ryan that he is a newspaper reporter who is writing an article that will expose the Unit. Jonas decides there is only one way to get him to not print the story. Meanwhile, with some help from Tiffy and Kim, Molly tracks down the woman who scammed $40,000 of the women's investment fund.

The episode was rated 7.80 from 199 votes.

The Unit - S1E4

#9 - True Believers (Season 1 - Episode 4)

The Unit is sent to Los Angeles to protect Mexico's drug minister who has been threatened with assassination and soon his wife and sons are kidnapped. At the base, a former Unit wife makes a return appearance in the hopes of luring the Unit members away. Tiffy is upset when Ryan orders Mack to take time off.

The episode was rated 7.81 from 275 votes.

The Unit - S1E1

#8 - First Responders (Season 1 - Episode 1)


The Unit is a covert team of U.S. Special Forces operatives who must undertake missions around the world. The latest newcomer is Bob Brown who joins Jonas' team and they set out to rescue an airliner filled with European businessmen who have been hijacked by terrorists. Meanwhile, Bob's wife Kim is struggling with how much control the Unit has on her own personal life.

The episode was rated 7.85 from 438 votes.

The Unit - S1E9

#7 - Eating the Young (Season 1 - Episode 9)

Jonas and his team must track down surface-to-air missles before they are smuggled out of Brazil after a deal with a drug lord falls through. Jonas gets help from a local boy who informs the team where the SAMs have been taken to be shipped. Meanwhile back on the base, Kim ends up causing even more trouble when she insists that the “Family Readiness Group” deals with what she deems more serious issues. Also, Williams tries to find a way to tell the woman he wants to marry that he is actually a Unit member and not a clerk on the base like she believes.

The episode was rated 7.86 from 220 votes.

The Unit - S1E12

#6 - Morale, Welfare and Recreation (Season 1 - Episode 12)


The Unit is called in to consult on a bomb planted in an Atlanta bank, but they soon learn that the bomb might be nuclear. Meanwhile, Bob and Kim decide to take a much needed vacation, but Kim soon discovers that Bob has whisked her away on a mission and wants her to help him out.

The episode was rated 7.91 from 213 votes.

The Unit - S1E8

#5 - SERE (Season 1 - Episode 8)

The Unit enters the SERE (Survival, Evasion, Resistance Escape) training course and they are lead to believe that they will be guards. The group is soon shocked to discover that they are actually the POWs for an undetermined amount of time.

The episode was rated 7.94 from 218 votes.

The Unit - S1E13

#4 - The Wall (Season 1 - Episode 13)


The Unit ends up detaining a former Yugoslav general who was wanted for war crimes and then allows lets the U.N. take credit for their capture. However, the criminal soon escapes U.N. custody and he is now seeking retaliation against Jonas for capturing him. Meanwhile at the base, Tiffy is convinced that Mack has decided to re-up with the Unit and she's thinking of divorcing him, and Kim is the recipient of some disturbing news.

The episode was rated 7.96 from 240 votes.

The Unit - S1E6

#3 - Security (Season 1 - Episode 6)

The Unit must try to get a listening device to an agent inside the Iranian embassy where U.S., Iranian, and Russian diplomats are meeting. Many are speculating that the Russians are attempting to sell the Iranians material to make a nuclear weapon. Meanwhile at the base, Tom tries to end his affair with Tiffy but she won't listen to him and Kim notices Tiffy at a motel room and does not know what she should do.

The episode was rated 7.98 from 240 votes.

The Unit - S1E10

#2 - Unannounced (Season 1 - Episode 10)


After Bob gets his cover blown in Africa, he tells Jonas to cancel a visit a dignitary is taking to the area because of the danger. However, the official refuses and something shocking is quickly learned about why he really wants to go there. Meanwhile, Kim has an encounter while at the radio station and Molly gets offered a real estate opportunity.

The episode was rated 7.99 from 214 votes.

The Unit - S1E7

#1 - Dedication (Season 1 - Episode 7)

The crew must fly to Afghanistan to assassinate a high ranking member of the Taliban. However, one of their team helicopters ends up going down in enemy territory, placing the entire crew in jeopardy. Back at the base, Molly confronts a friend and retired Unit veteran about his addiction to painkillers and Kim ends up getting a job at the local radio station.

The episode was rated 8.05 from 237 votes.

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