This Country is a sitcom series which takes the mockumentary format. It explores the lives of young people in modern rural Britain, focusing on cousins Kerry and Lee ‘Kurtan’ Mucklowe and their life experiences in a typical Cotswold village.
Written by Sophie and last updated on nov 24, 2022.
PS: The following content contains spoilers!
PPS: I will admit that parts of this page was written with the help of AI - it makes my work so much easier to not start from a blank page!
The documentary crew return to the village and discovers some very sad news about a popular local resident. Meanwhile, Kerry faces some financial difficulties, so Kurtan steps in to help support her.
The episode was rated 7.44 from 36 votes.
Kurtan receives some sad news about a relative and endeavours to make some new memories. Meanwhile Kerry discovers a passion for reading and joins the vicar’s local book club, which is going well until another village resident joins too.
The episode was rated 7.55 from 40 votes.
When Kerry’s neighbour, Mandy Harris, starts a tattoo business Kerry is delighted to be one of her first customers. Meanwhile, Kurtan fixates on trying to track down a long-lost school friend.
The episode was rated 7.56 from 117 votes.
Kerry's father, Martin, is accused of being a peeping Tom. Meanwhile, Kurtan romantically pursues a girl who has just moved into the village, but he finds he has a rival for her affections in his friend Slugs.
The episode was rated 7.56 from 85 votes.
Kerry and Kurtan explore the possibility of moving away from their village. Kurtan receives the exciting news that he could go to college to study for a GNVQ - news that Kerry is devastated by.
The episode was rated 7.60 from 72 votes.
Kerry has turned over a new leaf and is trying to give back to her community. Meanwhile, Kerry's cousin Kurtan is coming to terms with his decision not to go to Swindon College - and is struggling to get back in to the swing of village life.
The episode was rated 7.64 from 58 votes.
An infamous Mucklowe family member returns to the village and causes Kerry to re-evaluate her living arrangements. Meanwhile the vicar and Kurtan help Len get back on his feet.
The episode was rated 7.69 from 36 votes.
It is the most important day of the year for Kerry - the annual steam fair. And as a bonus, this year it falls on her birthday, and Kurtan has organised her a surprise present. However, the present involves some walking, and so the cousins embark on a cross-country trek. This affords them the time to share some local village myths with the crew, such as the legend of the Fox Twins.
The episode was rated 7.71 from 48 votes.
The vicar takes Kurtan and Kerry for a driving lesson but leaving the village proves tricky, especially when local vagrant, Len goes missing.
The episode was rated 7.71 from 38 votes.
Kerry and Kurtan visit the local train station to welcome the vicar home from a trip to Bristol. In his absence, they have been handling lots of village admin, including looking after the parish chickens.
The episode was rated 7.74 from 35 votes.
It’s the annual harvest festival, an event that brings the whole village together. But one resident’s announcement has unexpected emotional consequences for the community.
The episode was rated 7.82 from 34 votes.
When the vicar's son, Jacob, returns from living in Bristol, can Kurtan help him re-adjust to village life? Meanwhile, Kerry continues to try to give back to the local community by visiting an elderly neighbour, Florence, for 'tea talk'. Florence's cat, Tudor, has recently passed away, and Kerry does her best to fill that emotional void.
The episode was rated 7.85 from 52 votes.
Kerry is helping the vicar run the local football practice and ends up requiring medical attention.
The episode was rated 7.86 from 51 votes.
Kerry starts to receive some threatening letters that cause her to feel unsettled within the village. Thankfully, Kerry's neighbour, 'Big' Mandy Harris, is on hand to help and advise. Kurtan takes a labouring job with Kerry's father, Martin, and learns some invaluable life lessons.
The episode was rated 7.98 from 59 votes.
Family loyalty is vital in rural communities and Kerry's life-long ambition has been to work with her father, Martin. She is overjoyed, therefore, when he asks her to help him store some wares in a lock-up garage. A job at the local bowls club gives Kurtan a new sense of purpose, but when Kerry entangles Kurtan in her new venture, things start to unravel and the Mucklowe family loyalties are put to the test.
The episode was rated 8.13 from 46 votes.
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