
10 Best Episodes of Torchwood

The exploits a team of people whose job is to investigate the unusual, the strange and the extraterrestrial.

Written by Sophie and last updated on feb 04, 2023.

PS: The following content contains spoilers!

PPS: I will admit that parts of this page was written with the help of AI - it makes my work so much easier to not start from a blank page!

Torchwood - S4E8

#15 - End of the Road (Season 4 - Episode 8)

Jack faces a showdown with a man he thought was long since dead, while Rex takes extreme action to prevent the collapse of society.

The episode was rated 8.12 from 264 votes.

Torchwood - S4E1

#14 - The New World (Season 4 - Episode 1)


Convicted child killer Oswald Danes is executed for his crimes and when he miraculously survives his fate a series of events is set in place that forces CIA Agent Rex Matheson to investigate a global event. His investigation leads him from America to Wales and an old defunct British Institute - Torchwood.

The episode was rated 8.13 from 313 votes.

Torchwood - S1E13

#13 - End of Days (Season 1 - Episode 13)

With the Rift having been opened, people and objects throughout time are falling through it, and being spread across the world. "The thing in the darkness" has finally come, and Jack realises that he is the only one who can save planet Earth from the destruction that "the son of the Beast" will cause.

The episode was rated 8.15 from 315 votes.

Torchwood - S4E2

#12 - Rendition (Season 4 - Episode 2)


As the Torchwood team is reunited, Jack realizes he's the most vulnerable man on Earth. A flight to the United States turns into a desperate battle for survival.

The episode was rated 8.21 from 305 votes.

Torchwood - S1E12

#11 - Captain Jack Harkness (Season 1 - Episode 12)

A Jack themed episode Whilst investigating an old, derelict dance hall, Jack and Tosh are transported back to the 1940s, during the Blitz. Owen, Ianto, and Gwen realise, in modern day, that this has happened, and go in search of clues Tosh may have left. Meanwhile, back in the forties, Jack meets a very interesting man. One with the name Captain Jack Harkness...

The episode was rated 8.21 from 327 votes.

Torchwood - S2E12

#10 - Fragments (Season 2 - Episode 12)


As the team are knocked unconscious we find out how Jack, Toshiko, Ianto and Owen were initiated into Torchwood.

The episode was rated 8.26 from 243 votes.

Torchwood - S4E9

#9 - The Gathering (Season 4 - Episode 9)

With the whole world in recession, a defeated Torchwood team take their last chance and make a deal with the devil.

The episode was rated 8.26 from 268 votes.

Torchwood - S3E1

#8 - Day One (Season 3 - Episode 1)


At 8.45am, every child in the world suddenly stops, chanting the words "we are coming" again and again. Whilst investigating, the remaining Torchwood team face greater personal and professional challenges than ever before, having to work with their numbers depleted.

The episode was rated 8.38 from 299 votes.

Torchwood - S4E5

#7 - The Categories of Life (Season 4 - Episode 5)

Torchwood goes undercover and discovers the terrible truth behind the Miracle. The enemy is closing in, and death is about to make a shocking return.

The episode was rated 8.39 from 287 votes.

Torchwood - S3E3

#6 - Day Three (Season 3 - Episode 3)


The eyes of the world turn to Britain, as the 456 announce, 'We are here'. As a pillar of fire descends upon London, the members of Torchwood must battle to protect their own families, as the fight gets personal. But will Clem's memories destroy everything?

The episode was rated 8.42 from 281 votes.

Torchwood - S2E13

#5 - Exit Wounds (Season 2 - Episode 13)

Captain John Hart returns to wreak havoc upon Jack's world, who ends up getting captured. It is up to the Torchwood team to rescue him and save the city.

The episode was rated 8.42 from 245 votes.

Torchwood - S3E2

#4 - Day Two (Season 3 - Episode 2)


Torchwood are forced underground, as the government takes swift and brutal action. With members of the team being hunted down, only Lois holds the key to Torchwood's salvation - but she is helpless as her superiors make plans for the mysterious Floor 13.

The episode was rated 8.46 from 277 votes.

Torchwood - S4E10

#3 - The Blood Line (Season 4 - Episode 10)

As the Torchwood team launch a final, desperate mission against the seemingly undefeatable Three Families, they realize it may come down to the ultimate sacrifice.

The episode was rated 8.53 from 287 votes.

Torchwood - S3E5

#2 - Day Five (Season 3 - Episode 5)


Torchwood is defenceless, and Gwen Cooper stands alone, as the final sanction begins. As violence erupts and the world descends into anarchy, an ordinary council estate becomes a battleground where the future of the human race will be decided.

The episode was rated 8.60 from 283 votes.

Torchwood - S3E4

#1 - Day Four (Season 3 - Episode 4)

Torchwood finally learns the truth about the events of 1965. But Britain is in danger of becoming a rogue state, and everything now pivots around John Frobisher, as the Ambassador of the 456 destroys its old allegiances and reveals its true intent.

The episode was rated 8.61 from 293 votes.

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