Trailer Park Boys: The Animated Series

10 Best Episodes of Trailer Park Boys: The Animated Series

Nova Scotia's favorite miscreants have always been super sketchy. Now, carrying on from the Trailer Park Boys (2001) Season 12 finale, the boys have become complete cartoons.

Written by Sophie and last updated on feb 06, 2023.

PS: The following content contains spoilers!

PPS: I will admit that parts of this page was written with the help of AI - it makes my work so much easier to not start from a blank page!

Trailer Park Boys: The Animated Series - S1E3

#15 - The Stanley Bong (Season 1 - Episode 3)

Bubbles convinces Julian and Ricky to join him as he stalks Wayne Gretzky. Now they must beat the Moncton Mudslides to win back the Stanley Bong.

The episode was rated 7.67 from 54 votes.

Trailer Park Boys: The Animated Series - S1E2

#14 - The Pepperoni Cobra (Season 1 - Episode 2)


A tapeworm is taking the grub right out of Ricky's mouth, but when the parasite swipes his weed, that's the last straw. Bubbles connects at the club.

The episode was rated 7.67 from 51 votes.

Trailer Park Boys: The Animated Series - S2E2

#13 - Viral Video (Season 2 - Episode 2)

The viral video cash-in is on. Ricky kidnaps a rank clown for Mo’s birthday party. But when the bozo bails, Cory and Randy step up as party starters.

The episode was rated 7.67 from 27 votes.

Trailer Park Boys: The Animated Series - S2E8

#12 - The Bagshank Redemption (Season 2 - Episode 8)


After going to jail for peeing on the cops, Ricky claims he’s turning over a new leaf. That means ditching his pals to go on a Costco treasure hunt.

The episode was rated 7.70 from 30 votes.

Trailer Park Boys: The Animated Series - S1E5

#11 - Big Ho's Carwash (Season 1 - Episode 5)

Business booms -- and chaos reigns -- as Julian revs up a sexy car wash, Ricky opens a trailer pool, and Bubbles goes it alone to build his dream shed.

The episode was rated 7.73 from 44 votes.

Trailer Park Boys: The Animated Series - S1E9

#10 - Hurricane Ricky (Season 1 - Episode 9)


To get off the grid, Ricky liberates hundreds of car batteries. Julian concocts a scheme to ride out a big storm, but Mother Nature has other plans.

The episode was rated 7.76 from 41 votes.

Trailer Park Boys: The Animated Series - S1E10

#9 - Trailerstock (Season 1 - Episode 10)

The boys throw a benefit concert featuring Helix to save Sunnyvale. But how can their event compete with the nearby Queens of the Stone Age show?

The episode was rated 7.84 from 38 votes.

Trailer Park Boys: The Animated Series - S2E7

#8 - Bubbles for Mayor (Season 2 - Episode 7)


The city rounds up Bubbles’s free-range kitties, and when the mayor kicks him to the curb, he decides to run for office. One paradigm shift coming up.

The episode was rated 7.86 from 28 votes.

Trailer Park Boys: The Animated Series - S1E8

#7 - Space Weed (Season 1 - Episode 8)

When Ricky's grow operations are exposed, an entrepreneur approaches him to cultivate dope in space. Beyond pumped, Bubbles demands to join the team.

The episode was rated 7.87 from 47 votes.

Trailer Park Boys: The Animated Series - S2E6

#6 - The First Time We Smoked Weed (Season 2 - Episode 6)


The fellas take a shady trip down memory lane back to 1979: the first time they smoked Panama Red — and launched a life of petty crime.

The episode was rated 7.97 from 31 votes.

Trailer Park Boys: The Animated Series - S1E6

#5 - The Three Mustardteers (Season 1 - Episode 6)

Old-school hash brings back memories of grade school, when young Julian, Ricky and Bubbles met, smoked and retaliated against a bully with a pellet gun.

The episode was rated 8.00 from 39 votes.

Trailer Park Boys: The Animated Series - S2E4

#4 - Scamazon (Season 2 - Episode 4)


Bubbles pours his life savings into Kitty Shakes while Julian and Ricky drive off to steal packages. Later, a reality competition comes calling.

The episode was rated 8.00 from 32 votes.

Trailer Park Boys: The Animated Series - S2E3

#3 - The Tax Man F**ked Me (Season 2 - Episode 3)

Sunnyvale’s sketchiest get scammed by grifters posing as tax agents. A trap is set, then lethal farts lead the boys to a familiar face.

The episode was rated 8.07 from 30 votes.

Trailer Park Boys: The Animated Series - S2E9

#2 - The F**ket List (Season 2 - Episode 9)


Bubbles drags Julian to the fair to cheer him up. After a fortuneteller delivers the bad news, the guys end up in a cult. Time to start drinking.

The episode was rated 8.10 from 30 votes.

Trailer Park Boys: The Animated Series - S2E10

#1 - Well Boys, I Guess I Gotta Get Dead (Season 2 - Episode 10)

The good times are killing them: A bank error in their favor sends the boys on a spending spree. When the cops arrive, Ricky must fake his own death.

The episode was rated 8.26 from 31 votes.

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