Upstart Crow

10 Worst Episodes of Upstart Crow

Comedy about the life and times of William Shakespeare as he starts to make a name for himself in London, whilst also trying to balance life as a husband and father for his family in Stratford-upon-Avon.

Written by Sophie and last updated on feb 10, 2023.

PS: The following content contains spoilers!

PPS: I will admit that parts of this page was written with the help of AI - it makes my work so much easier to not start from a blank page!

Upstart Crow - S1E5

#10 - What Bloody Man is That? (Season 1 - Episode 5)

The plague leads Will and his friends to escape to the family home in Stratford. On the way, they meet three witches who have some surprising predictions to make about Will’s future, leading to a very serious case of house envy.

The episode was rated 7.57 from 109 votes.

Upstart Crow - S3E3

#9 - If You Prick Us, Do We Not Bleed? (Season 3 - Episode 3)


London is full of anti-immigrant rioting. Will looks forward to an age when such sentiments are long-gone, but in the meantime he and the players plan to do their bit to help those worse off than themselves with a fund-raising charity gala night. “Inflated Pig's Bladder Day” is a triumph.

The episode was rated 7.54 from 48 votes.

Upstart Crow - S3E5

#8 - The Most Unkindest Cut of All (Season 3 - Episode 5)

Will's troupe plot against each other, but his defusing of the situation helps give him a better idea for his new play about Julius Caesar.

The episode was rated 7.54 from 50 votes.

Upstart Crow - S3E6

#7 - Go On and I Will Follow (Season 3 - Episode 6)


As Will wrestles with temptation a bigger threat to his family lurks in the wings.

The episode was rated 7.54 from 56 votes.

Upstart Crow - S3E2

#6 - Wild Laughter in the Throat of Death (Season 3 - Episode 2)

Will Shakespeare has been working on his masterpiece. His friends tell him it's his greatest comedy yet, but Will insists that Hamlet isn't actually meant to be funny.

The episode was rated 7.52 from 48 votes.

Upstart Crow - S1E4

#5 - Love is Not Love (Season 1 - Episode 4)


Will has completed his final sonnet and senses literary immortality just around the corner. But will the fair youth and the dark lady like them as much as he hopes? And is Anne likely to be impressed that her husband’s 154 hot new love poems don’t contain much about her?

The episode was rated 7.46 from 115 votes.

Upstart Crow - S1E3

#4 - The Apparel Proclaims The Man (Season 1 - Episode 3)

Will hopes to move up in the world when he is invited to a high-society party hosted by Lord Southampton, but is unsure what a poorly-educated country boy should wear to one of London's most upmarket events. The playwright's rival Sir Robert Greene offers him some fashion tips, but is it a double bluff, a triple bluff, or something even more fiendish?

The episode was rated 7.43 from 122 votes.

Upstart Crow - S1E2

#3 - The Play's the Thing (Season 1 - Episode 2)


Just when Will’s controversial new play is about to be presented to Queen Elizabeth, it goes missing. As the finger of suspicion points to his best friend Marlowe, can Will come up with a way to recover his stolen masterpiece? Given its politically sensitive content, is he really wise to want it back?

The episode was rated 7.43 from 148 votes.

Upstart Crow - S2E4

#2 - Food of Love (Season 2 - Episode 4)

Will Shakespeare has invented an amazing new dramatic form: the greatest hits musical.

The episode was rated 7.43 from 68 votes.

Upstart Crow - S1E1

#1 - Star Crossed Lovers (Season 1 - Episode 1)


Episode one sees Will struggle to find inspiration for Romeo while having to deal with an angry actor, a very annoying house-guest and his family’s not terribly helpful script suggestions.

The episode was rated 7.40 from 210 votes.

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