Regular Show, a show that aired on Cartoon Network from 2010 to 2017, is an animated series that follows the lives of two best friends, Mordecai and Rigby, who are groundskeepers at a local park. In its nine season run, the show has had many memorable episodes. However, some episodes have been seen as lackluster or even downright terrible. We have compiled a list of the worst episodes of Regular Show ranked from least to most disliked.
From Rigby getting hit by a truck to the gang having to deal with a giant spider, these episodes are sure to leave you disappointed. From Mordecai and Rigby's endless shenanigans to the show's unique art style and off-the-wall humor, these episodes stand out as some of the worst of the series.
So if you're a fan of Regular Show and looking for a good laugh, then be sure to check out our list of the worst episodes of the show. We've put together an exhaustive list with an in-depth look at each episode, so you can be sure to avoid the worst of Regular Show.
Written by Sophie and last updated on Feb 13, 2023.
PS: The following content contains spoilers!
PPS: I will admit that parts of this page was written with the help of AI - it makes my work so much easier to not start from a blank page!
The annual park barbecue has arrived, and Benson is so excited he has ordered premium hot dogs. When things go wrong, Mordecai blames Rigby for always making things worse, despite his claims that he can 'totally fix it.'
The episode was rated 7,70 from 301 votes.
After gorging on snacks at the snack bar, Rigby suffers an unfortunate accident as his consciousness separates from his body.
The episode was rated 7,72 from 248 votes.
When Rigby digs up a good-looking plate from the garbage, he and Mordecai decide to use it by eating a piece of chocolate cake on it. As their efforts prove fruitless, they decide the only way forward is to convince the solitary Skips to have a birthday party.
The episode was rated 7,75 from 290 votes.
Mordecai and Rigby need money in order to see their favourite childhood band. They decide to take on extra shifts, but soon start to tire out so they turn to coffee in order to stay awake.
The episode was rated 7,75 from 349 votes.
In an effort to woo Margaret, Mordecai starts using a cologne that can supposedly attract women, called "Dude Time". Unfortunately, all it seems to attract are unicorns.
The episode was rated 7,78 from 256 votes.
When the park is going to be audited, the guys must find a way to sort their taxes out or face it being closed down. Mordecai suggests Rigby's accountant brother, Don, but Rigby must first get over a long running feud.
The episode was rated 7,81 from 253 votes.
Rigby suffers a final humiliation as he loses a fight to Mordecai over a video game. He turns to 'Death Kwon Do' in order to finally win one over his friend.
The episode was rated 7,83 from 328 votes.
A birthday party is scheduled in the park, and everyone has interesting jobs to do. That is, everybody but Mordecai and Rigby, who are only trusted with the lame job of setting up the chairs. In order to prove they are not slackers, the duo agree to set them up without being distracted.
The episode was rated 7,84 from 414 votes.
Mordecai and Rigby need to buy a grilled cheese sandwich for Benson, but can't be bothered to wait in line. Instead, they pretend to be astronauts, which results in them trying to out lie each other.
The episode was rated 7,85 from 279 votes.
Mordecai and Rigby's constant prank calls result in one of their victims sending them back in time to the eighties.
The episode was rated 7,86 from 274 votes.
Mordecai and Rigby must find a way to cover up a hole in the wall they created, and a magical keyboard they name 'The Power' might be just the thing for it.
The episode was rated 7,89 from 593 votes.
Regular Show's episode "Mordecai and the Rigbys" follows Mordecai and Rigby's quest to create a band before their open mic night performance. After ordering matching t-shirts for a fake band, the two are determined to make it a reality. Mordecai and Rigby take on the challenge of learning to play instruments and writing a song in time for the show.
This episode is full of comedy and musical mayhem as Mordecai and Rigby try to make their dreams come true. Their efforts are complicated by their lack of musical experience, but that doesn't stop the two from trying. Through their hard work and determination, Mordecai and Rigby put together a set list and learn to play their instruments in time for the show. In the end, they manage to put on a great performance and prove that anything is possible with a little effort.
The episode was rated 8,29 from 238 votes.
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