The Office is an American television sitcom, originally aired on NBC, that follows the lives of employees at Dunder Mifflin Paper Company in Scranton, Pennsylvania. It was first aired on March 24, 2005 and the show has since gone on to have 10 seasons. The show has been widely praised for its witty writing and hilarious characters, receiving a multitude of awards and nominations.
Despite the show's success, there is no doubt that it has had its fair share of bad episodes. Here we will take a look at the worst and least liked episodes as ranked by fans, critics, and viewers.
So let's dive right in and explore the worst episodes of The Office, and see why they didn't live up to the show's usual high standards.
Written by Sophie and last updated on Dez 26, 2024.
PS: The following content contains spoilers!
PPS: I will admit that parts of this page was written with the help of AI - it makes my work so much easier to not start from a blank page!
A mysterious person in the office has made a huge mess in the microwave and will not clean it up. Meanwhile, Michael has to come to terms with the fact that there have been certain personnel changes in his staff without his knowing.
The episode was rated 7,73 from 1626 votes.
Phyllis' Moroccan-themed holiday party goes up in flames when Meredith's hair catches on fire and Michael is forced to deal with the accident. Meanwhile, Dwight corners the market on the hottest toy of the Christmas season.
The episode was rated 7,73 from 1612 votes.
Michael's relationship with the new vice president becomes increasingly tense, as Michael finds an excuse to goof off even more than usual. Meanwhile, Pam faces the challenge of a new copier and Kelly develops a crush.
The episode was rated 7,74 from 1517 votes.
Michael has to mediate a dispute within his new sales team. Meanwhile, trouble brews in the office when several employees take the term "casual" Fridays too loosely.
The episode was rated 7,75 from 1515 votes.
Dwight and Jim are shocked when they get the results of the annual customer survey report. Pam and Jim decide they want to spend every minute together using their bluetooth phones. Meanwhile, Angela and Andy pick an unusual location for their wedding.
The episode was rated 7,78 from 1681 votes.
Tension and disillusionment begin to emerge as Michael, Pam, and Ryan move the Michael Scott Paper Company into a cramped "workspace" at the business park.
The episode was rated 7,80 from 1483 votes.
Michael's idea to use "Golden Tickets" for prizes for clients causes a problem in the office. Kevin seeks advice from Andy, Jim, and Pam about dating.
The episode was rated 7,81 from 1580 votes.
Dwight's loyalty to Michael is tested when he finds a new hero in Charles. Meanwhile, Andy tries to provide for all of Jim's emotional needs.
The episode was rated 7,82 from 1470 votes.
Michael tries to motivate the Scranton branch to lose weight as part of an interoffice competition. Jim is lost after Pam leaves for art school in New York, and Angela continues to see Dwight even though she is now engaged to Andy.
The episode was rated 7,83 from 1736 votes.
Michael has to spend the office surplus by they end of the day, but he can't decide between a copier or new chairs. Dwight plays a dirty trick on Angela as they prepare for Andy and Angela's wedding on the beet farm.
The episode was rated 7,84 from 1637 votes.
The office is on eggshells because Andy still hasn't found out about fiancee Angela's affair with Dwight. When Michael spills the beans, Dwight and Andy take matters into their own hands. Meanwhile, Michael is nervous about being called down to corporate for a meeting with Wallace.
The episode was rated 7,87 from 1637 votes.
In the episode of The Office titled "Cafe Disco," Michael, in an effort to bring some life back to his old office, decides to open a cafe-disco. Meanwhile, Pam and Jim are planning a secret trip. The episode was met with great enthusiasm, with many commenting on how it ended with a happy Michael and how Creed had a funny joke.
The episode was filled with comedic moments, from Michael's enthusiasm for his new cafe-disco to the secrets shared between Pam and Jim. Michael's hopefulness for his cafe-disco was an endearing moment that viewers could relate to. The ending of the episode was a satisfying conclusion that left viewers feeling content. Creed's joke, while not the main focus of the episode, was appreciated by viewers, adding a bit of levity to the episode.
The episode was rated 8,04 from 1547 votes.
The Office's season finale, "Company Picnic," is a heartwarming episode that brings Michael and Holly back together after their split. The employees attend a company picnic and take part in team-building activities, such as a volleyball tournament. It's a great way to end the season, and fans love it!
The episode reflects just how much character development has occurred throughout the season, and it's clear why this is the best season of the show. The characters have all grown and changed, and this episode provides a nice closure to all the storylines. The ending is especially sweet, as we get to see Michael and Holly reunite and all the characters join together for the picnic.
The episode was rated 8,14 from 1530 votes.
The Office, season 5 episode 12, "Broke", showcases Michael Scott, Dunder Mifflin's regional manager, as he begins to start his own business, which is met with early morning delivery challenges. Meanwhile, Angela has implemented the company's policy on expense reports, making it more difficult for the office to get their reports in on time.
The episode highlights the differences between Michael's abilities as a manager and his talents as a salesman. At times, Michael may seem a bit out of touch with the office, but he is able to rally the troops and use his skill set to turn potential losses into wins. The episode highlights the importance of team work, despite the difficulties they may face, while also emphasizing Michael's strengths. It is one of the best episodes this season and a highlight of the entire show.
The episode was rated 8,27 from 1591 votes.
The Office's episode "Stress Relief" is a hilarious episode filled with more than a few laugh out loud moments. The episode revolves around Dwight who must try to make amends with the office after his fire safety seminar goes awry. Michael, always the go-getter, tries to get his employees to relax, while Andy becomes convinced that Pam and Jim are film gurus.
This episode is a classic for fans of the show. From Dwight's hilarious antics to Michael's attempts to ease the office's stress, this episode is filled with a great deal of hilarity. The opening scene itself is a classic, as Dwight's fire safety seminar goes wrong in the most hilarious way. The Stanley's reaction to this scene is one of the best moments of the episode, as the office erupts in laughter. Add to that Michael's attempts to help the office relax and the hilarious interactions between Pam and Jim, and you have one of the best episodes of the show.
The episode was rated 8,38 from 1812 votes.
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