Beste Episodes
The Office is an American television sitcom, originally aired on NBC, that follows the lives of employees at Dunder Mifflin Paper Company in Scranton, Pennsylvania. It was first aired on March 24, 2005 and the show has since gone on to have 10 seasons. The show has been widely praised for its witty writing and hilarious characters, receiving a multitude of awards and nominations.
Despite the show's success, there is no doubt that it has had its fair share of bad episodes. Here we will take a look at the worst and least liked episodes as ranked by fans, critics, and viewers.
So let's dive right in and explore the worst episodes of The Office, and see why they didn't live up to the show's usual high standards.
Written by Sophie and last updated on Dez 26, 2024.
PS: The following content contains spoilers!
PPS: I will admit that parts of this page was written with the help of AI - it makes my work so much easier to not start from a blank page!
Michael refuses to fire the new office assistant after everyone complains about his bad attitude. Andy plays it cool after Erin shows interest in another man. Meanwhile, Pam tries to impress Jim by pulling an office prank of her own.
The episode was rated 7,61 from 1565 votes.
After reading an article about China growing as a global power, Michael decides China must be stopped before they take over the US. Everyone in the office complains about Dwight's building standards and Pam threatens to move Dunder Mifflin to a new building.
The episode was rated 7,63 from 1435 votes.
When Darryl takes an idea to corporate over his head, Michael freaks out. Everyone in the office is in a competitive mood as the Halloween costume contest gets underway. Meanwhile, Pam tries to get the truth out of Danny about their dating history.
The episode was rated 7,65 from 1452 votes.
Corporate assigns Michael to counseling with Toby. Dwight vows revenge on the Steamtown Mall after a shop owner snubs him. Meanwhile, Pam conspires to change her job title.
The episode was rated 7,68 from 1517 votes.
An emergency call from Helene forces Jim to abandon Michael at a gas station restroom, and Holly, Erin, and Dwight set out to rescue him. Gabe becomes offended at submissions to caption Pam's latest work of art.
The episode was rated 7,74 from 1418 votes.
The staff grows increasingly uncomfortable with Michael and Holly's PDAs. Jim and Pam regret a champagne luncheon. Andy horns in on a romantic treasure hunt Gabe arranged for Erin.
The episode was rated 7,75 from 1417 votes.
Deangelo's new replacement is sought out through a search committee process led by Jim.
The episode was rated 7,77 from 2110 votes.
Deangelo's new replacement is sought out through a search committee process led by Jim.
The episode was rated 7,80 from 615 votes.
Dwight takes charge of the office and immediately imposes his will on the staff. Gabe hopes to get back together with Erin.
The episode was rated 7,88 from 1368 votes.
Michael could not be happier when Toby has to take a leave of absence and corporate sends Holly Flax to cover for him. Pam is forced to do a second Christmas party after Michael wants the party to be on the day Holly returns to Scranton. Meanwhile, Jim regrets agreeing to a snowball fight with Dwight
The episode was rated 7,93 from 776 votes.
Michael could not be happier when Toby has to take a leave of absence and corporate sends Holly Flax to cover for him. Pam is forced to do a second Christmas party after Michael wants the party to be on the day Holly returns to Scranton. Meanwhile, Jim regrets agreeing to a snowball fight with Dwight.
The episode was rated 7,94 from 2456 votes.
In the episode Michael's Last Dundies from The Office, Michael Scott is preparing to leave Dunder Mifflin and decides to pass the torch to Deangelo, teaching him how to host the Dundie Awards. As Michael is busy training Deangelo, Erin is dealing with her own inner struggle - her dislike for her boyfriend Gabe. Toby Flenderson also makes an appearance in this episode, as the origin story of the Scranton Slasher 2 is unveiled.
This episode is so full of emotion and nostalgia, as viewers watch Michael train Deangelo to take his place and Erin fight her inner turmoil. Toby's appearance is a great addition, as it brings a comedic element to an otherwise somber episode. The story line of the Scranton Slasher 2 is the perfect way to lighten the mood and bring a sense of familiarity to the show. Overall, this episode is an emotional roller coaster of sadness and joy.
The episode was rated 7,99 from 1412 votes.
The Office is a classic show that never fails to bring a good laugh. One of the best episodes of the show is Threat Level Midnight, in which Michael screens his movie of the same name, which he had been working on for eleven years since its inception. The film stars Michael as Agent Michael Scarn, Dwight as his sidekick, and Jim as the archnemesis Goldenface. Other characters from Michael's past also make appearances in the movie.
The episode has been highly praised by fans of the show, with many calling it their favorite episode. It is known for its absurdly hilarious moments, and the way it pays homage to classic action films. It's no wonder that this episode has become so popular, as it brings out the best of The Office. From Michael's creative writing and filmmaking to the iconic characters and their unique interactions, it is an episode that will bring a smile to any fan's face.
The episode was rated 8,14 from 1529 votes.
The Office episode "Garage Sale" is an all-around great episode that had viewers laughing and crying from beginning to end. The episode centers around the office holding a garage sale in the warehouse. Michael decides to propose to Holly, and is having trouble coming up with the perfect way to do it.
This episode had viewers laughing and crying, as Michael goes through a comedic journey to propose to Holly. The emotion and comedy of this episode was perfectly balanced, and viewers were sad when the episode ended. The climax of the episode was especially powerful, as viewers saw Michael's heartfelt proposal to Holly. It was a beautiful moment that had viewers in tears, and the ending left viewers wanting more.
The episode was rated 8,37 from 1534 votes.
The Office fans were taken on an emotional rollercoaster ride with the episode Goodbye, Michael. Michael's last day at Dunder Mifflin is full of mixed emotions for everyone, as Michael prepares to move to Colorado. As Michael attempts to have a drama-free day, Deangelo Vickers and Andy Bernard scramble to keep Michael's biggest clients. The episode is full of intense moments, with the most memorable being the last hug between Pam and Michael. Fans weren't expecting the last few episodes to be so intense and emotional, but they were pleasantly surprised. Despite this, some fans were not pleased with the Gabe Erin storyline, wishing that there had been a Dwight story instead.
This episode was an emotional goodbye to one of the show's main characters, Michael Scott. Michael's last day at work was full of drama, as it was his chance to prove to everyone that he can handle the intense situation. Deangelo Vickers and Andy Bernard were tasked with retaining Michael's biggest clients, while Michael attempted to keep the day drama-free. The intensity was at an all-time high with the last hug between Pam and Michael. Though this episode was full of intense moments, some fans felt that the Gabe Erin storyline was unnecessary and that there should have been a Dwight story instead.
The episode was rated 8,57 from 1581 votes.
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