The Rookie is an American crime drama series, available on ABC, which first aired in 2018. The show follows the life of John Nolan, a small-town guy who is pursuing his dream of becoming an LAPD officer. After five seasons, there have been a variety of episodes that have been considered the worst episodes of The Rookie. In this article, the worst episodes of The Rookie will be ranked, based on a variety of criteria.
The rankings of the worst episodes of The Rookie will be determined by ratings from viewers, reviews from critics, and how the episode is remembered in the overall context of the series. This will allow for an objective comparison of the episodes, while taking into account the subjective opinion of viewers.
The episodes will be ranked from the worst to the least worst, with the worst episode of The Rookie discussed in detail. Additionally, the reasons why the episode was considered the worst will be discussed, as well as the impact it had on the rest of the series.
Written by Sophie and last updated on Jan 14, 2025.
PS: The following content contains spoilers!
PPS: I will admit that parts of this page was written with the help of AI - it makes my work so much easier to not start from a blank page!
Officer Nolan is having a particularly bad day after learning his identity has been stolen and could jeopardize his position as an officer. Meanwhile, Sgt. Grey must confront his past and testify at the parole hearing of the man who shot Grey and murdered his partner.
The episode was rated 7,71 from 1339 votes.
As part of their second phase of training, the rookies are asked to develop their first confidential informants. Officer Nolan soon discovers that no two informants are the same and struggles with his newest task. Meanwhile, Officer Chen’s mother complicates her home life when she comes to stay with her.
The episode was rated 7,71 from 1487 votes.
Nolan teams up with new night detective Nick Armstrong for a murder investigation case that results in an unexpected reunion with a former love interest. Officer Bradford reluctantly accepts help from Officer Chen as he prepares for his sergeant exam, and Officer West pursues an unconventional move after finding himself in need of a new home.
The episode was rated 7,71 from 1590 votes.
An emergency alert of an impending missile attack sends Los Angeles into chaos and uncertainty, while the officers each try to keep the peace and deal with their own disasters.
The episode was rated 7,74 from 1501 votes.
Nolan takes his son’s fiancé, Abigail, on a ride-along after she shows interest in becoming a police officer. Meanwhile, Jackson’s relationship is becoming complicated at work.
The episode was rated 7,74 from 1407 votes.
Officer Nolan navigates building tension in his relationship with Jessica and a developing rapport with Grace while working a high-stakes criminal case involving an undercover homeland security agent. Meanwhile, Officer Chen meddles with Officer Bradford’s love life, and Officer Lopez learns some surprising news about Wesley.
The episode was rated 7,74 from 1569 votes.
Officer Nolan gets off to a rocky start after being introduced to his new training officer, Nyla Harper, who has an unconventional approach to police work after her stint as an undercover detective. Meanwhile, Officer Bradford struggles to think of an appropriate birthday gift for Rachel, and Officer Lopez finds herself navigating a case that triggers a personal memory.
The episode was rated 7,75 from 1512 votes.
The season premiere of The Rookie, titled "Impact," was packed with drama and suspense as Officer Bradford fought for his life after a planned attack on Los Angeles. The episode also revealed the test scores of the main characters, which were listed in the same order that John, Lucy, and Jackson were seated. This was a slight surprise to viewers, as it was unexpected for the show not to mix up the order.
Another key focus of the episode was the sexual harassment that Talia faced from a guest star. Despite the fact that Talia is a main character and the perpetrator was a one-off character, the show failed to take her allegations seriously. This ultimately led to Talia's departure from the show, which left a noticeable hole in the balance of the show. This was an unfortunate decision, as Talia was a beloved character and her experiences should have been taken more seriously.
The episode was rated 7,76 from 1667 votes.
The episode Under the Gun of the show The Rookie had an uneven tone and the writing was a complete mess. Officers Nolan and Harper are tasked with escorting four juvenile offenders to a Scared Straight program at a correctional facility that quickly becomes a riotous situation. Meanwhile, Nolan is uncertain about his relationship with Grace after she fails to introduce him to her ex-husband. The riot plot was hilariously convenient and absurd in how it was playing out. The algorithm plot was also garbage and the writers tried to cram too many storylines into a single episode. Tim's girlfriend calling the shots too soon was very obvious and Nolan and Grace's relationship was out of the blue and boring. It was not the best balance between cop-life and personal-life and viewers were not interested in any of the storylines. This episode was not engaging and was the least favorite of the season for many viewers.
The episode was rated 7,78 from 1293 votes.
Officer Nolan kicks off his birthday by babysitting a crime scene at a law office in the episode Clean Cut of the show The Rookie. Meanwhile, Officer Bradford and Officer West are set to receive special awards, and Sgt. Grey rides patrol with Officer Harper after she requests an early annual evaluation. This episode is one of the lighter episodes of the show, and every storyline was well served. It is also interesting to note that the cast is really expanding this season, introducing characters such as Alan Tudyuk and Sara Rue. While there were some unfortunate ad placements, viewers were also treated to a little Firefly reunion. All in all, Clean Cut was a delightful and well-rounded episode of The Rookie.
The episode was rated 7,78 from 1417 votes.
Officer Nolan's relationship with his first confidential informant is tested when he discovers her back on the street dealing drugs in the episode, Control. Meanwhile, Lucy's fear of dating following her abduction, and her intrusion into Jackson's relationship threatens their friendship. This episode was on par with the fourteenth episode, where patrol officers go up against ex-military soldiers, in terms of excitement and stakes. Though the plotline regarding Lucy, Jackson and Sterling didn't feel as engaging as the rest, it was still an important plot point that continued to move forward. Furthermore, the plotline involving a little girl teaching Chen how to stop the bleeding was a sweet moment for viewers to enjoy.
The episode was rated 7,79 from 1271 votes.
In the episode "The Dark Side" of The Rookie, Officer Nolan and his team are tasked with escorting a notorious serial killer to the graves of her previously unrecovered victims. However, when they arrive, they find something even more unexpected. Officer Chen meets a seemingly perfect man who sparks her interest, and Officer Lopez worries about Wesley as his PTSD continues to increase.
The dark and dangerous nature of the episode is highlighted by the presence of the female serial killer, who has been cast in similar roles in three different shows. The suspenseful cliffhanger at the end of the episode reminded viewers of a similar one in Rookie Blue, where Gail Peck was kidnapped. It left viewers with a sense of uncertainty and worry, wondering if Lucy would be alright in the end. It's clear that the officers must now take steps to stop the serial killer, who enjoys killing without any rhyme or reason.
The episode was rated 7,83 from 1438 votes.
In the season finale of The Rookie, officers Nolan, Chen, and West face the ultimate test as their training officers evaluate their readiness for the job. Things take a turn for the worse when one of their rookie classmates is involved in a shooting and the team uncovers some unsettling evidence. It quickly becomes evident that Nolan has been warned about Armstrong, especially after Lucy was kidnapped. As the episode unfolds, it becomes increasingly clear that being too good of a cop is a red flag. The audience can sense that something is awry and the episode leaves viewers on a cliffhanger as to what is to come.
Armstrong is a character viewers were just beginning to learn about and grow to like. It is a shock that he is revealed to be the cause of the unusual evidence the team finds. It is a twist that nobody saw coming, although the clues were all there from the beginning. As the season ends, the audience is left wondering what will happen with Armstrong and how it will affect the three rookies. The Rookie is sure to be back next season with more suspense and drama than ever.
The episode was rated 7,90 from 1343 votes.
Nolan's investigation into the suspected serial killer took a turn for the worse in the season finale of The Rookie. After finding out that the murder was connected to a highly secretive government organization, Nolan finds himself in a dangerous situation that could cost him his life and career. As the episode comes to a close, viewers are left with a cliffhanger that will leave them wanting more.
The episode was definitely a thrilling ride, leaving viewers with a nail-biting conclusion. However, some fans couldn't help but feel that the twist was a bit too predictable. Additionally, the sudden end to the season was met with much frustration from viewers, as they have to wait an entire year to find out how Nolan's story will unfold. Nevertheless, fans of the show can rest assured that The Rookie will return with more exciting and intense episodes in the future.
The episode was rated 7,90 from 1284 votes.
In the mid-season premiere of The Rookie, Officer Nolan and the rest of the team frantically search for Officer Chen after she is abducted. Officer Lopez discovers Wesley unconscious from mixing alcohol and pills, and she is forced to keep him nearby. This episode was solid, and it was great to see Officer Chen safe at the end. One thing that stood out was the lack of music and background noise, which added to the suspense and tension.
The problem with episodes like these, where a series regular is in peril, is that the audience knows that they can’t die. This lowered the tension in the episode, and it made it a bit predictable. However, it still served as an opportunity to further develop Officer Chen's character as she deals with the trauma of the event. All in all, it was an enjoyable episode that left viewers looking forward to the next episode.
The episode was rated 7,96 from 1414 votes.
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