The Rookie is an American crime drama series, available on ABC, which first aired in 2018. The show follows the life of John Nolan, a small-town guy who is pursuing his dream of becoming an LAPD officer. After five seasons, there have been a variety of episodes that have been considered the worst episodes of The Rookie. In this article, the worst episodes of The Rookie will be ranked, based on a variety of criteria.
The rankings of the worst episodes of The Rookie will be determined by ratings from viewers, reviews from critics, and how the episode is remembered in the overall context of the series. This will allow for an objective comparison of the episodes, while taking into account the subjective opinion of viewers.
The episodes will be ranked from the worst to the least worst, with the worst episode of The Rookie discussed in detail. Additionally, the reasons why the episode was considered the worst will be discussed, as well as the impact it had on the rest of the series.
Written by Sophie and last updated on Jan 14, 2025.
PS: The following content contains spoilers!
PPS: I will admit that parts of this page was written with the help of AI - it makes my work so much easier to not start from a blank page!
Officer John Nolan is assigned his first rookie, Officer Celina Juarez, whose unconventional approach to police work poses a unique challenge for him.
The episode was rated 7,65 from 1030 votes.
Officer John Nolan and Officer Celina Juarez are on the hunt for a fugitive after a car incident goes awry. Meanwhile, a past injury comes to haunt Tim and Lucy comes through during his time in need in more ways than one.
The episode was rated 7,65 from 1017 votes.
Detective Nyla Harper and James find themselves in the middle of a bank robbery which leads the entire team on a citywide manhunt. Meanwhile, Tim and Lucy finally go on their first date, but it does have a few complications. The crossover continues on The Rookie: Feds S01E10 The Silent Prisoner (II).
The episode was rated 7,65 from 911 votes.
Officer John Nolan is moving closer to his new role as a training officer. In preparation, he is tasked with overseeing Officer Aaron Thorson and must uncover the truth about another officer’s suicide. Meanwhile, Lucy’s successful undercover assignment earns her an invitation for specialized training in Sacramento and she must decide if this is the path she wants to take.
The episode was rated 7,65 from 1036 votes.
Nolan and Celina must stand guard at a hospital after a dangerous prisoner needs surgery. Aaron, Lopez and Harper look into a string of robberies. Tim and Lucy consider how their secret relationship will affect their work. Lopez gets unexpected news.
The episode was rated 7,65 from 927 votes.
The team must stop a militia from detonating a highly combustible truck in their possession. Meanwhile, Officers Nolan, Thorson, Juarez and Detective Harper search for three men who may have been exposed to Ebola and detain them for quarantine.
The episode was rated 7,66 from 885 votes.
Officers John Nolan and Celina Juarez are in a race against time to stop the source of an explosive rampage.
The episode was rated 7,67 from 905 votes.
The team investigates a pattern of kidnappings which leads them to a discovery that hits close to home with one of their own. Meanwhile, Lucy and Tim’s relationship is put to the test as they begin to feel the hard hours of their jobs.
The episode was rated 7,68 from 881 votes.
Now that Elijah and Abril have become allies, the team must rely on Monica, Elijah’s lawyer, to uncover their plans. Meanwhile, Officers Nolan and Juarez reopen her sister’s case and discover a discrepancy that leads them on a new trail. The crossover continues on The Rookie: Feds S01E17 Payback (II).
The episode was rated 7,70 from 873 votes.
In this episode of the Rookie, Detective Lopez teams up with the FBI to help Elijah Stone take down a gang leader in exchange for her safety. Meanwhile, Nolan and Bailey are left dealing with the secrets and shady dealings his late mother left behind. Fans were generally pleased with this FBI crossover episode, as it was a much better experience than past crossovers that included Simone. The attempted con by Elijah Stone was a bit questionable, as it seemed that one small misstep would lead to failure. The Nolan subplot was enjoyable, but it was ultimately as meaningless as last season’s highway diner episode. All in all, this episode was an entertaining one featuring the typical FBI crossover and some interesting family drama.
The episode was rated 7,71 from 893 votes.
Officer John Nolan and Bailey are on the hunt for a mystery gunman after a shooting hits a little too close to home. Meanwhile, Aaron struggles to live within his means and joins Lucy to help Tamara when the mother of a child she babysits goes missing. Elsewhere, Wesley suspects that a judge is taking bribes after he excludes valuable eyewitness testimony from a case.
The episode was rated 7,73 from 885 votes.
In the episode Daddy Cop of The Rookie, Officer John Nolan and Aaron follow large leads after discovering criminals hiding at the station. Officer Chen makes an alarming discovery after being called to a scene where a pungent smell has wreaked havoc. Meanwhile, Lucy and Harper scheme to get Tim out of his new job and into a more exciting position. Fans of the show love Lucy for what she did for Tim, and the lighthearted episodes which put a smile on their faces. There is some confusion as to why Nolan put down his mask when he found Celina, as he could have been poisoned by the dust. Nevertheless, viewers enjoyed the effort put in by Lucy and Harper to help Tim get a better job.
The episode was rated 7,77 from 921 votes.
The Rookie episode, Double Down, features Officer John Nolan as he comes face-to-face with serial killer Rosalind. Meanwhile, Officers Bradford and Chen work undercover with Detective Lopez and the Las Vegas Police Department to take down leaders of a major criminal enterprise. This episode has been met with mixed reviews as some viewers are put off by the ever-increasing unrealistic plot, while others are more accepting of the show's direction.
Detective Lopez and the Las Vegas Police Department have their work cut out for them as they tackle a major criminal enterprise, and it will be interesting to see how Officer Nolan's story progresses with Rosalind. Viewers have been hoping that the Rosalind-plot will come to a close soon, as the episode was received positively and has been compared favourably to last season's finale.
The episode was rated 7,78 from 1102 votes.
In The Choice, the episode of The Rookie, Rosalind returns with a vengeance and Bailey's life is left hanging in the balance. In order to save her, the LAPD and the FBI join forces, and Officer John Nolan is forced to make a deadly decision after a harrowing ultimatum. Unfortunately, the realism of the episode has been called into question with some viewers pointing out a notable goof in the episode, as well as the unrealistic choice of having law enforcement follow John into the parking garage. Furthermore, the “freeze” command used by law enforcement has been cited as a pet peeve, as it’s usually used to setup a chase scene. Despite this, viewers have praised Fillion's acting in his 'decision' scene. Despite some of the unrealistic elements of the episode, viewers have expressed their appreciation for many of the characters and have decided to stick with the show, though if the issues persist, they may look for something better with their time.
The episode was rated 7,79 from 1052 votes.
In the latest episode of The Rookie titled "Under Siege," the team faces a shocking turn of events when one of their own is shot. As they recover from this devastating blow, they soon realize that their division may be the target of a group of masked assailants. The intensity of this episode is off the charts, with viewers describing it as a thrilling roller coaster ride.
Fans are raving about "Under Siege," calling it the best episode of The Rookie to date. The writing by Alexi Hawley is praised for its brilliance and the way it keeps viewers on the edge of their seats. The episode is described as a peak television experience that builds up tension in multiple directions, never forgetting the ongoing storylines from the previous season. Just when you think it's reaching a conclusion, the episode takes a complete opposite turn, leaving viewers with a cliffhanger that both frustrates and intrigues.
The excitement and adrenaline-pumping action in this episode have left viewers in awe. Many have expressed their heart-pounding moments and minor heart attacks while watching. The script and characterizations are applauded for their quality, bringing back the show to its peak form. Fans are eagerly anticipating the next season and are relieved that a certain character, who some found annoying, did not make a final appearance. "Under Siege" has proven to be an unforgettable ride that has left viewers craving for more.
The episode was rated 8,14 from 946 votes.
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