American Dad!

10 Best Episodes of American Dad! - Season 13

For fans of the animated series American Dad!, ranking the best episodes is a favorite pastime. With 21 seasons and counting, the show has delivered a wealth of hilarious and memorable moments. Whether you're a longtime fan or a newcomer looking to dive into the series, here are some of the top-rated episodes according to viewers.

One of the most beloved episodes is "Rapture's Delight" from season 5. In this holiday-themed episode, Stan and Francine are left behind on Earth after the Rapture occurs. As they navigate a post-apocalyptic world, they encounter a variety of characters and situations that are both absurd and surprisingly touching. The episode is a standout for its clever writing and emotional depth.

Another fan favorite is "The One That Got Away" from season 15. In this episode, Steve is determined to catch a legendary fish that has eluded him for years. Meanwhile, Roger and Klaus engage in a competition of their own. The episode is a perfect showcase for the show's blend of humor and heart, as Steve learns a valuable lesson about perseverance and the importance of friendships.

Written by Sophie and last updated on jun 24, 2024.

PS: The following content contains spoilers!

PPS: I will admit that parts of this page was written with the help of AI - it makes my work so much easier to not start from a blank page!

American Dad! - S13E9

#15 - Anchorfran (Season 13 - Episode 9)

Francine sets out to help news anchor Greg when he and Terry split up. Roger becomes obsessed with a fictional boy from an old game called Dream Phone.

The episode was rated 7.34 from 828 votes.

American Dad! - S13E6

#14 - Kiss Kiss, Cam Cam (Season 13 - Episode 6)


Stan gets Francine baseball tickets for her birthday but is upset when they have a horrible kiss on the kiss cam. Steve and Roger head to Nevada to help clean polluted water.

The episode was rated 7.35 from 827 votes.

American Dad! - S13E7

#13 - The Devil Wears a Lapel Pin (Season 13 - Episode 7)

When Stan is given the task of putting together the CIA calendar, Hayley attempts to destroy it. Meanwhile, Roger gets a Discover card and fakes his death to get out of paying the enormous balance.

The episode was rated 7.35 from 887 votes.

American Dad! - S13E18

#12 - Mine Struggle (Season 13 - Episode 18)


When Stan discovers a salt mine in the backyard, the Morton Salt Company wants to buy it. It turns out Steve is the rightful owner of the land, and he faces pressure from the family to sell.

The episode was rated 7.35 from 931 votes.

American Dad! - S13E19

#11 - Garfield and Friends (Season 13 - Episode 19)

Stan brings President Garfield back to life to teach Hayley about history; Steve joins the school newspaper.

The episode was rated 7.36 from 879 votes.

American Dad! - S13E12

#10 - The Dentist's Wife (Season 13 - Episode 12)


Roger loses his identity after becoming fascinated by a local dentist's wife. Meanwhile, Klaus throws a party when Stan and the kids are unable to move from being sore after working out.

The episode was rated 7.37 from 953 votes.

American Dad! - S13E15

#9 - Daesong Heavy Industries (Season 13 - Episode 15)

Stan loses his faith in religion after Steve questions everything in the Bible. He takes the family to Korea to investigate the rumors of a reinvented "Noah's Ark."

The episode was rated 7.40 from 982 votes.

American Dad! - S13E21

#8 - Next of Pin (Season 13 - Episode 21)


Stan and Steve start bowling for more quality time together; Klaus holds a contest to see whether Roger or Hayley has the worse attention span.

The episode was rated 7.41 from 916 votes.

American Dad! - S13E2

#7 - The Life Aquatic with Steve Smith (Season 13 - Episode 2)

Steve joins the high school water polo team to get girls. Meanwhile, Roger and Stan get a boat.

The episode was rated 7.42 from 1001 votes.

American Dad! - S13E17

#6 - Criss-Cross Applesauce: The Ballad of Billy Jesusworth (Season 13 - Episode 17)


When Roger breaks his ankle, Francine convinces Stan to let him play in his basketball league. Meanwhile, Steve sings a song that parodies R. Kelly's "Trapped in the Closet".

The episode was rated 7.42 from 943 votes.

American Dad! - S13E3

#5 - Hayley Smith, Seal Team Six (Season 13 - Episode 3)

Hayley mentally regresses to a 6-year-old. Steve and his pals get a slow cooker.

The episode was rated 7.43 from 971 votes.

American Dad! - S13E20

#4 - Gifted Me Liberty (Season 13 - Episode 20)


Stan goes on a mission to find out who didn't bring a gift to the CIA's Secret Santa party; Steve poses as the good boyfriend for several female classmates.

The episode was rated 7.44 from 870 votes.

American Dad! - S13E22

#3 - Standard Deviation (Season 13 - Episode 22)

To avoid a suicide mission, Stan must beat Bullock in a DJ battle; Jeff starts drinking psychedelic teas and builds an imaginary musical instrument with Roger's help.

The episode was rated 7.45 from 894 votes.

American Dad! - S13E11

#2 - The Unincludeds (Season 13 - Episode 11)


Steve and Snot alter their futures when they throw a party for the uncool kids. Meanwhile, Roger is disgruntled when a waitress doesn't compliment his order.

The episode was rated 7.65 from 953 votes.

American Dad! - S13E10

#1 - The Two Hundred (Season 13 - Episode 10)

Stan, tattooed and haunted, travels a barren Langley Falls alone. Meanwhile, a mysterious element known as "The Two Hundred" has reigned terror on the town and separated Stan from his family.

The episode was rated 7.69 from 973 votes.

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