American Dad!

10 Best Episodes of American Dad! - Season 9

For fans of the animated series American Dad!, ranking the best episodes is a favorite pastime. With 21 seasons and counting, the show has delivered a wealth of hilarious and memorable moments. Whether you're a longtime fan or a newcomer looking to dive into the series, here are some of the top-rated episodes according to viewers.

One of the most beloved episodes is "Rapture's Delight" from season 5. In this holiday-themed episode, Stan and Francine are left behind on Earth after the Rapture occurs. As they navigate a post-apocalyptic world, they encounter a variety of characters and situations that are both absurd and surprisingly touching. The episode is a standout for its clever writing and emotional depth.

Another fan favorite is "The One That Got Away" from season 15. In this episode, Steve is determined to catch a legendary fish that has eluded him for years. Meanwhile, Roger and Klaus engage in a competition of their own. The episode is a perfect showcase for the show's blend of humor and heart, as Steve learns a valuable lesson about perseverance and the importance of friendships.

Written by Sophie and last updated on jun 24, 2024.

PS: The following content contains spoilers!

PPS: I will admit that parts of this page was written with the help of AI - it makes my work so much easier to not start from a blank page!

American Dad! - S9E5

#15 - Why Can't We Be Friends? (Season 9 - Episode 5)

When Stan decides that Snot isn't cool enough to be Steve's best friend, he tries to separate them by staging a shooting at an ice cream parlor.

The episode was rated 7.59 from 499 votes.

American Dad! - S9E9

#14 - The Adventures of Twill Ongenbone and His Boy Jabari (Season 9 - Episode 9)


Francine regrets deciding to teach Roger the value of hard work; Steve interviews Stan for a school project.

The episode was rated 7.62 from 478 votes.

American Dad! - S9E4

#13 - American Stepdad (Season 9 - Episode 4)

When Stan invites his recently widowed mother to move in, she and Roger fall in love and wed; Steve and his friends find a lost movie script.

The episode was rated 7.62 from 534 votes.

American Dad! - S9E7

#12 - National Treasure 4: Baby Franny: She's Doing Well: The Hole Story (Season 9 - Episode 7)


A talk show reveals that Francine was the toddler who, famously, was rescued from a well by a firefighter; Francine makes a discovery when she falls down the well on the anniversary of her rescue; Stan and Roger come up with a business idea.

The episode was rated 7.62 from 451 votes.

American Dad! - S9E16

#11 - The Boring Identity (Season 9 - Episode 16)

When Stan gets amnesia, Francine tries to turn him into her ideal husband; Steve is drawn into the corrupt side of Roger's paper route business.

The episode was rated 7.63 from 472 votes.

American Dad! - S9E8

#10 - Finger Lenting Good (Season 9 - Episode 8)


The Smiths get drunk at Roger's Mardi Gras party and make a pact with Bullock; Roger tries to find the person who left a pastie in the attic.

The episode was rated 7.64 from 491 votes.

American Dad! - S9E1

#9 - Love, AD Style (Season 9 - Episode 1)

When Roger hires Hayley as a singer in his new bar, he becomes enthralled by her voice; Stan tries to prove his masculinity by negotiating a good deal on a new car.

The episode was rated 7.69 from 580 votes.

American Dad! - S9E12

#8 - Naked to the Limit, One More Time (Season 9 - Episode 12)


Roger pretends to be Jeff's imaginary friend so he can roam around the house without a disguise; when Jeff realizes Roger is an alien, Stan issues an ultimatum -- either Roger or Jeff must be killed; Steve becomes insecure about his body.

The episode was rated 7.70 from 471 votes.

American Dad! - S9E11

#7 - Max Jets (Season 9 - Episode 11)

Roger announces that Max Jets, a character who showers the Smith family with money, is making a return; a gold-digging waitress romances Max and threatens the family's inheritance.

The episode was rated 7.71 from 496 votes.

American Dad! - S9E15

#6 - The Missing Kink (Season 9 - Episode 15)


Francine tries to get Stan to spice up their sex life; Hayley tries to get back into dating and accepts a date with Snot.

The episode was rated 7.73 from 474 votes.

American Dad! - S9E2

#5 - Killer Vacation (Season 9 - Episode 2)

In the latest episode of American Dad!, the Smith family is in for a killer vacation. As they soak up the sun on a tropical getaway, things take a dark turn when Stan receives a shocking order. Tasked with a deadly mission, Stan finds himself in a dangerous predicament that could threaten the entire family's vacation bliss.

Meanwhile, Jeff and Hayley attempt to reignite the spark in their relationship. As they navigate the challenges of love and romance, their journey takes unexpected twists and turns. Will they be able to rekindle their romance amidst the chaos of their vacation?

Get ready for an action-packed and hilarious episode of American Dad! With its signature blend of comedy, suspense, and heart, this episode is sure to leave you on the edge of your seat. Don't miss out on all the excitement as the Smith family faces deadly challenges and unexpected surprises. Tune in to see if they can survive the ultimate killer vacation!

The episode was rated 7.76 from 537 votes.

American Dad! - S9E3

#4 - Can I Be Frank with You? (Season 9 - Episode 3)


In this episode of American Dad!, titled "Can I Be Frank With You?", Francine starts to feel neglected by her husband, Stan. She believes that he spends too much time with his friends, leaving her feeling lonely and unimportant. Will Francine be able to communicate her feelings to Stan in a way that he truly understands? Or will this issue continue to strain their relationship?

Meanwhile, Steve and his friends find themselves in an unexpected situation when a boy band approaches them for a music video. Excited by the opportunity, the boys eagerly jump on board. But will they be able to handle the pressures and expectations that come with being in the spotlight? This unexpected twist promises hilarious and entertaining moments that will keep you hooked until the end.

"Can I Be Frank With You?" is an episode that delves into the complexities of relationships and the challenges of fame. With its relatable themes and comedic twists, this episode is sure to resonate with fans of American Dad! Whether you're a longtime viewer or new to the show, this episode will leave you laughing, reflecting, and eagerly awaiting the next adventure in the lives of the Smith family.

The episode was rated 7.77 from 562 votes.

American Dad! - S9E14

#3 - Spelling Bee My Baby (Season 9 - Episode 14)

In this hilarious episode of American Dad!, titled "Spelling Bee My Baby," Francine takes her motherly instincts to the extreme as she tries to ensure her son Steve's victory in the school spelling bee. With her competitive spirit in full force, Francine resorts to some unconventional methods to give Steve an edge. Will her plan succeed, or will her meddling only lead to chaos and unexpected consequences? Tune in to find out!

Meanwhile, Stan and Roger team up in their own mischievous adventure. They attempt to fast-track Hayley's grieving process so that she can be present to judge their highly-anticipated badminton game. With their usual absurdity and disregard for boundaries, the duo's efforts to expedite Hayley's healing take unexpected turns. Will they succeed in their mission, or will their interference only make matters worse? You won't want to miss the hilarity that ensues!

"Spelling Bee My Baby" promises to be an entertaining episode filled with laughter, family dynamics, and the trademark humor that American Dad! is known for. As the characters navigate their respective schemes and challenges, be prepared for unexpected twists, witty one-liners, and plenty of belly laughs. Make sure to mark your calendars and tune in for this side-splitting installment of American Dad!

The episode was rated 7.77 from 468 votes.

American Dad! - S9E19

#2 - Da Flippity Flop (Season 9 - Episode 19)


In the latest episode of American Dad!, titled "Da Flippity Flop," things take a hilarious turn when Stan and Klaus find themselves in an unexpected body swap predicament. When Stan adamantly refuses to switch Klaus back into his original body, Klaus takes matters into his own hands and decides to steal Stan's body. Get ready for a wild ride as these two characters navigate life in each other's shoes, leading to a series of comical and unexpected situations.

Meanwhile, Roger, the eccentric alien living with the Smith family, has a new project in mind. He decides to transform the attic into a fully-equipped gym. As Roger sets out to achieve his fitness goals, chaos ensues, with the gym becoming a hub of laughter and mishaps. From unexpected exercise routines to unconventional gym equipment, this storyline is sure to keep you entertained and laughing throughout the episode.

Will Stan and Klaus be able to find a way to switch back into their original bodies? How will the attic gym adventure unfold? Tune in to American Dad! and join in on the laughter, as this episode promises to deliver a healthy dose of hilarious moments and unexpected twists. Don't miss out on the fun in "Da Flippity Flop"!

The episode was rated 7.80 from 487 votes.

American Dad! - S9E18

#1 - Lost in Space (Season 9 - Episode 18)

In this hilarious episode of American Dad!, Jeff finds himself in a truly out-of-this-world situation. After being abducted by a spaceship, he must navigate his way back home by proving his love for Hayley to Emperor Zing. Will Jeff's unconventional methods win over the alien ruler, or will he be forever lost in space?

As the episode unfolds, viewers are in for a wild ride filled with unexpected twists and turns. Jeff's determination to return to his beloved Hayley is put to the ultimate test, leading to some laugh-out-loud moments and heartwarming surprises. With its signature blend of humor and heart, American Dad! delivers another unforgettable adventure that will keep fans on the edge of their seats.

Lost in Space is a standout episode that showcases the show's ability to seamlessly weave together comedy, romance, and sci-fi elements. Whether you're a die-hard American Dad! fan or simply looking for a good laugh, this episode is sure to leave you entertained and wanting more. So buckle up, folks, because things are about to get extraterrestrial!

The episode was rated 7.92 from 511 votes.

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