How I Met Your Mother

10 Best Episodes of How I Met Your Mother - Season 7

Are you a fan of heartwarming sitcoms that make you laugh, cry, and everything in between? If so, you're probably familiar with the beloved TV show "How I Met Your Mother." This hit series, which first premiered on CBS in 2005, follows the journey of a father as he tells his children the story of how he met their mother. Through a series of flashbacks, we get to witness the adventures, mishaps, and heartfelt moments that he and his four best friends experience along the way. With 10 seasons under its belt, this show has had its fair share of memorable episodes that have left audiences wanting more.

From hilarious antics to touching moments of friendship and love, "How I Met Your Mother" has it all. With each passing season, viewers have been treated to a plethora of standout episodes that have become fan favorites. Whether it's the gang's annual Thanksgiving traditions, their epic road trips, or their hilarious attempts at finding love in the city that never sleeps, there's something for everyone to enjoy.

So, if you're ready to relive the laughter, the tears, and the unforgettable moments that "How I Met Your Mother" has to offer, join us as we dive into the best episodes of this beloved sitcom. From the pilot episode to the series finale, we'll take you on a trip down memory lane and remind you why this show has captivated audiences for over a decade. So grab a bowl of popcorn, get cozy on the couch, and let's embark on this legendary journey together.

Written by Sophie and last updated on jun 12, 2024.

PS: The following content contains spoilers!

PPS: I will admit that parts of this page was written with the help of AI - it makes my work so much easier to not start from a blank page!

How I Met Your Mother - S7E22

#15 - Good Crazy (Season 7 - Episode 22)

Marshall panics when a baby shower indicates that the birth is close at hand and accidentally takes a road trip with Barney. Ted hallucinates seeing Robin while trying to get over her and decides to patch up their differences. Barney tries to talk Quinn out of being a stripper.

The episode was rated 8.00 from 1271 votes.

How I Met Your Mother - S7E2

#14 - The Naked Truth (Season 7 - Episode 2)


Marshall gets a great job offer that he fears may be scuttled by a social media background check. Ted needs a date for the Architects Ball.

The episode was rated 8.01 from 1243 votes.

How I Met Your Mother - S7E13

#13 - Tailgate (Season 7 - Episode 13)

After celebrating New Year's Eve, Marshall visits his father's graveside to carry on their tradition of tailgating. Meanwhile, Barney and Ted open a bar called "Puzzles," and Robin is forced to fill in for an inebriated news anchor.

The episode was rated 8.04 from 1227 votes.

How I Met Your Mother - S7E1

#12 - The Best Man (Season 7 - Episode 1)


While Barney prepares for his wedding to a mystery bride, he and Ted reminisce about Punchy’s wedding, including when Marshall and Lily announced they are having a baby. Meanwhile, Robin considers telling Barney she has feelings for him.

The episode was rated 8.07 from 1285 votes.

How I Met Your Mother - S7E9

#11 - Disaster Averted (Season 7 - Episode 9)

While the gang reminisces about Hurricane Irene, Barney tries to cut a deal with Marshall and Lily to get out of wearing the Ducky Tie.

The episode was rated 8.08 from 1271 votes.

How I Met Your Mother - S7E18

#10 - Karma (Season 7 - Episode 18)


Barney continues his pursuit of Quinn. Ted has to deal with Robin's old room, while Robin gets a taste of suburban life from Marshall and Lily.

The episode was rated 8.10 from 1232 votes.

How I Met Your Mother - S7E17

#9 - No Pressure (Season 7 - Episode 17)

When Robin breaks up with Kevin, Ted confesses his feelings to her. Meanwhile, Barney is on a mission to find something private of Marshall and Lily’s.

The episode was rated 8.14 from 1266 votes.

How I Met Your Mother - S7E21

#8 - Now We're Even (Season 7 - Episode 21)


Although Ted is happy with living alone at his new apartment, Barney tries to convince him about going out every night. Lily has a naughty dream about someone other than Marshall. Robin finally starts her stint as a news anchor at World Wide News.

The episode was rated 8.14 from 1272 votes.

How I Met Your Mother - S7E19

#7 - The Broath (Season 7 - Episode 19)

The gang tries to break up Barney and Quinn after learning they plan on moving in together, leaving Robin and Ted to fight over who deserves to sublet her apartment.

The episode was rated 8.17 from 1274 votes.

How I Met Your Mother - S7E3

#6 - Ducky Tie (Season 7 - Episode 3)


Barney faces having to wear Marshall's ducky tie if he loses a bet with him. Meanwhile, Ted hopes to apologize to an ex for cheating on her.

The episode was rated 8.19 from 1329 votes.

How I Met Your Mother - S7E10

#5 - Tick Tick Tick (Season 7 - Episode 10)

Barney and Robin find themselves in an uncomfortable situation when they hide a secret from their significant others. Meanwhile, Marshall, Lily and Ted attend a concert.

The episode was rated 8.23 from 1280 votes.

How I Met Your Mother - S7E20

#4 - Trilogy Time (Season 7 - Episode 20)


Ted, Marshall and Barney embark on another "trilogy time", where they get together every three years to watch the "Star Wars" trilogy and envision what their lives will be like in another three years. Meanwhile Barney and Quinn move in together.

The episode was rated 8.23 from 1279 votes.

How I Met Your Mother - S7E12

#3 - Symphony of Illumination (Season 7 - Episode 12)

In the How I Met Your Mother episode titled "Symphony of Illumination," Robin is faced with devastating news that she decides to keep hidden from her friends. Meanwhile, Marshall takes on the task of decorating his suburban home for Christmas, with some unexpected help from his neighbor.

This episode has received mixed reviews, but it certainly packs an emotional punch. The reveal that Robin's imagined conversation with her future children is actually a coping mechanism for her infertility is both gimmicky and heart-wrenching. It explores the complex emotions of having a possibility ripped away, even if it was something she didn't want at the time.

Despite its flaws, this episode showcases the show's ability to find humor, meaning, and heart in significant life moments. The moment when Robin throws her eggnog in the trash, devastated but trying to reassure herself, is truly heartbreaking. And in a touching act of friendship, Ted is there to comfort her, reaffirming the idea that loved ones will be there for us in both our highest and lowest points.

Overall, "Symphony of Illumination" delves into the complicated darkness of confronting unexpected news, and does so with grace and depth. While not perfect, it exemplifies what How I Met Your Mother does best - finding the humor and heart in significant life experiences.

The episode was rated 8.31 from 1282 votes.

How I Met Your Mother - S7E23

#2 - The Magician's Code: Part One (Season 7 - Episode 23)


In "The Magician's Code: Part One" episode of How I Met Your Mother, Lily goes into labor, causing a frenzy among the group. In order to distract Lily and keep her calm, Ted and Robin take turns telling her stories. Meanwhile, Marshall finds himself in a race against time as he rushes back from Atlantic City to be by Lily's side.

While the episode received mixed reviews with a rating of 5.7/10, there were moments of brilliance amidst the chaos. Some viewers felt that the random cutaway gags, reminiscent of Family Guy, took away from the present moment. However, there were still funny moments such as everyone wearing the same Breakfast Club costume and Ted's elaborate labor announcement.

Despite the comedic mishaps, there were touching moments that resonated with the audience. Lily's dad, initially portrayed as the worst person to have in a medical emergency, ultimately becomes the one who gives her the strength to continue without Marshall. Barney's heartfelt speech to the bus driver about why Marshall deserves to be present for the birth of his child showcases his own desire for a loving relationship like Marshall and Lily's. Finally, the episode concludes on a heartwarming note as Marshall arrives, announces he's a dad, and the group embraces.

Overall, "The Magician's Code: Part One" delivers a mix of both comedic and heartfelt moments, making it a memorable episode in the How I Met Your Mother series.

The episode was rated 8.32 from 1320 votes.

How I Met Your Mother - S7E24

#1 - The Magician's Code: Part Two (Season 7 - Episode 24)

In the How I Met Your Mother episode "The Magician's Code: Part Two," Ted finds himself in a difficult situation when Victoria, his ex-girlfriend, approaches him on her wedding day and asks him to elope. The episode also follows Barney and Quinn, who get arrested by airport security while traveling to Hawaii. The reason? Barney refuses to open a mysterious box they are carrying.

While the episode has its share of plot choices that might not be everyone's cup of tea, it still manages to captivate viewers with its well-executed storyline. One of the main points of contention is Robin's premise that Ted is subconsciously setting himself up for failure in his romantic life. Some argue that this idea feels forced, especially when considering Ted's past relationships. However, the episode does offer some heartfelt moments, such as Ted's realization about not wanting to repeat the pain of being left at the altar and Victoria's moment of clarity.

Another highlight of the episode is Barney's proposal to Quinn, which some deem as the "coolest proposal ever." Although the extended series of setpieces involving the "magician's code" may not be everyone's cup of tea, it showcases Barney's devotion to Quinn and highlights their deep connection. The episode also includes fun subplots, such as Marshall and Lily's parenting standards and Robin's attempt to capture the perfect photograph.

Overall, "The Magician's Code: Part Two" may have its share of strange decisions, but it still manages to deliver heartfelt moments and keep viewers engaged. It also sets the stage for future tension and dramatic irony, particularly with the reveal that Robin is the bride "a little down the road." While this direction might not be everyone's favorite, it adds an element of curiosity and tragedy to the storyline. Ultimately, this episode offers a mix of emotions and storytelling choices that will leave fans wanting more.

The episode was rated 8.37 from 1005 votes.

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