How I Met Your Mother

10 Best Episodes of How I Met Your Mother - Season 9

Are you a fan of heartwarming sitcoms that make you laugh, cry, and everything in between? If so, you're probably familiar with the beloved TV show "How I Met Your Mother." This hit series, which first premiered on CBS in 2005, follows the journey of a father as he tells his children the story of how he met their mother. Through a series of flashbacks, we get to witness the adventures, mishaps, and heartfelt moments that he and his four best friends experience along the way. With 10 seasons under its belt, this show has had its fair share of memorable episodes that have left audiences wanting more.

From hilarious antics to touching moments of friendship and love, "How I Met Your Mother" has it all. With each passing season, viewers have been treated to a plethora of standout episodes that have become fan favorites. Whether it's the gang's annual Thanksgiving traditions, their epic road trips, or their hilarious attempts at finding love in the city that never sleeps, there's something for everyone to enjoy.

So, if you're ready to relive the laughter, the tears, and the unforgettable moments that "How I Met Your Mother" has to offer, join us as we dive into the best episodes of this beloved sitcom. From the pilot episode to the series finale, we'll take you on a trip down memory lane and remind you why this show has captivated audiences for over a decade. So grab a bowl of popcorn, get cozy on the couch, and let's embark on this legendary journey together.

Written by Sophie and last updated on jun 18, 2024.

PS: The following content contains spoilers!

PPS: I will admit that parts of this page was written with the help of AI - it makes my work so much easier to not start from a blank page!

How I Met Your Mother - S9E17

#15 - Sunrise (Season 9 - Episode 17)

Robin and Ted reminisce about past relationships as they search for a drunken Barney on the day of the wedding. Lily and Marshall come to a resolution. Barney befriends two men who are eager to meet women.

The episode was rated 7.78 from 2552 votes.

How I Met Your Mother - S9E6

#14 - Knight Vision (Season 9 - Episode 6)


When Ted finds himself with three prospects to be his date for the wedding weekend, he chooses poorly. Meanwhile, Barney and Robin have a confrontation with their minister, and Marshall learns more about his driving companion, Daphne.

The episode was rated 7.80 from 2391 votes.

How I Met Your Mother - S9E3

#13 - Last Time in New York (Season 9 - Episode 3)

When Lily discovers Ted’s list of things he wants to do in New York before he moves for Chicago, she becomes frustrated that she is the only person who knows about his plans. Meanwhile, Robin and Barney realize they have very little time together before their relatives arrive for their wedding.

The episode was rated 7.84 from 2439 votes.

How I Met Your Mother - S9E4

#12 - The Broken Code (Season 9 - Episode 4)


While Barney works through his anger at Ted after finding out he still has feelings for Robin, Marshall Skypes in to act as a judge and help settle their dispute. Meanwhile, Lily realizes she is Robin’s only girlfriend.

The episode was rated 7.84 from 2425 votes.

How I Met Your Mother - S9E18

#11 - Rally (Season 9 - Episode 18)

When Barney suffers from the world’s worst hangover the morning of his wedding, the gang tries to figure out the far-fetched ingredients to concoct the Stinson Hangover Fixer Elixir.

The episode was rated 7.90 from 2546 votes.

How I Met Your Mother - S9E21

#10 - Gary Blauman (Season 9 - Episode 21)


Gary Blauman shows up at Barney and Robin's wedding, sending the gang into a frenzy about which table to seat him at. Through their debate, they realize each of them either hates or loves Gary. Meanwhile, in the year 2014, Ted and The Mother go out on their first date.

The episode was rated 7.91 from 2579 votes.

How I Met Your Mother - S9E1

#9 - The Locket (Season 9 - Episode 1)

On their way to Long Island for their wedding weekend, Robin and Barney come across a startling family discovery. Meanwhile, Marshall sees something online that changes the course of his journey east, while Lily confronts Ted about letting go of Robin.

The episode was rated 7.92 from 2493 votes.

How I Met Your Mother - S9E2

#8 - Coming Back (Season 9 - Episode 2)


When James reveals that he is getting divorced, Robin worries about how Barney will take the news. Meanwhile, Marshall races to find a way to get to New York in time for the wedding, and Ted deals with being alone at a romantic hotel.

The episode was rated 7.93 from 1971 votes.

How I Met Your Mother - S9E9

#7 - Platonish (Season 9 - Episode 9)

In a flashback episode, the gang ponders the future of the Ted, Robin and Barney love triangle. Meanwhile, Barney accepts a series of challenges from Lily and Robin.

The episode was rated 7.93 from 2472 votes.

How I Met Your Mother - S9E12

#6 - The Rehearsal Dinner (Season 9 - Episode 12)


Barney is shooting to have the rehearsal dinner at a laser-tag venue, while Lily is upset when Ted fails to live up to a promise.

The episode was rated 7.97 from 2457 votes.

How I Met Your Mother - S9E20

#5 - Daisy (Season 9 - Episode 20)

Marshall enlists Ted and Barney to help him figure out where Lily went when she left in the middle of their fight.

The episode was rated 7.97 from 2549 votes.

How I Met Your Mother - S9E15

#4 - Unpause (Season 9 - Episode 15)


When Barney drinks too much, Ted and Robin take advantage of him and get him to reveal secrets he’s been hiding for years. Meanwhile, Marshall does everything he can to avoid fighting with Lily.

The episode was rated 8.02 from 2556 votes.

How I Met Your Mother - S9E13

#3 - Bass Player Wanted (Season 9 - Episode 13)

The gang encounters a guy at the wedding who intentionally stirs up trouble among them, and Marshall finally arrives at the Farhampton Inn.

The episode was rated 8.11 from 2523 votes.

How I Met Your Mother - S9E22

#2 - The End of the Aisle (Season 9 - Episode 22)


With only a half-hour to go, both Barney and Robin have panic attacks about their upcoming nuptials. Meanwhile, Marshall and Lily rewrite their old wedding vows.

The episode was rated 8.14 from 2702 votes.

How I Met Your Mother - S9E16

#1 - How Your Mother Met Me (Season 9 - Episode 16)

In the 200th episode of "How I Met Your Mother," titled "How Your Mother Met Me," we finally get to hear the story of how Ted's future wife, The Mother, met him and what she has been up to for the past eight years. This episode received rave reviews, with a rating of 9.7/10, and it's not hard to see why. The Mother's character is beautifully crafted, fitting naturally into the gang's world and Ted's life. But she is not just a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow for Ted. She has her own journey, her own trials and tribulations, making Ted a light at the end of the tunnel for her as well.

In this episode, we learn about the connections between The Mother and various important people and places from the show's history. While some viewers found it a little too neat, it was appreciated how the show filled in the gaps with things we already knew about, like her night at the club or Ted's accidental class. But beyond the connections, the story of The Mother's journey is what truly captivated audiences. It's a story of a young woman who had lost a significant other and believed she had won the lottery on her first ticket, thinking she wouldn't get another chance at love. The episode did a wonderful job of showing her moving past her heartbreak, and Christina Miloti's performance of "La Vie En Rose" was a standout moment that conveyed both the melancholy and sweetness of her love.

This episode, which some viewers consider the best of the season or even better than the entire season, may have lacked in comedy, but it made up for it with its focus on the story and character development. It was a refreshing change to see love portrayed as something that isn't easy to come by and to get over. The episode successfully tied together Ted and The Mother's lives, showcasing how they unknowingly affected each other. Despite some negative reviews and doubts about the final season, this episode, along with the previous one, proved to be worth the wait. And with rumors of a spin-off series called "How I Met Your Father," centered around The Mother, many viewers wouldn't mind seeing more of her story unfold. Well done, "How I Met Your Mother." Keep up the great work.

The episode was rated 8.37 from 2886 votes.

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