Stargate SG-1

10 Best Episodes of Stargate SG-1

Stargate SG-1 is an action-packed science fiction series that has been airing since 1997. With 11 seasons and over 200 episodes, it can be difficult to choose which ones are the best. Here, we have compiled a list of the best episodes of Stargate SG-1, ranked from highest to lowest. From the first season's "Children of the Gods" to the thrilling finale of season 11, these episodes offer some of the best action, suspense and science fiction storytelling available.

From the most dangerous missions to the most heartwarming moments, each of these episodes stands out from the rest and gives viewers an unforgettable experience. Whether it's the team banding together to save a planet or a single character's heroic journey, each of these episodes is sure to keep you on the edge of your seat. Whether you’re new to the show or an old fan, this list of the best episodes of Stargate SG-1 will help you decide which episodes to watch.

From the original team of SG-1 to the newest members of the Stargate program, these episodes showcase the best of the show and embrace the spirit of exploration and adventure that make Stargate SG-1 so great. So grab your popcorn, settle in, and prepare to explore the galaxy with one of the best science fiction shows of all time.

Written by Sophie and last updated on jun 04, 2024.

PS: The following content contains spoilers!

PPS: I will admit that parts of this page was written with the help of AI - it makes my work so much easier to not start from a blank page!

Stargate SG-1 - S6E22

#15 - Full Circle (Season 6 - Episode 22)

In the episode "Full Circle" of the show Stargate SG-1, SG-1 is called to defend the people of Abydos from the Goa'uld Anubis in search of a powerful device. This is especially significant since it is the second time the team has come to the Abydos's aid.

Overall, the episode was well-received and found to have struck the right balance in most areas. Despite this, some viewers had mixed reactions about the character Daniel, who had recently ascended, being in the episode more than they thought he should have been given his current status.

The episode was rated 8.17 from 530 votes.

Stargate SG-1 - S4E1

#14 - Small Victories (2) (Season 4 - Episode 1)


In this episode of Stargate SG-1, Colonel O'Neill and Teal'c risk their lives to keep the Replicator bugs from gaining a foothold on Earth. Meanwhile, Carter helps the Asgard fend off a Replicator invasion. The defeat of the lone Asgard alloy Replicator on the submarine appears to have been too easy, prompting speculation that the Replicators may return in the future.

O'Neill and Teal'c's mission is to prevent the Replicators from taking control of the Earth, while Carter helps the Asgard repel the Replicators. As the pair venture deeper into the submarine, they come across the lone Replicator, which proves to be no match for their combined efforts. Meanwhile, Carter is tasked with providing assistance to the Asgard in their fight against the Replicators. It is uncertain how the battle between the Asgard and the Replicators will play out, but with Carter's help, the Asgard may be able to gain an advantage over the Replicators.

The episode was rated 8.18 from 619 votes.

Stargate SG-1 - S8E1

#13 - New Order (1) (Season 8 - Episode 1)

In this episode of Stargate SG-1, Carter and Teal'c go in search of the Asgard to try and save Colonel O'Neill. In the process, they discover that the Asgard's enemy has returned with a vengeance and the System Lords seek an alliance with Earth against a common enemy.

Fans of the show have found the sudden transition from floppy disks to memory sticks to be interesting, as the show seems to have skipped right over CDs. Additionally, viewers noticed that Dr. Weir is already played by someone else and that they did not even match hair colors. Lastly, some have commented that they liked Teal'c better without the fro.

The episode was rated 8.18 from 579 votes.

Stargate SG-1 - S10E20

#12 - Unending (Season 10 - Episode 20)


The episode Unending of the show Stargate SG-1 is the perfect ending to a wonderful series. It follows SG-1 as they are trapped on board the Odyssey and must live out the rest of their lives together when Carter activates a time dilation field to save the ship from destruction. This is a fantastic way to end the series, even though it wasn't the expected ending with SG1 being cancelled. It is still a really great ending and it's no wonder why some viewers are not okay with saying goodbye to the beloved characters.

In this episode, SG-1 must face the reality of living out the rest of their lives together on board the Odyssey due to the time dilation field. This is a poignant scene that speaks to the strength of their relationships, as they are willing to sacrifice their lives to save the ship. Ultimately, this episode is a fitting end to the series, as it highlights the importance of friendship and the power of love. It is a bittersweet moment for viewers as they must say goodbye to SG-1, but it is also a reminder of the impact the show has had on their lives.

The episode was rated 8.18 from 575 votes.

Stargate SG-1 - S10E3

#11 - The Pegasus Project (Season 10 - Episode 3)

In this episode of Stargate SG-1, Daniel and Vala travel to Atlantis in search of Merlin's anti-Ori weapon, while Sam and Mitchell join forces with Dr. McKay to lock out the Ori supergate.

This episode contains a lot of plot progression and plenty of ridiculousness. One of the funnier moments is when John keeps a lemon on him just to threaten Rodney, highlighting their bff status.

The episode was so good that it may have overshadowed the same week's episode of Atlantis. However, it was certainly an enjoyable episode regardless.

The episode was rated 8.18 from 557 votes.

Stargate SG-1 - S1E22

#10 - Within the Serpent's Grasp (Season 1 - Episode 22)


In the episode Within the Serpent's Grasp, SG-1 escapes the Stargate before it is shut down, learning the truth of Daniel's alternate reality vision: Apophis is planning an attack on Earth from above. To save their planet, the team must stop Apophis and his son Klorel, who inhabits the body of their friend Skaara.

The episode was full of suspenseful moments. Jack's dialogue was edited for later syndication, such as when he said, "We know that's not true," instead of "That's bulls**t!" which was captioned in the Hulu version. The finale was especially horrifying, with a huge ship looming above Earth, leaving them defenseless. Although killing Ra started the process for the attack, it ultimately helped a lot of people.

22 years on, this episode is still remembered with awe and admiration. It was an amazing and gripping episode, and the first time viewers watched it was a truly remarkable experience.

The episode was rated 8.19 from 518 votes.

Stargate SG-1 - S5E21

#9 - Meridian (Season 5 - Episode 21)

Stargate SG-1's episode, Meridian, follows Daniel Jackson as he is exposed to a lethal dose of radiation while visiting an alien civilization that is building a weapon of mass destruction. This episode has been praised for its powerful story-telling and emotional impact, as well as its showcase of Daniel's core character. He is willing to put himself on the line to save people from themselves, yet still believe he has failed in life.

The episode was praised for its well-crafted story, good dialogue, and excellent directing. It has been hailed as one of the best SG-1 episodes and is noted for its emotional impact, especially in the goodbye between Daniel and O'Neill. This powerful episode is a testament to the skill of the cast and crew, and is sure to be remembered by fans for years to come.

The episode was rated 8.19 from 513 votes.

Stargate SG-1 - S8E20

#8 - Moebius (2) (Season 8 - Episode 20)


Stargate SG-1's episode "Moebius (2)" follows SG-1 as they travel through time and attempt to reset the timeline. The episode has been met with mixed reactions, with some viewers feeling it was a bit slow and could have been a single episode instead of a two parter. However, the ending is said to be good.

The episode features a spoiler worthy event, as it adds to the Daniel death counter. This is sure to be a memorable event for viewers, as it adds to the ever-changing timeline. Overall, "Moebius (2)" is an episode that is sure to be talked about for years to come.

The episode was rated 8.20 from 540 votes.

Stargate SG-1 - S9E20

#7 - Camelot (Season 9 - Episode 20)

Stargate SG-1's episode "Camelot" takes viewers on an exciting journey to an alien world. SG-1 discovers the village of Camelot and must face Merlin's security system in search of an Ancient weapon. Meanwhile, Earth and its allies assemble a fleet when a working Ori Supergate is discovered.

This episode is loved by fans everywhere. It is one of the best episodes viewers have seen in a long time. Not only does it have great plot development, action, characters, and suspense, but it also contains some unexpected twists that make it even more exciting. The combination of the different elements makes this episode one viewers will never forget.

The episode was rated 8.23 from 512 votes.

Stargate SG-1 - S3E22

#6 - Nemesis (1) (Season 3 - Episode 22)


Stargate SG-1's episode Nemesis (1) sees SG-1 face creatures of mass destruction that even the Asgard, a powerful alien race, can't control. With the replicator bugs threatening to reach Earth, SG-1 must take drastic measures and destroy Thor's infested vessel. The episode is filled with action and suspense, leaving viewers on the edge of their seats.

Nemesis (1) is a brilliant episode that many viewers didn't realise was the introduction of the replicators in season 3. The episode does a great job of introducing the dangerous replicators, while still maintaining the excitement and adventure that Stargate SG-1 is known for. The stakes are high, and the suspense keeps viewers hooked until the very end.

The episode was rated 8.26 from 593 votes.

Stargate SG-1 - S8E17

#5 - Reckoning (2) (Season 8 - Episode 17)

The fate of the galaxy hangs in the balance as Sam and Jacob search for the only weapon capable of stopping the Replicator onslaught. Colonel O'Neill leads a defense of the S.G.C., while Daniel squares off against Replicator Carter in an intense battle of wits.

The episode features some iconic moments, such as the giant swinging blast door footage reuse. Furthermore, the scenes between Daniel and the Replicator Carter are particularly gripping, with a strong intellectual showdown. Additionally, the scenes with Sam, Jacob, and Ba'al create a tense atmosphere as they desperately search for a weapon to save the galaxy.

The episode was rated 8.28 from 507 votes.

Stargate SG-1 - S2E15

#4 - The Fifth Race (Season 2 - Episode 15)


The Fifth Race is an episode in the Stargate SG-1 series which focuses on O'Neill becoming the receptacle for a library of alien knowledge. This episode is highly praised by fans with many citing it as one of their favorite in the entire series.

The episode is a great display of the team's camaraderie, highlighting the ways in which they best utilize their skills to work together. This episode also marks a shift in the show as it begins to delve into more epic territory. The ending scene with the Asgard is one of the most defining moments in the series, with the species having great potential.

The episode was rated 8.36 from 667 votes.

Stargate SG-1 - S4E6

#3 - Window of Opportunity (Season 4 - Episode 6)

In the Stargate SG-1 episode, "Window of Opportunity," Colonel Jack O'Neill and Teal'c become trapped in a time loop and must relive the same 10 hour period repeatedly. During the episode, Jack attempts to record the events of a previous loop, which is a bit odd given his intelligence. Joseph Mallozzi, the writer and producer of the show and creator of Dark Matter, adds a humorous element to the episode by having Jack name drop the movie Groundhog Day. Daniel Jackson is also featured in this episode, although he is portrayed as being quite clueless when it comes to interacting with the increasingly agitated people around him.

The episode is able to deliver a comedic experience while also providing viewers with emotional moments. Jack's attempt to record the events of a previous loop is a bit far-fetched, however Mallozzi adds a joke that only those familiar with his work would understand. Daniel's cluelessness is also comical, but serves the purpose of showing how unaware he is of the situation going on around him.

The episode was rated 8.54 from 684 votes.

Stargate SG-1 - S7E21

#2 - Lost City (1) (Season 7 - Episode 21)


In this episode of Stargate SG-1, Colonel O'Neill must go to great lengths to prevent the Goa'uld from obtaining access to the Ancients' knowledge, when the team discovers a second repository. To complicate matters, the President replaces General Hammond with a civilian diplomat.

The episode begins with the introduction of Kinsley, a political figure who is despised by the fans. While the episode is generally well-written, many viewers find Kinsley's presence to be a distraction from the story. Fortunately, viewers are introduced to the character of Weir, who is a refreshing change from the more beloved Hammond, even if she is used as a plot device.

The episode was rated 8.57 from 625 votes.

Stargate SG-1 - S7E22

#1 - Lost City (2) (Season 7 - Episode 22)

The episode "Lost City (2)" from the show Stargate SG-1 is a thrilling installment, where Anubis begins a systematic assault on Earth, and SG-1 must find the Ancients' mythical Lost City to save the planet. Fans of the show have praised this episode as an amazing one, noting its payoff of several seasons of buildup, and being worth the wait.

The episode also features the much-anticipated smacking down of Kinsley, a character who had been ruining the show. This scene still gives viewers goosebumps and is remembered fondly. The Lost City (2) episode of Stargate SG-1 is an iconic installment, that resonates with viewers to this day.

The episode was rated 8.75 from 296 votes.

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