Stargate SG-1

10 Best Episodes of Stargate SG-1 - Season 3

Stargate SG-1 is an action-packed science fiction series that has been airing since 1997. With 11 seasons and over 200 episodes, it can be difficult to choose which ones are the best. Here, we have compiled a list of the best episodes of Stargate SG-1, ranked from highest to lowest. From the first season's "Children of the Gods" to the thrilling finale of season 11, these episodes offer some of the best action, suspense and science fiction storytelling available.

From the most dangerous missions to the most heartwarming moments, each of these episodes stands out from the rest and gives viewers an unforgettable experience. Whether it's the team banding together to save a planet or a single character's heroic journey, each of these episodes is sure to keep you on the edge of your seat. Whether you’re new to the show or an old fan, this list of the best episodes of Stargate SG-1 will help you decide which episodes to watch.

From the original team of SG-1 to the newest members of the Stargate program, these episodes showcase the best of the show and embrace the spirit of exploration and adventure that make Stargate SG-1 so great. So grab your popcorn, settle in, and prepare to explore the galaxy with one of the best science fiction shows of all time.

Written by Sophie and last updated on jun 04, 2024.

PS: The following content contains spoilers!

PPS: I will admit that parts of this page was written with the help of AI - it makes my work so much easier to not start from a blank page!

Stargate SG-1 - S3E19

#15 - New Ground (Season 3 - Episode 19)

The members of SG-1 are imprisoned on a planet and become pawns in a war of ideology.

The episode was rated 7.81 from 500 votes.

Stargate SG-1 - S3E5

#14 - Learning Curve (Season 3 - Episode 5)


SG-1 discovers a planet where children are used to acquire knowledge for the entire population, then discarded.

The episode was rated 7.83 from 520 votes.

Stargate SG-1 - S3E7

#13 - Deadman Switch (Season 3 - Episode 7)

SG-1 is taken captive by an alien bounty hunter with uncertain loyalties.

The episode was rated 7.83 from 536 votes.

Stargate SG-1 - S3E17

#12 - A Hundred Days (Season 3 - Episode 17)


After a meteor strike buries the Stargate, O'Neill finds himself stranded on a planet with no hope of rescue.

The episode was rated 7.87 from 518 votes.

Stargate SG-1 - S3E12

#11 - Jolinar's Memories (1) (Season 3 - Episode 12)

When Major Carter's father Jacob is kidnapped by Sokar, the SG-1 team must infiltrate a prison moon designed to look like hell to rescue him.

The episode was rated 7.92 from 509 votes.

Stargate SG-1 - S3E13

#10 - The Devil You Know (2) (Season 3 - Episode 13)


SG-1 must escape a hellish prison moon, and one of their worst enemies.

The episode was rated 7.93 from 511 votes.

Stargate SG-1 - S3E20

#9 - Maternal Instinct (Season 3 - Episode 20)

SG-1 discovers the mystical planet Kheb, and must find the Harcesis child of Apophis and Sha're before Apophis's army does.

The episode was rated 7.95 from 510 votes.

Stargate SG-1 - S3E1

#8 - Into the Fire (Season 3 - Episode 1)


O'Neill, Carter and Jackson must escape Hathor's clutches, while Teal'c tries to raise a Jaffa army on Chulak. General Hammond must take desperate measures to rescue the team.

The episode was rated 7.95 from 591 votes.

Stargate SG-1 - S3E14

#7 - Foothold (Season 3 - Episode 14)

SG-1 returns from a mission and discovers that metamorphic aliens have taken over the complex.

The episode was rated 7.97 from 536 votes.

Stargate SG-1 - S3E21

#6 - Crystal Skull (Season 3 - Episode 21)


An alien artifact causes Daniel to disappear, and the team looks for help from his institutionalized grandfather.

The episode was rated 7.99 from 545 votes.

Stargate SG-1 - S3E3

#5 - Fair Game (Season 3 - Episode 3)

The Asgard aid Earth in negotiating a nonagression treaty with the Goa'uld System Lords.

The episode was rated 8.00 from 597 votes.

Stargate SG-1 - S3E18

#4 - Shades of Grey (Season 3 - Episode 18)


O'Neill steals technology from the Tollan, and is forced to leave the Stargate program. Maybourne offers an intriguing proposal.

The episode was rated 8.05 from 525 votes.

Stargate SG-1 - S3E15

#3 - Pretense (Season 3 - Episode 15)

The Tollan put Skaara and Klorel on trial to determine who will control the host body.

The episode was rated 8.08 from 526 votes.

Stargate SG-1 - S3E6

#2 - Point of View (Season 3 - Episode 6)


SG-1 must free an alternate reality Earth from a Goa'uld invasion after duplicates of Samantha Carter and Charles Kawalsky come through the quantum mirror.

The episode was rated 8.13 from 585 votes.

Stargate SG-1 - S3E22

#1 - Nemesis (1) (Season 3 - Episode 22)

Stargate SG-1's episode Nemesis (1) sees SG-1 face creatures of mass destruction that even the Asgard, a powerful alien race, can't control. With the replicator bugs threatening to reach Earth, SG-1 must take drastic measures and destroy Thor's infested vessel. The episode is filled with action and suspense, leaving viewers on the edge of their seats.

Nemesis (1) is a brilliant episode that many viewers didn't realise was the introduction of the replicators in season 3. The episode does a great job of introducing the dangerous replicators, while still maintaining the excitement and adventure that Stargate SG-1 is known for. The stakes are high, and the suspense keeps viewers hooked until the very end.

The episode was rated 8.26 from 593 votes.

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