Young Sheldon

10 Best Episodes of Young Sheldon - Season 2

Since its first season in 2017, CBS's "Young Sheldon" has been a hit with audiences. The show follows the early life of genius Sheldon Cooper, later seen in "The Big Bang Theory," and has now run for seven seasons. With so many great episodes, it can be difficult to choose the absolute best. Here, we will be ranking the top four "Young Sheldon" episodes, to help you find the best of the best.

From the first episode to the last, "Young Sheldon" has been full of heart, humour, and insight. Each episode is carefully crafted to provide viewers with a unique look into Sheldon's life, as he deals with everything from family drama to school problems. With so many memorable moments, it can be hard to pick the very best.

From funny storylines to emotional drama, here are the top four "Young Sheldon" episodes, ranked in order. These episodes have been chosen based on their quality, impact, and overall entertainment value. Sit back and enjoy some of the best episodes of this beloved show.

Written by Sophie and last updated on jun 16, 2024.

PS: The following content contains spoilers!

PPS: I will admit that parts of this page was written with the help of AI - it makes my work so much easier to not start from a blank page!

Young Sheldon - S2E6

#15 - Seven Deadly Sins and a Small Carl Sagan (Season 2 - Episode 6)

Mary clashes with Sheldon's drama teacher over plans for a Halloween fundraiser for the church. Georgie falls for a rebellious teenage girl whom Sheldon is tutoring.

The episode was rated 7.70 from 1884 votes.

Young Sheldon - S2E2

#14 - A Rival Prodigy and Sir Isaac Neutron (Season 2 - Episode 2)


When Dr. Sturgis bonds with Paige, another 10-year-old genius, Sheldon’s jealousy leads Connie to intervene. Mary invites Paige’s family over for a play date.

The episode was rated 7.70 from 1990 votes.

Young Sheldon - S2E12

#13 - A Tummy Ache and a Whale of a Metaphor (Season 2 - Episode 12)

When Sheldon has to spend a few days in the hospital, he turns into the world’s worst patient. Also, Missy gets a taste of what life would be like without her twin.

The episode was rated 7.71 from 1762 votes.

Young Sheldon - S2E7

#12 - Carbon Dating and a Stuffed Raccoon (Season 2 - Episode 7)


Sheldon gets into trouble with fellow child genius, Paige at the science museum. George is forced to play therapist to Paige’s bickering parents. Mary, Georgie and Missy help Connie with a garage sale.

The episode was rated 7.71 from 1832 votes.

Young Sheldon - S2E4

#11 - A Financial Secret and Fish Sauce (Season 2 - Episode 4)

When George Sr. asks Sheldon to keep a secret from Mary, the stress of not being honest drives Sheldon to hideout at Tam’s for his first sleepover.

The episode was rated 7.72 from 1891 votes.

Young Sheldon - S2E11

#10 - A Race of Superhumans and a Letter to Alf (Season 2 - Episode 11)


Sheldon experiments on Missy, and Georgie joins Mary’s bible study to spend more time with his crush, Veronica.

The episode was rated 7.72 from 1772 votes.

Young Sheldon - S2E21

#9 - A Broken Heart and a Crock Monster (Season 2 - Episode 21)

The Coopers help Pastor Jeff through a rough patch in his marriage. Also, Sheldon pressures church members for donations when Mary takes him to work for a day.

The episode was rated 7.72 from 1539 votes.

Young Sheldon - S2E10

#8 - A Stunted Childhood and a Can of Fancy Mixed Nuts (Season 2 - Episode 10)


When Sheldon learns that people with stunted childhoods can turn into social outcasts, he tries to act. Connie and Dr. Sturgis' relationship is tested when she teaches him how to drive.

The episode was rated 7.73 from 1778 votes.

Young Sheldon - S2E9

#7 - Family Dynamics and a Red Fiero (Season 2 - Episode 9)

Sheldon studies his family for a psychology project. Thanksgiving dinner turns into a family fight when George Sr. is offered a job in Oklahoma.

The episode was rated 7.73 from 1810 votes.

Young Sheldon - S2E5

#6 - A Research Study and Czechoslovakian Wedding Pastries (Season 2 - Episode 5)


The episode ‘A Research Study and Czechoslovakian Wedding Pastries’ from the show Young Sheldon was a great episode. It featured Missy, Sheldon's sister, as the star of the show. She stole the show with her effortless grace and natural talent.

The episode focused on Sheldon and Missy being chosen to participate in a university research study on twins. Mary, their mother, was concerned when the test results gave Sheldon an inflated sense of self-importance. Despite this, Missy still managed to shine and show off her talent, something that many viewers have commented on.

The episode was rated 7.77 from 1919 votes.

Young Sheldon - S2E13

#5 - A Nuclear Reactor and a Boy Called Lovely (Season 2 - Episode 13)

In the episode, "A Nuclear Reactor and a Boy Called Lovely" of the show Young Sheldon, Sheldon attempts to build a nuclear reactor. This is something that is truly remarkable as it mimics something that has actually happened in real life. As Sheldon works on his project, Dr. Sturgis' colleague, Dr. Linkletter, flirts with Connie at a university cocktail party. This causes tension with Georgie who is upset when he learns that Veronica has a boyfriend.

The episode is comical and lighthearted and features some of the show's classic Sheldon humor. It also shows how Sheldon's scientific prowess can be applied in a real-world setting. It is a reminder of how talented he is and how much potential he has to make a difference in the world. Furthermore, the episode also highlights the importance of relationships and how different people can handle and react to situations differently.

The episode was rated 7.80 from 1736 votes.

Young Sheldon - S2E20

#4 - A Proposal and a Popsicle Stick Cross (Season 2 - Episode 20)


In the episode "A Proposal and a Popsicle Stick Cross" of Young Sheldon, Georgie is excited when Veronica stays at the Cooper's house for a few days. Meanwhile, Connie and Dr. Sturgis celebrate their one-year anniversary. The episode was well-paced, with many different plot points that all came together in the end.

The episode touches on many different topics, including the importance of standing up for the right thing. There was a moment when Sheldon's father did something unexpected, and it made viewers proud of him. The episode ended on a sweet note, with a heartwarming moment between Connie and Dr. Sturgis. It was a great way to wrap up the episode and leave viewers feeling satisfied.

The episode was rated 7.84 from 1659 votes.

Young Sheldon - S2E3

#3 - A Crisis of Faith and Octopus Aliens (Season 2 - Episode 3)

In the episode "A Crisis of Faith and Octopus Aliens" of the show Young Sheldon, Mary's faith is shaken by a tragedy in the community, prompting Sheldon to become an unlikely ally. Viewers have commented that this episode was very touching despite their own lack of faith. In addition, they expressed their admiration for the way the crisis of faith that many people go through was expressed so wonderfully through Mary's character. The episode was also noted for its incorporation of the mysterious octopus aliens.

The episode was met with a lot of positive reception from viewers. Those watching were touched by the story and how it was expressed, with many taking to social media to express their appreciation for the episode. People were also left wondering "where all these sliced onions came from?" as the episode contained a lot of emotional scenes. All in all, it was a wonderful episode that showed the strength of faith in the face of tragedy and left viewers with a lot to think about.

The episode was rated 7.85 from 1956 votes.

Young Sheldon - S2E8

#2 - An 8-Bit Princess and a Flat Tire Genius (Season 2 - Episode 8)


In the episode "An 8-Bit Princess and a Flat Tire Genius", Sheldon and Connie bond over their shared love of a new video game. This leads to a hilarious journey of Sheldon trying to find a replacement game when the one Connie has breaks. George Sr. is jealous when Georgie bonds with Herschel at the auto shop, leading to a sweet moment between the two of them.

Meanwhile, Meemaw and Sheldon share a tender moment when she tickles him, showing the strong bond between the two. It is this bond that leads them to run off and buy a new game together, creating a heartwarming moment. Fans of the show were disappointed by the fake Nintendo console used, as it was not true to the original. Nevertheless, this sweet episode was a reminder of the special relationship between Meemaw and Sheldon.

The episode was rated 7.91 from 1854 votes.

Young Sheldon - S2E22

#1 - A Swedish Science Thing and the Equation for Toast (Season 2 - Episode 22)

In the episode "A Swedish Science Thing and the Equation for Toast" of Young Sheldon, Sheldon invites the entire school to a party for the Nobel Prize announcements. Meanwhile, Connie discovers more about Dr. Sturgis' past, and Georgie's wish for cable TV leads to a confrontation between him and George Sr. By the end of the episode, viewers are left with a sad feeling as Sheldon says, "A primary feature of quarks is that they're always bonded together, but in that moment, I felt like a neutrino, destined to be alone forever. Thankfully, I was wrong."

The episode also shows viewers the other six Big Bang characters as children and brings out excellent performances from the cast, especially from Raegan Revord. The episode was a bittersweet ending to the season, with the characters facing the consequences of their decisions, yet learning important life lessons along the way.

The episode was rated 8.07 from 1644 votes.

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