7th Heaven

10 Best Episodes of 7th Heaven

Reverend Eric Camden and his wife Annie have always had their hands full caring for seven children, not to mention the friends, sweethearts and spouses that continually come and go in the Camden household.

Written by Sophie and last updated on jan 04, 2023.

PS: The following content contains spoilers!

PPS: I will admit that parts of this page was written with the help of AI - it makes my work so much easier to not start from a blank page!

7th Heaven - S7E3

#15 - The Enemy Within (Season 7 - Episode 3)

Ken Smith (guest star Pat Boone) pays a visit to Eric and Annie to accuse Mary of seducing his son. He threatens to sell the land next to the church if Mary doesn't break up with Jack. Simon finds out from Cecilla that a girl from his dating service is pregnant. Simon turns to her to try to help her. He convinces her (with the help of Det. Michaels) to drop her baby off at a hospital where the baby can go for safe keeping. Lucy wonders if Kevin has ever been with another women after she catches Ben reading her journal. When Ben picks Ruthie up from school, he see's a girl making fun of her and then she makes fun of him, which leads to the vice principal (guest star Cindy Williams) calling the police.

The episode was rated 8.50 from 22 votes.

7th Heaven - S9E6

#14 - Fathers (Season 9 - Episode 6)


Eric seeks help from Mary's (Jessica Biel, who does not appear in the episode) ex-boyfriend, Wilson (guest-star Andrew Keegan) after Charlie (guest-star Eric Panler), a new father, confesses to Eric that he has made a mistake and can't handle the responsibility of being a young dad. Meanwhile, Lucy and Kevin argue over which doctor they prefer, and Ben (guest-star Geoff Stults), who has taken an unusual interest in their pregnancy, only makes matters worse by siding with Lucy; and Ruthie has hidden intentions for wanting to hang out with Martin and his best friend Mac (guest-star Kyle Searles), which only leads to disappointment since Mac thinks of her more as a little sister.

The episode was rated 8.54 from 13 votes.

7th Heaven - S10E17

#13 - Highway to Cell (Season 10 - Episode 17)

Annie and Ruthie spend the day together to unwind, while Lucy's world becomes complicated by both professional and personal news, and Eric unintentionally shakes up things between Rose and Simon.

The episode was rated 8.56 from 16 votes.

7th Heaven - S10E16

#12 - Moving Ahead (Season 10 - Episode 16)


Annie and Ruthie spend the day together to unwind, while Lucy's world becomes complicated by both professional and personal news, and Eric unintentionally shakes up things between Rose and Simon.

The episode was rated 8.59 from 17 votes.

7th Heaven - S9E5

#11 - Vote (Season 9 - Episode 5)

As election day approcahes, Ruthie is on a mission to develop her own opinions about politics after seeing how much Martin knows about world politics. Meanwhile, both Eric and Annie are suspicious that the other did not vote in the last election. Also, Lucy is feeling the pressure of registering to vote and is surprised to learn that Kevin hasn't changed his address and therefore isn't registered either. Eric is having a hard time teaching the twins that politics are not stupid. Lastly, the family gets a nice call from Carlos and baby Charles.

The episode was rated 8.60 from 10 votes.

7th Heaven - S10E15

#10 - Love and Obsession (Season 10 - Episode 15)


As Valentine's Day approaches, Kevin plans a special dinner, while Ruthie has a difficult time letting go of her feelings for Martin. Elsewhere, Annie has trouble accepting Rose---and the twins' request for a store-bought birthday cake instead of one made by her.

The episode was rated 8.63 from 16 votes.

7th Heaven - S10E6

#9 - Helpful (Season 10 - Episode 6)

Eric meets Sandy's father, who gives him an envelope of money intended for Sandy; and Ruthie collects soup-can labels to help her school's newspaper. Elsewhere, Simon has money troubles and his phone service gets shut off; and Martin has a heart-to-heart talk with Meredith about their future. Sandy: Haylie Duff. Meredith: Megan Henning. Edward: Michael McDonald. Beau: Costas Mandylor.

The episode was rated 8.63 from 16 votes.

7th Heaven - S10E18

#8 - Invitation to Disaster (Season 10 - Episode 18)


The Camdens receive official invitations to Simon and Rose's wedding, and to their dismay, they learn that the date conflicts with Matt and Sarah's graduation from medical school. As this news creates a tailspin with the family, Rose stubbornly refuses to change the wedding date. Eric and Kevin think they have a solution to the problem, but when Annie disapproves of their methods, she looks for help from an entirely different source. Meanwhile, Ruthie wants to enroll in a summer program that takes place in Scotland.

The episode was rated 8.63 from 19 votes.

7th Heaven - S10E22

#7 - ... And Thank You (2) (Season 10 - Episode 22)

Simon and Rose prepare for their wedding day, despite speculation that it is not the right decision. Annie and Eric go through countless scenarios in their minds as they reflect on how the wedding will actually turn out.Meanwhile, Rose's former boyfriend shows up unexpectedly. Ruthie considers studying in Scotland over the summer. Kevin, Lucy, Matt, and Sarah all have life-changing news, if only they can find the perfect time to share it with the family...and the surprises don't stop there!

The episode was rated 8.64 from 22 votes.

7th Heaven - S9E19

#6 - Hungry (Season 9 - Episode 19)


After being taunted for wearing second-hand clothes at "Second Hand Rose" by Vincent's (guest-star Thomas Dekker) new girlfriend, Margot (guest-star Ashley Benson), a distraught Ruthie runs into the bathroom and finds Martin's girlfriend, Zoe (guest-star Katie Cassidy), recovering from a fainting spell as two girls try to help her. Zoe confides that her family doesn't have enough money for food and makes Ruthie promise not to tell anyone. However, when Martin breaks up with Zoe because he doesn't like her conceited attitude, Zoe thinks Ruthie has betrayed her confidence. Meanwhile, Kevin unsuccessfully tries to create some alone time with Lucy, but is frustrated with Lucy's obsession over Savannah. Also, Eric and Annie suspect that Sam and David are feigning being sick so they can stay up late and eat sweets. Lastly, Sam is jealous of the attention being given to an ill David.

The episode was rated 8.65 from 17 votes.

7th Heaven - S10E5

#5 - The Rat's Out of the Bag (Season 10 - Episode 5)

Matt makes a surprise visit to Glen Oak and accompanies Kevin to a children's party where he dresses up into character. Elsewhere, Lucy goes to see Sandy on a private matter that involves Martin, but lies to Kevin that she is going to visit Simon. Matt an

The episode was rated 8.67 from 12 votes.

7th Heaven - S9E7

#4 - Regret to Inform (Season 9 - Episode 7)


When Kevin leads Venus (guest-star Martha Plimpton), a young woman, to believe that Martin is a rookie cop, she quickly expresses interest in him. Martin's friend Mac (guest-star Kyle Searles) encourages him to pursue Venus. Martin has a hard time revealing the truth after he learns that Venus' father is serving in the Middle East. Meanwhile, Eric and Annie are worried that Martin is getting in over his head with Venus and enlist Kevin to fix things, which only leads to rumors around the police station that Kevin is cheating on Lucy. Mac also jumps in by spreading rumors about Martin at school. Lastly, Ben (guest-star Geoff Stults) continues to hide his relationship with Lucy's new baby doctor, even though they spend a weekend together.

The episode was rated 8.69 from 16 votes.

7th Heaven - S9E20

#3 - Leaps of Faith (Season 9 - Episode 20)

An extremely nervous Simon comes home to Glenoak to await the results of his STD test. Eric counsels a woman (guest-star Erika Alexander) who is caring for her two daughters (guest-stars Bree' Anna Banks and Brandi Vanice) with sickle cell anemia and whose absentee father (guest-star Victor Love) is hoping to take them back with him to Memphis for treatment at St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. Meanwhile, Ruthie's ex-boyfriend, Peter (guest-star Scotty Leavenworth), pays her a surprise visit, which creates problems with her current boyfriend, Vincent (guest-star Thomas Dekker). Lucy and Kevin disagree over who should care for Savannah when Lucy returns to work. Lastly, Martin misses an important call from his father in Iraq while sneaking out of the house to be with his girlfriend.

The episode was rated 8.75 from 12 votes.

7th Heaven - S9E4

#2 - Bad Boys, Bad Boys, Whatcha Gonna Do (Season 9 - Episode 4)


Eric is approached by a young pregnant girl, Leanne (guest-star Amanda Fuller), for help in finding a family to adopt her baby. However, when Leanne goes into labor, she has a change of heart and suddenly Eric and Annie are stuck with the task of trying to convince Leanne's mother to support her and help find the baby's father. Meanwhile, Simon runs into the brother of the young boy he accidentally killed in the car accident, only to find that the brother has forgiven Simon and would like to help him find closure. Also, Harry (guest-star Aaron Carter) is confronted by Kevin and Martin for wanting to break up with Ruthie, and all three are surprised to learn that Ruthie wants the exact same thing; and Lucy teaches her first sex education class and finds she may be better at it than she expected.

The episode was rated 8.75 from 16 votes.

7th Heaven - S10E10

#1 - Apple Pie (Season 10 - Episode 10)

It's the Christmas season. Simon discovers that Rose (Sarah Thompson) may have secrets, and begins to wonder if his parents were correct when they warned him not to rush into marriage. Meanwhile, Kevin and Martin come to blows over Martin's attitude about becoming a father and Eric and Annie finally allow Ruthie to date Jack (guest star Garrett Strommen). Simon drops by to Glen Oak to talk to Eric and have...pie. Rose tells her dad about her being embarrassed about his numerous failed marriages as well as her mother's numerous relationships. That is the reason why she hasn't introduced her family to Simon yet. Philip encourages Rose to hold back on marriage with Simon and just live with him, while Rose debates that she tried that and the Camdens hate her even more.

The episode was rated 9.27 from 11 votes.

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