Alaskan Bush People

10 Best Episodes of Alaskan Bush People - Season 12

Deep into Alaska's bush, naturalist and adventurer Billy Brown, along with his wife, Ami, and their seven children, chooses to live life on their own terms, connected to wild nature and bonded to each other. The family of nine strives to be self-sufficient against all odds — often shunning modern society to live off the wilderness and to walk where no man has ever walked before.

Written by Sophie and last updated on feb 10, 2023.

PS: The following content contains spoilers!

PPS: I will admit that parts of this page was written with the help of AI - it makes my work so much easier to not start from a blank page!

Alaskan Bush People - S12E1

#9 - Life in the Extreme (Season 12 - Episode 1)

The Browns begin their ambitious cabin build; Bam and Gabe go on a deer hunt as the family scrambles to pull off the mountain wedding, but days before the ceremony, things take an unexpected turn.

The episode was rated 7.69 from 98 votes.

Alaskan Bush People - S12E9

#8 - Back to the Future (Season 12 - Episode 9)


Months before the fire, the Browns film their daily life locked down on the mountain. And watching and reacting to memorable moments from the show for the first time, the Wolfpack reflects on their adventures in Alaska.

The episode was rated 7.71 from 56 votes.

Alaskan Bush People - S12E5

#7 - Water to Ice (Season 12 - Episode 5)

A deep freeze halts the water supply, sending the ranch into a new crisis; with a critical load of lumber delivered to the base of their mountain, the Wolfpack must problem solve to get their house back on track.

The episode was rated 7.74 from 89 votes.

Alaskan Bush People - S12E3

#6 - Range Ridin' (Season 12 - Episode 3)


When the ranch comes under fire from encroaching hunters, Gabe takes it upon himself to learn to ride a horse as the family constructs a fence around the property. And later, Gabe and Raquell leave the mountain for the birth of their baby girl.

The episode was rated 7.78 from 94 votes.

Alaskan Bush People - S12E2

#5 - Rumble in the Bush (Season 12 - Episode 2)

Gabe is attacked by an aggressive ostrich and loses one of his most prized possessions in the process. When the ranch gets hit with the first snowfall, the family builds a big bonfire to unfreeze the ground under their house site.

The episode was rated 7.79 from 89 votes.

Alaskan Bush People - S12E4

#4 - Bush Below Zero (Season 12 - Episode 4)


A life-threatening cold front approaches the mountain and the family prioritizes shelters for their livestock. The task is easier said than done, as it will require the siblings to make a risky journey to a neighboring mountain to salvage lumber.

The episode was rated 7.82 from 92 votes.

Alaskan Bush People - S12E6

#3 - A Bottle for Your Thoughts (Season 12 - Episode 6)

Bear overnights in the wild as he absorbs life-changing news. A gentler Bam takes the lead on a critical next step of the main house build, while Noah creates a Bush Monster Plow to clear heavy snow. Sister Bird makes an unusual gift for Gabe.

The episode was rated 7.84 from 82 votes.

Alaskan Bush People - S12E8

#2 - Faith & Fury (Season 12 - Episode 8)


Everything the Browns have built is threatened as a devastating wildfire rages on Palmer Mountain. As they take refuge down the mountain, the siblings are given 30 minutes to return to the property and rescue as many animals as they can.

The episode was rated 7.87 from 87 votes.

Alaskan Bush People - S12E7

#1 - The Land Giveths and Takeths (Season 12 - Episode 7)

As winter winds down, the Browns prepare for a medieval-themed birthday celebration for Baby Eli. Pushing through the pandemic, the Browns complete the main house just before a massive wildfire strikes the mountain.

The episode was rated 7.89 from 80 votes.

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