Aqua Teen Hunger Force

10 Best Episodes of Aqua Teen Hunger Force

The surreal adventures of three anthropomorphic fast food items: Master Shake, Frylock and Meatwad, and their human nextdoor neighbor, Carl Brutananadilewski.

Written by Sophie and last updated on feb 04, 2023.

PS: The following content contains spoilers!

PPS: I will admit that parts of this page was written with the help of AI - it makes my work so much easier to not start from a blank page!

Aqua Teen Hunger Force - S3E2

#15 - Unremarkable Voyage (Season 3 - Episode 2)

When Meatwad eats a very important microchip, Frylock must shrink down to retrieve it. However, while shrunk, Shake seizes the moment to capture him and shrink Carl and Meatwad. All three of them are now at Shake's mercy.

The episode was rated 8.09 from 74 votes.

Aqua Teen Hunger Force - S11E8

#14 - The Last One Forever and Ever (For Real This Time) (We Fucking Mean It) (Season 11 - Episode 8)


Aqua Teen Hunger Force take a bow in the series finale

The episode was rated 8.15 from 88 votes.

Aqua Teen Hunger Force - S1E10

#13 - Dumber Dolls (Season 1 - Episode 10)

Meatwad gets a new doll, Happy Time Harry, which has a dreadfully bitter and jaded personality. Happy Time Harry's time is up when his negativity begins to affect everyone.

The episode was rated 8.15 from 81 votes.

Aqua Teen Hunger Force - S11E9

#12 - The Greatest Story Ever Told (Season 11 - Episode 9)


Frylock and Carl use special shampoo to make themselves immortal.

The episode was rated 8.15 from 47 votes.

Aqua Teen Hunger Force - S2E11

#11 - Universal Remonster (Season 2 - Episode 11)

Emory and Oglethorpe pay the Aqua Teens another visit, only this time they decide to steal their cable using the Fargate, and control what they're watching using the Universal Remonster.

The episode was rated 8.16 from 61 votes.

Aqua Teen Hunger Force - S1E4

#10 - Mayhem of the Mooninites (Season 1 - Episode 4)


The Mooninites land on Earth to spread their advanced technology, flaunt their superiority, and cause trouble. They take advantage of Meatwad's naivety and try to corrupt him.

The episode was rated 8.18 from 96 votes.

Aqua Teen Hunger Force - S4E6

#9 - Party All the Time (Season 4 - Episode 6)

Andrew W.K. guest stars in this very special episode about tragedy, courage and ultimately, redemption.

The episode was rated 8.21 from 58 votes.

Aqua Teen Hunger Force - S2E2

#8 - Super Hero (Season 2 - Episode 2)


Master Shake decides to become a superhero named "The Drizzle". In his attempt to be noticed, he douses himself in toxic waste, hands out "Drizzle Phones" and orders a costume.

The episode was rated 8.22 from 78 votes.

Aqua Teen Hunger Force - S3E1

#7 - Video Ouija (Season 3 - Episode 1)

Meatwad's new video game allows him to contact the dead. But by the time Shake commits suicide in order to haunt the Video Ouija realm himself, Meatwad has already lost interest in digital seances.

The episode was rated 8.24 from 83 votes.

Aqua Teen Hunger Force - S2E15

#6 - The Shaving (Season 2 - Episode 15)


It's Halloween at the Aqua Teen headquarters and a monster comes down from the get his mail. Much to his chagrin, the monster is unable to scare anyone - until he reveals a gruesome secret.

The episode was rated 8.26 from 65 votes.

Aqua Teen Hunger Force - S2E16

#5 - Broodwich (Season 2 - Episode 16)

Shake uncovers a delicious, demoniacally possessed submarine sandwich in his front yard. A voice tells him if he eats the whole thing, he will be killed. Shake must battle the Last Temptation of the Broodwich or lose his life.

The episode was rated 8.27 from 71 votes.

Aqua Teen Hunger Force - S8E10

#4 - Last Dance For Napkin Lad (Season 8 - Episode 10)


It's all cloaks and daggers until somebody gets hurt. And someone will!

The episode was rated 8.30 from 63 votes.

Aqua Teen Hunger Force - S1E18

#3 - Cybernetic Ghost of Christmas Past from the Future (Season 1 - Episode 18)

Carl is visited by the Cybernetic Ghost of Christmas Past from the Future and learns that his house is built on an elfin graveyard thus causing his pool to fill with blood. Then the Cybernetic Ghost of Christmas Past from the Future recounts a long story about the first Christmas.

The episode was rated 8.31 from 67 votes.

Aqua Teen Hunger Force - S2E3

#2 - Super Bowl (Season 2 - Episode 3)


After Meatwad finds two Super Bowl tickets inside a bag of chips, everyone tries to get on his good side in order to claim the second ticket. Soon, the contest goes to Meatwad's head and takes advantage of Carl and Shake.

The episode was rated 8.33 from 76 votes.

Aqua Teen Hunger Force - S5E9

#1 - Bible Fruit (Season 5 - Episode 9)

Frylock decides to party with some friends he met through a social networking website.

The episode was rated 8.38 from 52 votes.

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