The surreal adventures of three anthropomorphic fast food items: Master Shake, Frylock and Meatwad, and their human nextdoor neighbor, Carl Brutananadilewski.
Written by Sophie and last updated on feb 04, 2023.
PS: The following content contains spoilers!
PPS: I will admit that parts of this page was written with the help of AI - it makes my work so much easier to not start from a blank page!
Carl suffers the consequences for ordering fast food at Wong Burger. Apparently, the owner Mr. Wong has a diabolical plan.
The episode was rated 7.38 from 47 votes.
Shake buys a magnet to attract women from a TV commercial. Shake does not put in a screw that came with the magnet, so it merely brings out the feminine side of the Aqua Teens.
The episode was rated 7.38 from 56 votes.
Larry Miller gives Carl a glimpse of what his life would be like...with HAIR!
The episode was rated 7.35 from 54 votes.
Dr. Weird's giant mechanical Rabbot wreaks havoc on the nearby New Jersey city and Carl's car. The Aqua Teens proceed to find out what killed Carl's car, and stop it at all costs.
The episode was rated 7.33 from 158 votes.
Shake shares a pad with Dirtfoot in the bottom of a water well. Shake is also under the impression that if he gets hurt in front of a woman, her clothes will magically disappear, just like on TV.
The episode was rated 7.29 from 66 votes.
Frylock builds a time machine, but things don't go according to plan.
The episode was rated 7.25 from 51 votes.
When the Aqua Teens are chased out of their house, Carl tries to sell it. A bunch of robots move in and annoy Carl, so he tries everything he can to stop them.
The episode was rated 7.25 from 56 votes.
Meatwad and Shake are set out to capture the Tooth Fairy.
The episode was rated 7.24 from 55 votes.
Master Shake and Frylock become addicted to a cell phone game which is unfortunate timing for the ghosts that haunt them since cell phones kill the ghosts.
The episode was rated 7.22 from 51 votes.
Frylock begins acting strangely after falling in love with a girl.
The episode was rated 7.04 from 50 votes.
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