Awkwafina is Nora From Queens

10 Best Episodes of Awkwafina is Nora From Queens

Nora Lin leans on her family as she navigates life and young adulthood in outer borough-NYC.

Written by Sophie and last updated on feb 06, 2023.

PS: The following content contains spoilers!

PPS: I will admit that parts of this page was written with the help of AI - it makes my work so much easier to not start from a blank page!

Awkwafina is Nora From Queens - S1E1

#15 - Pilot (Season 1 - Episode 1)

Nora takes her first steps toward financial independence in an attempt to move out of her dad's house.

The episode was rated 7.23 from 186 votes.

Awkwafina is Nora From Queens - S1E6

#14 - Vagarina (Season 1 - Episode 6)


After Nora suffers a vaginal injury, she’s tapped by a DJ to record her chronic queefing for his new track.

The episode was rated 7.27 from 105 votes.

Awkwafina is Nora From Queens - S2E5

#13 - Don't F**k With Grandmas (Season 2 - Episode 5)

Grandma and her gal pals band together to take down a scammer targeting the elderly.

The episode was rated 7.30 from 80 votes.

Awkwafina is Nora From Queens - S2E1

#12 - Never Too Old (Season 2 - Episode 1)


After a starry-eyed look at her future, Nora trains a new CBD store employee. Grandma's newly diagnosed perfect bill of health leads to a face-off. Daniel catches Nora by surprise.

The episode was rated 7.30 from 89 votes.

Awkwafina is Nora From Queens - S2E4

#11 - Edmund's Back (Season 2 - Episode 4)

Despite many setbacks and creepy auditions, Nora stands by Edmund's newfound acting career. Wally panics after discovering that Brenda's online dating profile is still active.

The episode was rated 7.32 from 81 votes.

Awkwafina is Nora From Queens - S3E7

#10 - Nora Is Awkwafina from Queens (Season 3 - Episode 7)


Nora gains a new perspective on life after meeting Awkwafina, Wally and Brenda make amends, and Edmund unexpectedly finds love.

The episode was rated 7.39 from 46 votes.

Awkwafina is Nora From Queens - S1E5

#9 - Not Today (Season 1 - Episode 5)

Nora impulsively dyes her hair after a fight with her dad, and Wally goes to a single-parent support group meeting.

The episode was rated 7.40 from 115 votes.

Awkwafina is Nora From Queens - S1E9

#8 - Launch Party (Season 1 - Episode 9)


Edmund and Nora prepare to launch their app, and Wally’s dinner date goes terribly awry.

The episode was rated 7.40 from 117 votes.

Awkwafina is Nora From Queens - S1E3

#7 - Savage Valley (Season 1 - Episode 3)

Nora takes a job at a real estate office and becomes a hyper-competent assistant with a little help from Adderall, alienating her online gaming friends in the process.

The episode was rated 7.43 from 128 votes.

Awkwafina is Nora From Queens - S1E10

#6 - China (Season 1 - Episode 10)


After Scrubr gets acquired by a company overseas, Nora moves to China. Back in Queens, Grandma befriends an injured pigeon.

The episode was rated 7.45 from 122 votes.

Awkwafina is Nora From Queens - S2E7

#5 - Tales From the Blackout (Season 2 - Episode 7)

Wally, Doug and Nora swap stories of childhood embarrassment, sexual mishaps and bad drug experiences as they ride out a power outage, and Nora learns something new about her mom.

The episode was rated 7.49 from 74 votes.

Awkwafina is Nora From Queens - S1E4

#4 - Paperwork (Season 1 - Episode 4)


Nora has difficulties cashing a check at her bank. She later joins focus groups to make some extra money.

The episode was rated 7.49 from 131 votes.

Awkwafina is Nora From Queens - S2E2

#3 - Stop! Nora Time (Season 2 - Episode 2)

After getting an MRI during an earthquake, Nora time travels to the iPod-filled world of 2003, where she sets out to warn her younger self about the mistakes she's going to make.

The episode was rated 7.57 from 94 votes.

Awkwafina is Nora From Queens - S1E7

#2 - Grandma Loves Nora (Season 1 - Episode 7)


Nora competes with Edmund for their grandmother's affection, and Wally creates an Instagram account to impress his crush.

The episode was rated 7.60 from 126 votes.

Awkwafina is Nora From Queens - S1E8

#1 - Grandma & Chill (Season 1 - Episode 8)

Grandma tells Nora the story of how she met her husband in the style of a Korean drama.

The episode was rated 7.88 from 111 votes.

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