
10 Best Episodes of Breeders - Season 1

Exposing the parental-paradox that it is possible, in the very same moment, to love your child to the horizon of the universe, while being apoplectically angry enough to want to send them there.

Written by Sophie and last updated on feb 06, 2023.

PS: The following content contains spoilers!

PPS: I will admit that parts of this page was written with the help of AI - it makes my work so much easier to not start from a blank page!

Breeders - S1E4

#10 - No Lies (Season 1 - Episode 4)

Michael thrives in his new role as dad and granddad, but Paul and Ally can't adapt to his presence as easily as the children can. Luke's hunt for proof that Santa doesn't exist puts Paul's claim that he never lies to the test.

The episode was rated 7.19 from 247 votes.

Breeders - S1E2

#9 - No Places (Season 1 - Episode 2)


Luke's parents and the surprising arrival of Ally's estranged father cause Paul and Ally to scrutinize their hopes and dreams for Luke and Ava and discover how far they will go for the sake of their kids.

The episode was rated 7.30 from 306 votes.

Breeders - S1E6

#8 - No Talking (Season 1 - Episode 6)

In the wake of Michael’s death, the family stay with Darren at his country house, but Paul’s attempt to give Ally space by taking on kid duties and Darren’s fixation on work doesn’t help Ally find a chance to say goodbye.

The episode was rated 7.34 from 220 votes.

Breeders - S1E3

#7 - No Accident (Season 1 - Episode 3)


Ally attempts to acclimatize to Michael's continued presence while Paul begins to question if his accident-prone son's frequent injuries might actually be his fault.

The episode was rated 7.34 from 279 votes.

Breeders - S1E1

#6 - No Sleep (Season 1 - Episode 1)

The children won’t sleep – Paul and Ally thought these nights were over. Paul spends the night fighting his own anger and his children’s inability to go the f**k to sleep.

The episode was rated 7.42 from 412 votes.

Breeders - S1E8

#5 - No Honeymoon (Season 1 - Episode 8)


Paul attempts to focus on his upcoming wedding but is constantly thwarted by his family; Ally is distracted by work, Luke is misbehaving at school and Leah (Stella Gonet) doesn’t understand why they are even bothering to get married.

The episode was rated 7.43 from 192 votes.

Breeders - S1E7

#4 - No Exit (Season 1 - Episode 7)

It’s half term and Luke is responsible for taking Lenny the class bear on an adventure. Lenny has been to Italy, Peru and beyond, but Paul can’t even manage to get the family and the godforsaken bear out of the house to the local park.

The episode was rated 7.43 from 196 votes.

Breeders - S1E9

#3 - No Cure (1) (Season 1 - Episode 9)


Family life is thrown off kilter as Ally spends her weekdays in Berlin and weekends in London. Paul, Luke and Ava try to muddle through without her, but the children aren’t sleeping again and it takes its toll on Paul.

The episode was rated 7.51 from 198 votes.

Breeders - S1E5

#2 - No Dad (Season 1 - Episode 5)

Paul and Ally are thrilled that Sprout the family gerbil has finally died, but explaining loss to Luke and Ava is more difficult than they thought as grief manifests itself in mysterious ways and throws the family off course.

The episode was rated 7.53 from 230 votes.

Breeders - S1E10

#1 - No Cure (2) (Season 1 - Episode 10)


Luke’s condition worsens and he is admitted to a specialist pediatric unit. As Paul, Ally and their parents desperately wait for news, stress and fear cause cracks to form within the family.

The episode was rated 7.65 from 199 votes.

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