Fairly Legal

10 Best Episodes of Fairly Legal

Kate Reed is a firm believer that justice can always be found – even if it's not always in the courtroom. Once a lawyer at her family's esteemed San Francisco firm, Kate's frustration with the legal system led her to a new career as a mediator. Thanks to her innate understanding of human nature, thorough legal knowledge, and wry sense of humor, Kate is a natural when it comes to dispute resolution. Except, it seems, when it comes to conflicts in her own life.

Written by Sophie and last updated on oct 10, 2022.

PS: The following content contains spoilers!

PPS: I will admit that parts of this page was written with the help of AI - it makes my work so much easier to not start from a blank page!

Fairly Legal - S1E6

#15 - Believers (Season 1 - Episode 6)

The exasperated young inventor of a revolutionary new device, Marcus, threatens to jump to his death when John, his employer and the rights holder to Marcus' invention, asks Kate to mediate his firing. Kate must get Marcus off the ledge, recover the device, which he's stolen, and find a fair resolution for both the disenchanted employee and his former boss.

The episode was rated 8.24 from 74 votes.

Fairly Legal - S1E8

#14 - Ultravinyl (Season 1 - Episode 8)


Paul Shelton, lead singer of the 1990s one-hit-wonder band, Ultravinyl, seeks Kate’s help to cash in on a lucrative offer for use of their song in a commercial. What seems like a slam dunk stalls when Paul’s former bandmates refuse to negotiate, and Paul reveals the real reason he needs Kate’s help.

The episode was rated 8.28 from 72 votes.

Fairly Legal - S1E7

#13 - Coming Home (Season 1 - Episode 7)

A big client of Reed & Reed’s asks Kate to mediate a simple financial matter -- which quickly morphs into a case of identity theft before escalating to an immigration issue where Kate must defend a brave soldier against a rigid Homeland Security prosecutor.

The episode was rated 8.31 from 80 votes.

Fairly Legal - S2E9

#12 - Kiss Me, Kate (Season 2 - Episode 9)


Judge Nicastro enlists Kate and Ben to mediate a contract dispute. Lauren looks for a painting to hang in the lobby of the firm.

The episode was rated 8.36 from 85 votes.

Fairly Legal - S2E11

#11 - Borderline (Season 2 - Episode 11)

Kate and Ben settle a dispute in Lake Tahoe; Lauren helps Justin with an impossible case.

The episode was rated 8.37 from 81 votes.

Fairly Legal - S2E1

#10 - Satisfaction (Season 2 - Episode 1)


Kate returns to work and mediates a case between a corporation and former employee whose granddaughter claims he was exposed to harmful chemicals.

The episode was rated 8.39 from 98 votes.

Fairly Legal - S2E10

#9 - Shattered (Season 2 - Episode 10)

Justin and D.A. Davidson oppose Kate and Ben. Meanwhile, Lauren negotiates the purchase of an airline for a client.

The episode was rated 8.40 from 85 votes.

Fairly Legal - S2E13

#8 - Finale (Season 2 - Episode 13)


Kate digs deeper when a news station fires a lesbian couple for fraternizing in the workplace. Also, Kate must choose between Justin and Ben.

The episode was rated 8.42 from 88 votes.

Fairly Legal - S2E2

#7 - Start Me Up (Season 2 - Episode 2)

Justin asks Kate to negotiate a deal between the FBI and a local hospital. The case seems simple until Kate discovers another patient was bumped from the donor list to accommodate the FBI.

The episode was rated 8.43 from 91 votes.

Fairly Legal - S2E6

#6 - What They Seem (Season 2 - Episode 6)


After Justin and the San Francisco Police Department are accused of police brutality, Kate and Ben are forced to represent the victim.

The episode was rated 8.46 from 84 votes.

Fairly Legal - S2E12

#5 - Force Majeure (Season 2 - Episode 12)

Justin puts his election in jeopardy when he introduces Kate to a Brazilian singer and activist. Elsewhere, Lauren falls for a businessman who may be hiding something

The episode was rated 8.49 from 85 votes.

Fairly Legal - S2E4

#4 - Shine a Light (Season 2 - Episode 4)


Kate mediates a dispute over a severance package for an employee fired from an aeronautics company. Lauren and Ben argue over how to handle a settlement offer.

The episode was rated 8.51 from 88 votes.

Fairly Legal - S2E3

#3 - Bait and Switch (Season 2 - Episode 3)

Judge Nicastro forces Kate to take a case over an insurance dispute and suggests that Lauren begin dating.

The episode was rated 8.55 from 92 votes.

Fairly Legal - S2E8

#2 - Ripple of Hope (Season 2 - Episode 8)


When Kate enlists Ben's help in turning a prison mediation into a personal crusade, both discover that their romantic feelings for each other are hard to avoid.

The episode was rated 8.64 from 90 votes.

Fairly Legal - S2E7

#1 - Teenage Wasteland (Season 2 - Episode 7)

Justin and Ben argue over a plea bargain while Kate visits her old school.

The episode was rated 8.68 from 81 votes.

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