Gordon Ramsay's 24 Hours to Hell & Back

10 Best Episodes of Gordon Ramsay's 24 Hours to Hell & Back - Season 3

Gordon Ramsay drives to struggling restaurants across the country in his state-of-the-art mobile kitchen and command center, Hell On Wheels, and tries to bring them back from the brink of disaster – all in just 24 hours.

Written by Sophie and last updated on feb 06, 2023.

PS: The following content contains spoilers!

PPS: I will admit that parts of this page was written with the help of AI - it makes my work so much easier to not start from a blank page!

Gordon Ramsay's 24 Hours to Hell & Back - S3E10

#10 - Save Our Town (Season 3 - Episode 10)

Gordon revitalizes three businesses in Ellicott City, Md., after flood damage in 2016 and 2018.

The episode was rated 7.03 from 35 votes.

Gordon Ramsay's 24 Hours to Hell & Back - S3E4

#9 - Botto's Italian Line Restaurant (Season 3 - Episode 4)


Ramsay and his crew transform Botto's in Sweedsboro, N.J., with a spectacular renovation, a fresh new menu and hope for the future.

The episode was rated 7.18 from 130 votes.

Gordon Ramsay's 24 Hours to Hell & Back - S3E7

#8 - The Park Restaurant & Bar (Season 3 - Episode 7)

Ramsay tries to revamp a gastropub located in Oak Park, Calif.

The episode was rated 7.27 from 112 votes.

Gordon Ramsay's 24 Hours to Hell & Back - S3E3

#7 - Caneda's White Rooster (Season 3 - Episode 3)


Gordon revamps a Cuban-inspired restaurant in Tom's River, N.J.

The episode was rated 7.30 from 116 votes.

Gordon Ramsay's 24 Hours to Hell & Back - S3E2

#6 - Blend on Main (Season 3 - Episode 2)

Ramsay and his team give Blend on Main a spectacular renovation, a new menu and hope for the future.

The episode was rated 7.40 from 124 votes.

Gordon Ramsay's 24 Hours to Hell & Back - S3E8

#5 - Bear's Den Pizza (Season 3 - Episode 8)


Gordon revamps Bear's Den Pizza

The episode was rated 7.40 from 120 votes.

Gordon Ramsay's 24 Hours to Hell & Back - S3E5

#4 - Seafarer's Family Restaurant (Season 3 - Episode 5)

Gordon and his team attempt to revamp Seafarer's, a seafood restaurant located in Manquin, VA.

The episode was rated 7.43 from 114 votes.

Gordon Ramsay's 24 Hours to Hell & Back - S3E9

#3 - South Boulevard (Season 3 - Episode 9)


Gordon revamps South Boulevard, a Korean-inspired restaurant.

The episode was rated 7.47 from 113 votes.

Gordon Ramsay's 24 Hours to Hell & Back - S3E1

#2 - Lowery's Seafood Restaurant (Season 3 - Episode 1)

Gordon must revamp Lowery's Seafood, where his crew finds two brothers at odds.

The episode was rated 7.56 from 129 votes.

Gordon Ramsay's 24 Hours to Hell & Back - S3E6

#1 - Southern Kitchen (Season 3 - Episode 6)


Gordon and the team revamp a traditional Southern food restaurant located in Richmond, Va.

The episode was rated 7.57 from 114 votes.

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