Best Episodes
Based off of the original Weekly Shonen Jump manga series from Haruichi Furudate, Haikyu!! is a slice-of-life sports anime revolving around Shouyou Hinata's love of volleyball. Inspired by a small-statured pro volleyball player, Hinata creates a volleyball team in his last year of middle school. Unfortunately the team is matched up against the "King of the Court" Tobio Kageyama's team in their first tournament and inevitably lose. After the crushing defeat, Hinata vows to surpass Kageyama. After entering high school, Hinata joins the volleyball team only to find that Tobio has also joined.
Written by Sophie and last updated on feb 12, 2023.
PS: The following content contains spoilers!
PPS: I will admit that parts of this page was written with the help of AI - it makes my work so much easier to not start from a blank page!
Kageyama begins to match Toru point for point. The teams become dead even at 25 a piece. Long sets begin to drain both teams, and Toru acknowledges that Kageyama has realized what teamwork is all about and is no longer the solitary king. The game winning points are shown.
The episode was rated 8.55 from 171 votes.
Aoba Johsai begins to pull away in set 3, forcing Coach Ukai to make some drastic decisions. Yamaguchi is subbed in as an ace server, but the pressure proves to be too much to overcome. A service error occurs, but the error allows Karasuno to calm down and climb back within two.
The episode was rated 8.59 from 167 votes.
Because of Yamaguchi's service ace at the end of the first set, Karasuno is able to get set point first. However, Inarizaki then starts targeting Tanaka, who seems a bit off his game. How will Tanaka deal with this pressure?
The episode was rated 8.63 from 100 votes.
The second match of Interhigh preliminaries has begun. Azumane has a history with Date Tech, but he is determined to rise to the occasion. Date Tech's tactic is to throw their opponent off kilter with their serves - but Karasuno focuses on receives. The wall of Date Tech looms high; what will Karasuno do?
The episode was rated 8.67 from 169 votes.
As Seijoh takes the flow of the game, Keishin sends Yamaguchi out as a pinch server. Yamaguchi ran away from the Wakunan match, but now is he able to turn around this match?
The episode was rated 8.69 from 153 votes.
The Miyagi Prefecture Inter-High is now over. Hinata, Kageyama, and the other members of Karasuno have a lot on their minds...
The episode was rated 8.73 from 117 votes.
Karasuno finds themselves against a wall as Shiratorizawa wins their second set easily. Needing a push, Hinata ups his defense and the two teams battle it out..
The episode was rated 8.73 from 149 votes.
Tsukki injures his hand and has to leave for medical attention, which causes Karasuno's blocking to weaken. Karasuno steps up their attacks in his absence. Hinata's play finally makes Ushijima feel like he's worth playing against.
The episode was rated 8.74 from 152 votes.
The third set is reaching its end. Karasuno is able to take back the flow of the game with Hinata's receive and even though they show great offense and defense, Inarizaki gets a match point. With the game so down to the wire, the setter Kageyama decides to do a certain play...
The episode was rated 8.81 from 114 votes.
Just as Shiratorizawa gets to match point, Karasuno regains spirit as Tsukki returns to the court.. Players on both teams are at the end of their ropes, but they continue to give their all to the last part of the match!
The episode was rated 8.86 from 154 votes.
The battle goes well beyond 15, as the fifth set for both teams enters the 20's. Shiratorizawa shows off individual strengths, and Karasuno continues to show the strength as a team. In a battle of volleyball philosophy, Karasuno and Shiratorizawa fight for who moves on to Nationals.
The episode was rated 8.99 from 165 votes.
Inarizaki starts to turn things around with Miya Atsumu's serves. Suddenly, there is a play that changes the flow of the game.
The episode was rated 9.02 from 123 votes.
Thanks to Tsukki and Nishinoya's blocking, Karasuno comes back at the end of the second set. It is a heated battle in the end, resulting in multiple deuces... Who will score the final point?
The episode was rated 9.03 from 170 votes.
Neither team is willing to let the other team get ahead. They're both reaching their limit, yet the match continues. They proceed into the final battle to determine who will make it to the finals.
The episode was rated 9.21 from 167 votes.
The game is now in a deuce with both teams are pushed to their limits to try to get that one final point. This match against Inarizaki brings out everything that both teams have to the very end!
The episode was rated 9.34 from 134 votes.
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