Best Episodes
Based off of the original Weekly Shonen Jump manga series from Haruichi Furudate, Haikyu!! is a slice-of-life sports anime revolving around Shouyou Hinata's love of volleyball. Inspired by a small-statured pro volleyball player, Hinata creates a volleyball team in his last year of middle school. Unfortunately the team is matched up against the "King of the Court" Tobio Kageyama's team in their first tournament and inevitably lose. After the crushing defeat, Hinata vows to surpass Kageyama. After entering high school, Hinata joins the volleyball team only to find that Tobio has also joined.
Written by Sophie and last updated on feb 12, 2023.
PS: The following content contains spoilers!
PPS: I will admit that parts of this page was written with the help of AI - it makes my work so much easier to not start from a blank page!
The 3rd round Interhigh match against Aoba Johsai has begun. Without wasting any time, Kageyama and Oikawa start a setter battle. Well-experienced as a team, Aoba Johsai scores point after point against Karasuno with Oikawa's serves. Kageyama starts to panic. It's then that Karasuno's mood-maker, Tanak gets riled up. After seeing that, Oikawa...
The episode was rated 8.12 from 161 votes.
Karasuno is winning the first round of Interhigh against Tokonami. But though Tokonami knows they're outclassed, they don't give up, they keep the ball in play. On another court, in spite of Michimiya's encouragement, the Karasuno girls' team is having a rough battle. Everyone is immersed in thought, but there can only be one winner!
The episode was rated 8.19 from 165 votes.
Asahi proves his imposing presence as ace in the Karasu versus Neighborhood Association team practice-match. Hinata gazes in a awe at Asahi who possesses both power and height that Hinata doesn't have. But Kageyama, seeing him being so enamored, takes unexpected action to make Hinata focus on the game instead.
The episode was rated 8.21 from 171 votes.
Karasuno's volleyball team makes it to the third round and they'll be facing off with Aoba Johsai. Seijoh, led by Oikawa, shows even more combination plays than they did in their practice match together. Meanwhile, the coach comes up with a formation to stop Oikawa's powerful serve. And before their match, Kageyama, who is Oikawa's junior from junior high, decides to...
The episode was rated 8.22 from 163 votes.
Because Karasuno's plays become messy and the match's rhythm gets thrown off, they change setters. Sugawara goes onto the court in place of Kageyama and because he's always seen things from outside the court, he says he knows what's going on, and Karasuno starts their counterattack. Meanwhile, after seeing the match from the outside, there's a change in Kageyama as well.
The episode was rated 8.23 from 160 votes.
Karasuno High School Volleyball Club has challenged Aoba Johsai High School to a practice match. But even before the match begins, Hinata's anxiety level reaches maximum. And Kageyama has a "reunion" with his ex-teammate Kindaichi, who now attends Aoba Johsai.
The episode was rated 8.25 from 190 votes.
The much awaited day of Interhigh preliminaries has come. Karasuno's first match is against Tokonami High School. Sawamura battles against a former teammate in junior high, Ikejiri. The tournament is now official; one loss and you're out of the running. It's time for Karasuno's revival. Onward to the battle!
The episode was rated 8.25 from 170 votes.
On occasion of the practice-match against Nekoma, Sawamura tries to convince Azumane Asahi to return to the volleyball club. But Asahi refuses because he says he's lost face with Sugawara and Nishinoya. Meanwhile, Keishin, who has deep connections to Nekoma, is told by Takeda about the upcoming practice-match.
The episode was rated 8.26 from 176 votes.
Hinata and Kageyama have second-year Tanaka on their side of the three-on-three match against first-years Tsukishima and Yamaguchi and third-year team-captain Sawamura. Tsukishima keeps razzing Kageyama, but is a high wall of defense to overcome.
The episode was rated 8.30 from 212 votes.
After being subbed back in Kageyama begins to try to communicate with each of his teammates. He begins to learn where the best setting point is for each of them, and Tsukishima comes up with a new attack that proves Karasuno can be a threat from all fronts.
The episode was rated 8.30 from 155 votes.
Hinata's momentum got thwarted by Nekoma's high-level defense and powers of observations, but he powers through to try quicks without closing his eyes. But his attacks don't go too well. Aided by their teammates, however, Inuoaka and Hinata are a close matchup.
The episode was rated 8.33 from 183 votes.
Thanks to Hinata and Kageyama's cornerstone "freak quicks," Karasuno is in the lead against Date Tech. But with Aone blocking, Date Tech starts catching up to Karasuno. This is when the ace Azumane must prove his worth. Will Azumane blast through Date's iron wall?
The episode was rated 8.45 from 156 votes.
Kageyama begins to match Toru point for point. The teams become dead even at 25 a piece. Long sets begin to drain both teams, and Toru acknowledges that Kageyama has realized what teamwork is all about and is no longer the solitary king. The game winning points are shown.
The episode was rated 8.55 from 171 votes.
Aoba Johsai begins to pull away in set 3, forcing Coach Ukai to make some drastic decisions. Yamaguchi is subbed in as an ace server, but the pressure proves to be too much to overcome. A service error occurs, but the error allows Karasuno to calm down and climb back within two.
The episode was rated 8.59 from 167 votes.
The second match of Interhigh preliminaries has begun. Azumane has a history with Date Tech, but he is determined to rise to the occasion. Date Tech's tactic is to throw their opponent off kilter with their serves - but Karasuno focuses on receives. The wall of Date Tech looms high; what will Karasuno do?
The episode was rated 8.67 from 169 votes.
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