
10 Worst Episodes of Halo

Depicting an epic 26th-century conflict between humanity and an alien threat known as the Covenant, the series weaves deeply drawn personal stories with action, adventure and a richly imagined vision of the future.

Written by Sophie and last updated on apr 22, 2024.

PS: The following content contains spoilers!

PPS: I will admit that parts of this page was written with the help of AI - it makes my work so much easier to not start from a blank page!

Halo - S1E1

#10 - Contact (Season 1 - Episode 1)

In the epic pilot episode of the highly anticipated TV show "Halo," titled "Contact," viewers are transported to the year 2552. The planet Madrigal is embroiled in a battle for independence from Earth, but their fight takes a dangerous turn when they encounter the Alien Covenant. Enter Master Chief John 117 and his team of super-soldiers, known as Spartans, who join the fray. The intense battle leaves Master Chief with a survivor from Madrigal and a mysterious object he found on the planet. However, a controversial order leads John to question his mission and his own purpose.

The CGI in this pilot episode is truly breathtaking, leaving viewers in awe of the stunning visuals. With executive producer Spielberg at the helm, it's no wonder the quality is top-notch. Fans of the Halo franchise will be thrilled to see their beloved Master Chief brought to life in this episode, adding an exciting dimension to the story.

"Contact" is a mind-blowing episode that elicits strong emotions from its audience. Viewers have described being moved to tears by the incredible storytelling. Even with small inconsistencies, the show still manages to captivate and entertain, especially for fans who have grown up with the Halo series. This solid first episode leaves viewers eagerly anticipating what's to come in the rest of the season.

For those who have been patiently waiting since the days of the original Halo PC game, "Contact" is a dream come true. The attention to detail, including the lighting reminiscent of the game, is a testament to the dedication of the production team. This episode sets the stage for an exciting journey ahead, and fans couldn't be happier with what they've seen so far.

Get ready to dive into the world of Halo like never before with "Contact" – an episode that delivers on all fronts, from stunning visuals to emotional storytelling. Don't miss out on this thrilling TV experience that is sure to leave you wanting more.

The episode was rated 7.76 from 3989 votes.

Halo - S1E8

#9 - Allegiance (Season 1 - Episode 8)


In the latest episode of the hit show "Halo," titled "Allegiance," viewers were taken on a rollercoaster ride of emotions. John and Makee, two central characters, found themselves facing a shared vision that would challenge their beliefs and force them to confront their true allegiances. This unexpected twist had fans buzzing with excitement, as they were left wondering what this revelation would mean for their favorite characters.

Meanwhile, Halsey, a pivotal figure in the show, found herself at a crossroads. With her mission hanging by a thread, she had one last chance to save not only herself but also the fate of the entire operation. This high-stakes situation had fans on the edge of their seats, eagerly anticipating the outcome.

As tensions escalated and the climax drew near, the entire cast was faced with an impossible choice. Each character was forced to pick a side, setting the stage for a dramatic showdown. Fans couldn't help but speculate on which choices their beloved characters would make and how these decisions would impact the future of the show.

Despite mixed reviews from viewers, one thing was certain – the episode left a lasting impression. From unexpected plot developments to thought-provoking character arcs, "Allegiance" set the stage for an epic season finale. With the anticipation mounting, fans are eagerly awaiting the next episode to see how this thrilling storyline unfolds.

The episode was rated 7.74 from 2905 votes.

Halo - S2E3

#8 - Visegrad (Season 2 - Episode 3)

In the latest episode of Halo, titled "Visegrad," John and Silver Team find themselves embarking on a risky mission without official approval. Meanwhile, Laera, Kwan, and Kessler must navigate their way out of a mutiny within Soren's crew. As tensions rise, Ackerson receives troubling information from Cortana, leading him to make a decision that could have irrevocable consequences.

While some viewers expressed disappointment in the lack of action in the opening scene, others found the build-up and tension to be well-executed. This episode serves as a budget-friendly installment, allowing the show to save resources for future action-packed sequences. Despite the slower pace, the writing and performances still manage to captivate, with Ackerson's character development and backstory reveal receiving particular praise. The scene between Ackerson and Halsey was especially applauded by fans.

On the other hand, some fans expressed frustration with the episode, questioning the preparedness of humans to defend their main point against Covenant ships. They felt the focus on side stories and the lack of emphasis on Master Chief and Cortana's storyline left them wanting more. However, with only eight episodes in the season, viewers are left wondering what to expect in the remaining four episodes. While the first episode was highly regarded and the second was deemed okay, this particular episode was seen as a filler that didn't quite hit the mark. Nonetheless, the hope remains for a return to the action-packed excitement that the Halo games are known for.

Unfortunately, not all viewers were satisfied with the direction the show has taken. Some felt that the second season of Halo has deviated too much from what made it great initially. They criticize the addition of unnecessary drama and characters that serve little purpose. These viewers have lost interest and some have even decided to stop watching altogether. It's clear that the show has received mixed reviews, with some feeling that it has strayed from its core focus on Master Chief's story and the Halo universe.

The episode was rated 7.60 from 1655 votes.

Halo - S1E3

#7 - Emergence (Season 1 - Episode 3)


In the latest episode of "Halo," titled "Emergence," John, our beloved Master Chief, finds himself with a new partner and embarks on a mission that leads him to uncover secrets hidden deep within his own memory. As the plot thickens, Kwan, determined to fight for her people's independence, faces opposition from Soren, who has different plans in mind for her. Meanwhile, Makee sets her plan in motion to retrieve the Madrigal object, but little does she know the deadly consequences that await her.

Fans of the show are thrilled with the exploration of the human side of Master Chief, as it adds depth and complexity to his character. However, some viewers are eagerly awaiting the moment when John will realize the true intentions of Halsey and take action accordingly. The comments section is abuzz with theories and speculations, with viewers dissecting every detail of the show's development.

While there may be some mixed opinions on the visual representation of Cortana, the overall consensus is that the show is steadily progressing and engaging viewers, regardless of their familiarity with the game. As the plot unravels and the characters evolve, "Halo" continues to captivate its audience, leaving them eager to see what unfolds in future episodes.

The episode was rated 7.59 from 3306 votes.

Halo - S1E4

#6 - Homecoming (Season 1 - Episode 4)

In the latest episode of "Halo," titled "Homecoming," John embarks on a journey to uncover the truth about his past. Guided by his visions, he brings Halsey and Cortana back to where it all began, hoping to find the answers he's been searching for. But as he delves deeper into his own history, another Spartan is inspired to embark on their own path of self-discovery. Meanwhile, Miranda stumbles upon a possible connection between the artifact and something much larger. The episode takes us on a thrilling ride as the characters navigate their way through their intertwined destinies.

Fans have been buzzing about the mysteries surrounding John's origins. Did he become "special" because of the artifact, or did he find it because he had something within him from birth? The episode hints at a deeper connection between John and the artifact, leaving viewers eager to know more. Some viewers express their hope that the series will align more closely with the game lore, as they believe there is untapped potential for the show to explore.

This episode serves as a significant development in the overall story. Viewers are intrigued by the origins of the artifacts and are eager to uncover their secrets. The inclusion of backstories for various characters adds depth and interest, making the series accessible to both fans of the game and newcomers. However, some viewers feel that certain aspects, such as Kwan Ha's storyline, could have been further developed to make the character more compelling. Overall, "Homecoming" keeps audiences engaged and eager for the next episode.

The episode was rated 7.54 from 3064 votes.

Halo - S1E2

#5 - Unbound (Season 1 - Episode 2)


In the latest episode of Halo titled "Unbound," John takes Kwan to meet an old friend, leading to surprising revelations about the mysterious object that has captured the attention of both the Covenant and Makee. As the alien threat intensifies, Dr. Halsey devises a plan to address John's unpredictable behavior. Fans are captivated by the stunning visuals and awe-inspiring Spartan suits, urging others to give the show a chance despite it not adhering strictly to the official lore. With its multi-layered universe, viewers are eagerly anticipating the development of this intriguing storyline.

Packed with action and intrigue, "Unbound" continues to impress viewers with its cinematic visuals and the remarkable portrayal of Master Chief by Pablo Schreiber. While some viewers pointed out minor flaws, like the noticeable 3D-printed artifact, the overall quality of the episode remains high. Fans are excited to see Fiona's character given more prominence in future episodes. As the plot thickens, the tension rises for Master Chief, who finds himself caught between different factions, each with their own agenda and manipulations. Despite his lack of experience with emotions, he relies on his instincts and programming to navigate this treacherous landscape.

Although "Unbound" advances the story only slightly, it is far from a filler episode. Fans are eagerly awaiting the next installment, hoping for more thrilling action. The show's ability to keep the story engaging while making adjustments to the source material has garnered praise from viewers. As long as the narrative remains coherent and entertaining, deviations from the original material are seen as valid interpretations. With its well-crafted storyline and a protagonist facing mounting challenges, Halo continues to captivate its audience, leaving them eagerly anticipating the next episode.

The episode was rated 7.51 from 3457 votes.

Halo - S2E5

#4 - Aleria (Season 2 - Episode 5)

In the aftermath of a devastating defeat, the characters in the "Halo" episode "Aleria" find themselves grappling with loss and uncertainty. On the barren planet of Aleria, John, the Master Chief, faces a profound personal setback, marking a departure from his usual heroic role. Meanwhile, Soren and Laera embark on a desperate search for their missing son, adding emotional depth to the narrative as they navigate the challenges of their journey.

Despite the mixed feedback from viewers, with some labeling the episode as average, it's evident that the focus shifts away from the Master Chief, highlighting the ensemble cast's individual struggles and storylines. The tension rises as Makee navigates delicate situations while the Arbiter's impatience looms large, setting the stage for potential confrontations and difficult decisions.

While some viewers express disappointment and disconnection from the show due to perceived shortcomings in acting, plot, and CGI, others critique the addition of supernatural elements like ghosts or magic, questioning the direction the series is taking. As the characters face personal trials and unexpected twists, the episode "Aleria" presents a blend of emotional turmoil and suspense, leaving audiences wondering about the future trajectory of the "Halo" TV series.

The episode was rated 7.50 from 1602 votes.

Halo - S2E1

#3 - Sanctuary (Season 2 - Episode 1)


In the latest episode of the hit TV show "Halo," titled "Sanctuary," viewers are taken on a thrilling journey as Master Chief faces a deadly evacuation mission that marks a turning point in his battle against the Covenant. Meanwhile, a new regime takes control at FLEETCOM on Reach, and our hero, John, starts sensing a looming threat closer to home.

This episode has garnered mixed reviews from fans, but there are some positive perspectives worth highlighting. Many viewers have praised the improved writing, noting that the dialogue flows more naturally and injects tension even in non-action scenes. The opening action sequence is particularly impressive, with some arguing it surpasses the action from the previous season. The production design has also undergone a gritty shift, adding to the overall appeal. Additionally, the writers have skillfully crafted human drama amidst budget constraints, creating compelling storylines that don't rely heavily on CGI. Although some viewers may have reservations, there is hope that the show will continue to deliver engaging content.

Despite the mixed reactions, this season's premiere of "Halo" is off to a good start, leaving viewers with intriguing questions that demand answers. The storyline appears to have taken an unexpected turn, leaving some fans feeling like they missed an entire season's worth of development. Nevertheless, the disappearance of Madrigal and the presence of a mysterious portal provide an intriguing backdrop for the unfolding events. However, some viewers have expressed disappointment with the introduction of new characters, finding them less appealing than the established ones. The new "boss" has been labeled a walking clichΓ©, leading to some concerns about the direction of the show. Overall, there seems to be a mix of worry and excitement among fans as the season progresses.

While the latest episode of "Halo" has received its fair share of criticism, some viewers have found it to be lacking in excitement and coherence. The absence of a recap at the beginning of the episode left some feeling confused and disconnected from the ongoing storyline. That being said, it's important to remember that opinions may vary, and it's still early in the season to make a definitive judgment. As the episodes unfold, viewers will have a clearer understanding of whether this season of "Halo" lives up to their expectations.

The episode was rated 7.47 from 1872 votes.

Halo - S2E2

#2 - Sword (Season 2 - Episode 2)

In the latest episode of Halo, titled "Sword," tensions rise as John pushes Silver Team to their limits in search of missing Spartans. Meanwhile, Kai finds herself concerned about John's stability, adding an extra layer of suspense to the episode. As if things weren't already intense enough, Kwan discovers that the Rubble is a far more dangerous place without Soren. With all these captivating storylines unfolding, it's no wonder fans are eagerly awaiting the next episode to see how everything comes together.

While some viewers have expressed mixed feelings about the current season's tone and direction, it's clear that there is a bigger picture being revealed. The mystery surrounding Halsey's captor adds an additional layer of intrigue to the already complex plot. And speaking of changes, fans have noticed that Cortana looks different this season, leaving them wondering what's in store for this beloved character.

Despite some criticism regarding visual effects, such as the waterfalls scene, fans are still invested in the show's storyline. With comments ranging from disappointment to admiration, one thing remains constant: Kwan's character continues to be a topic of discussion. As the season progresses, it remains to be seen how all these elements will come together and whether or not viewers will be satisfied with the outcome. Tune in to the next episode of Halo to find out.

The episode was rated 7.46 from 1728 votes.

Halo - S1E7

#1 - Inheritance (Season 1 - Episode 7)


In the latest episode of Halo, titled "Inheritance," Kwan embarks on a journey to uncover her family's "true purpose." This quest takes her deep into the deserts of Madrigal, where she unravels mysteries that have long been hidden. Meanwhile, Soren becomes consumed with unfinished business, adding an intriguing layer of suspense to the episode.

Fans of Halo have been engaged in spirited debates and arguments about the series, but this episode seems to have struck a chord with many. Some viewers enjoyed the episode and praised the unique color processing used, while others expressed their dislike for Kwan's character and wished she would disappear from the show.

"Inheritance" is a captivating side quest episode that deviates from the main plot and draws comparisons to iconic works like Dune and The Mandalorian. Some speculate that the technology of Madrigal, which requires a Protector, may have connections to the Forerunners. However, there are those who feel that dedicating an entire episode to Kwan was unnecessary and slowed down the momentum established in the previous episode.

Overall, opinions vary about the significance of Kwan's storyline and her role in the larger narrative. Some hope that there will be a major reveal in future episodes that justifies the time spent on her character, while others see it as a missed opportunity. Regardless, "Inheritance" offers a change of pace and sets the stage for what's to come in the world of Halo.

The episode was rated 7.15 from 2988 votes.

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