Hercules: The Legendary Journeys

10 Best Episodes of Hercules: The Legendary Journeys - Season 6

The legendary son of Zeus journeys across the earth fighting monsters and helping people.

Written by Sophie and last updated on feb 04, 2023.

PS: The following content contains spoilers!

PPS: I will admit that parts of this page was written with the help of AI - it makes my work so much easier to not start from a blank page!

Hercules: The Legendary Journeys - S6E4

#8 - Darkness Visible (Season 6 - Episode 4)

Hercules and Iolaus answered Vlad's call for help to defend his kingdom against vampires. Arriving in Dacia, they were joined by Galen, whose sister Nadia had gone to Vlad's castle and never returned. Soon they discovered the horrifying truth: Vlad was a vampire, and Nadia had long since joined the undead. Nadia managed to turn both Galen and Iolaus into vampires. In a clever move to save his friends, Hercules ate hemlock and gave his tainted blood to the vampires. Thus weakened, Vlad was no match for Hercules. Upon Vlad's death, the others returned to normal.

The episode was rated 7.33 from 15 votes.

Hercules: The Legendary Journeys - S6E3

#7 - Rebel with a Cause (Season 6 - Episode 3)


Hercules was not happy to find that Creon had taken the throne of Thebes from Oedipus. But Hercules had his hands full with Oedipus' daughter, Princess Antigone -- a brash drunk. As Hercules tried to restore her confidence, Creon and his defense minister plotted to destroy them both. When Antigone was captured by Creon, Hercules raced through a minefield to save her from being executed. Assisted by a group of rebels, Hercules drove off Creon, who fled -- only to be blown up by his own bomb. Reunited with Oedipus, Antigone took her rightful position as Queen of Thebes.

The episode was rated 7.38 from 13 votes.

Hercules: The Legendary Journeys - S6E7

#6 - A Wicked Good Time (Season 6 - Episode 7)

The goddess Discord needed a third witch to join Haleh and Sariah, Seska, a troubled teen, seemed the perfect choice. Now Seska could take revenge on Magnus, the town bully. When Hercules arrived to protect her from harm, Haleh framed her for witchcraft, for which the sentence was death. She also made Iolaus believe he was in love with Seska's mother, Lilith. Haleh used the book of spells to summon Neibros, an evil warlock. But Seska had a change of heart and helped Hercules by undoing the spell. Haleh was sent back to the beyond, while Seska renounced witchcraft.

The episode was rated 7.77 from 13 votes.

Hercules: The Legendary Journeys - S6E1

#5 - Be Deviled (Season 6 - Episode 1)


Sin came looking for Hercules in the guise of Serena. She said she needed Hercules' help to recapture Xerxos, a murderer who had escaped from her world of evil souls. In truth Sin was in league with Xerxos. She poisoned Hercules in hopes he would take a life in anger, which would condemn his soul to her domain. But Iolaus was able to keep Hercules from killing Xerxos. The murderer found his sister, the criminal Arciana, and encouraged her to reform before it was too late. Xerxos and Sin returned to their realm.

The episode was rated 7.79 from 14 votes.

Hercules: The Legendary Journeys - S6E6

#4 - City of the Dead (Season 6 - Episode 6)

Hercules and Iolaus arrive in Egypt just in time to save Queen Nefertiti from assasins. Iolaus suspected Princess Amensu of perpetrating the crime, because Amensu wanted Egypt to attack Greece while her mother did not. But the real traitor turned out to be Prince Ramses, who had appeared to support the Queen. He found the Necronomicon -- the Book of the Dead -- and used his new powers to send stone statues after Hercules and Iolaus. But they evaded the statues and retrieved the book. Ramses was destroyed upon reciting the book's incantation, while Nefertiti and Amensu were reconciled.

The episode was rated 7.91 from 11 votes.

Hercules: The Legendary Journeys - S6E8

#3 - Full Circle (Season 6 - Episode 8)


Evander, son of Ares, had the power to create anything he could imagine. Zeus, wishing to make amends with Hera, used the boy to free his former love from the Abyss of Tartarus. Unfortunately, the Titans were released, too. Helios and Oceanus tried to destroy Hercules and Iolaus but succeeded only in destroying each other. Meanwhile, the third Titan, Atlas, attacked Olympus. But Hera turned him into stone, condemning Atlas to hold the weight of the world on his shoulders forever. Hercules and Iolaus took Evander home to Nemesis, while Zeus and Hera began their reconciliation.

The episode was rated 8.00 from 13 votes.

Hercules: The Legendary Journeys - S6E5

#2 - Hercules, Tramps & Thieves (Season 6 - Episode 5)

Autolycus joined Hercules on his way to the First Bank of Greece and promised not to rob it. Once in town, they found Autolycus' ex-wife Luscious starring in a show at Club Nymph-O-Mania. The next day, the bank was robbed and Autolycus' grappling hook was found at the scene of the crime. Luscious was to blame, but Autolycus took the fall and went to jail. To save his friend, Hercules set a trap for Luscious, recovered the loot and freed Autolycus without having to implicate his ex-wife. The events rekindled Autolycus' and Luscious' feelings for each other.

The episode was rated 8.00 from 11 votes.

Hercules: The Legendary Journeys - S6E2

#1 - Love, Amazon Style (Season 6 - Episode 2)


When Hercules saw the Amazons waiting tables and dancing in a chorus line, he knew they had to be under a spell cast by Aphrodite. Sure enough, the goddess of love was responsible. She had broken up with Hephaestus, which threw her powers out of whack. Meanwhile, Deimos put the Amazons to work in a mine, digging for the Chronus Stone. Finding it, he turned the Amazons against Hercules and Iolaus. But Aphrodite finally confessed her love for Hephaestus, breaking the spell. Deimos vanished, and the Amazons returned to normal.

The episode was rated 8.21 from 14 votes.

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