Ice Road Truckers

10 Best Episodes of Ice Road Truckers - Season 7

Take a trip to Yellowknife, Canada to experience one of the most dangerous careers around. In unfathomably cold conditions, truck drivers haul equipment and supplies to miners in the Canadian tundra in the dead of winter on a 350-mile highway of ice.

Written by Sophie and last updated on jan 04, 2023.

PS: The following content contains spoilers!

PPS: I will admit that parts of this page was written with the help of AI - it makes my work so much easier to not start from a blank page!

Ice Road Truckers - S7E4

#12 - Ice Rodeo (Season 7 - Episode 4)

Hugh's new company is in trouble. Mechanical trouble and angry employees cause him grief. Meanwhile, Lisa gets a chance to prove herself with her heaviest load of the season. Darrel faces a new problems.

The episode was rated 7.62 from 61 votes.

Ice Road Truckers - S7E7

#11 - Load Rules (Season 7 - Episode 7)


Alex Debogorski races to complete one of Polar's most critical hauls of the season after a dashboard fire nearly costs him more than just a paycheck. Lisa's forced to stop in the middle of a frozen lake when she loses sight of the road. Darrell Ward's patience with Polar reaches its limit after he fails to receive a promised load. At VP Express, Art Burke and Todd Dewey run into trouble when they find their high priced hauls frozen in the snow. And the King of Obsolete's convoy breaks through the ice on one of the most remote trails in Manitoba.

The episode was rated 7.66 from 62 votes.

Ice Road Truckers - S7E10

#10 - Jagged Little Hill (Season 7 - Episode 10)

As the end of the season nears, Polar tries to fulfill their contract over the unregulated road to Utik Lake. But when a jackknifed truck blocks the remote trail, it's up to Darrell Ward to move the wrecked rig all by himself. Lisa Kelly also braves the path to Utik with her heaviest haul of the season, and the melting roads give her a ride she'll never forget. New Polar hire Art Burke struggles on his first solo run as engine problems threaten to shut him down. At VP, rookie Todd Dewey's excavator haul causes multiple tires to blow out from under the massive weight. And The King of Obsolete's crew breaks through the ice at one of the northernmost destinations on the winter roads.

The episode was rated 7.73 from 66 votes.

Ice Road Truckers - S7E3

#9 - Fear the Crack (Season 7 - Episode 3)


With loads needed to be hauled for their half million dollar contract, VP bosses Hugh Rowland and Vlad "The Mad Russian" Pleskot agree to keep struggling new hire Art Burke aboard. But they bring in new ice road hopeful Todd Dewey to keep freight moving and put pressure on Art to perform. In a convoy with Hugh and Art, Todd is put to the ultimate test as he faces the first ice crossing of his career. After rival Polar Industries snags a deal to haul loads over a newly opened road, Darrell Ward is sent out to test it, but his truck has a problem that could prove to be deadly. Lisa races to get off the winter roads and back into the load count battle with rival VP Express. While Alex Debogorski retraces his steps over the deadly Shamattawa trail with a giant forklift, knowing a successful delivery will help Polar hold off his old rival Hugh.

The episode was rated 7.73 from 67 votes.

Ice Road Truckers - S7E8

#8 - Art Of War (Season 7 - Episode 8)

The landscape in the battle for winter roads supremacy is shaken to the core as Art Burke locks horns with VP Express bosses Hugh Rowland and Vlad Plescott while at Polar, Darrell Ward confronts owner Mark Kohaykewych. Alex Debogorski gets stuck on a pressure ridge hauling a $100K load on the ice. And Lisa Kelly encounters her most treacherous ice crossing of her young winter roads career.

The episode was rated 7.79 from 56 votes.

Ice Road Truckers - S7E6

#7 - Hail to the King (Season 7 - Episode 6)


The battle for winter roads supremacy turns personal when VP Express boss Hugh Rowland steals a driver from Polar Industries and convinces the new hire to block his former employer's front gate with his truck. Alex Debogorski looks to lock in one of Polar's biggest contracts. But when a fire erupts in his cab, the forty-year veteran could lose more than just a paycheck. Polar boss Mark Kohaykewych shows his faith in Lisa Kelly when he sends the Alaskan icon on a challenging one-day round trip mission. At VP Express, drivers Art Burke and Todd Dewey must complete the longest haul of the season. But when Todd's battery explodes and showers him with corrosive acid, both his truck and his health are put in jeopardy. And in the northern most reaches of Manitoba, the self described King of Obsolete, Joey Barnes, dares to truck beyond the winter roads.

The episode was rated 7.84 from 67 votes.

Ice Road Truckers - S7E11

#6 - The Wrecking Crew (Season 7 - Episode 11)

With only days remaining in the season to determine the load count winner, Polar and VP Express race to deliver hauls over the rapidly melting roads. At VP, boss Hugh Rowland drives a fire truck up the rugged route to Wasagamack. But before hitting the trail, he makes an unwelcome surprise visit at the Polar yard. Rookie Todd Dewey tries to make it back to Winnipeg with a load so light, he struggles to gain any traction. Polar driver Alex Debogorski is unable to manage the slick roads and crashes grill first into the ditch. Polar convoy Darrell Ward and Lisa Kelly hit the road with the widest haul of the season. But when Darrell's truck is unable to pull the monster load any further, it's up to Lisa to take it the final stretch. And Polar driver Art Burke is forced to break the cardinal sin of ice road truckingโ€“never stop on the ice!

The episode was rated 7.84 from 56 votes.

Ice Road Truckers - S7E5

#5 - World War Hugh (Season 7 - Episode 5)


In the war for supremacy on the winter roads, Polar Industries has pulled ahead of rival VP Express. But VP boss Hugh Rowland isn't ready to go down without a fight. To keep his half million dollar Wasagamack contract moving, Hugh hits the road on his own. But trouble strikes when his trailer brakes go out. VP rookie Todd Dewey gets sent on a solo mission behind Hugh. To prove he's got what it takes to run on North America's toughest roads, he's determined to catch up to the boss. Art Burke must watch the action from the sidelines as his truck is still suffering in the shop. Polar scores a lucrative contract hauling million dollar parts for a water treatment plant. Darrell Ward successfully completes the mission, but after truck problems delay his trip, Alex Debogorski is forced to leave a day late. Hauling a school bus, Alaskan icon Lisa Kelly must pass along a thin crossing only moments after a rival trucker pressures the ice with a forty ton load.

The episode was rated 7.86 from 63 votes.

Ice Road Truckers - S7E2

#4 - Art Attack (Season 7 - Episode 2)

VP Express finally delivers their first loads of the season, but after a heated confrontation with owners Hugh Rowland and Vlad Pleskot, new hire Art Burke falls behind the bosses on the way back home. When his truck breaks down hundreds of miles from Winnipeg, Art suddenly finds himself stranded and alone. Polar snags a lucrative new contract, but it's over one of the most dangerous roads in Manitoba. Darrell Ward is the first to blaze the trail, but when he fails to conquer a mammoth incline, he's sent rolling backwards onto the ice. Fellow Polar drivers Lisa Kelly and Alex Debogorski follow close behind, but Lisa's broken wrist threatens to shut her down in the remote Canadian wilderness.

The episode was rated 7.86 from 65 votes.

Ice Road Truckers - S7E9

#3 - Haul of the Wild (Season 7 - Episode 9)


Drivers Lisa Kelly, Alex Debogorski, Art Burke and Darrel Ward all attempt to conquer a remote, unmonitored trail, as the battle for Ice Road supremacy presses on. From lake crossings on thinning ice to wrong turns in the wilderness, the crew from Polar is put to the test. Meanwhile, rival VP Express' run over the melting roads leads to trouble when boss Hugh Rowland crashes into the ditch. Plus, Hugh shakes up the winter roads war when he makes Lisa an offer she might not be able to refuse.

The episode was rated 7.88 from 59 votes.

Ice Road Truckers - S7E12

#2 - Winter Takes All (Season 7 - Episode 12)

As the ice roads melt away, Polar and VP Express are neck and neck in the load count. Racing to come out on top this season, both Polar and VP take on a late season mission to the remote village of God's Lake. Every driver joins the massive race, hoping their company comes out on top. But with the roads melting, getting in is only half the battle. Every driver must make it off the roads before they melt away or risk losing their truck and cargo to the Manitoba backwoods. It's the final dash for the cash, and only one company can win the load count.

The episode was rated 8.00 from 63 votes.

Ice Road Truckers - S7E1

#1 - Collision Course (Season 7 - Episode 1)


"The Polar Bear,โ€ Hugh Rowland quits his job at Polar Industries and joins team with a local dispatcher to start his own trucking company. Meanwhile, his former company plans to settle the score by hiring Ice Road Trucker experts Alex Debogorski, Lisa Kelly, and Darrell Ward. This season, both teams will vie to carry the most loads from Manitoba, Canada.

The episode was rated 8.04 from 75 votes.

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