It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia

10 Best Episodes of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia - Season 9

It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia is a classic show that has been running since 2005. It follows four friends who run an Irish pub in Philadelphia and their misadventures as they try to navigate life. With 20 seasons, there have been a lot of great episodes, leaving fans to debate which are the best. Viewers have weighed in and ranked the top episodes of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. From classic moments to unforgettable scenes, these are the best episodes according to viewers.

Written by Sophie and last updated on aug 28, 2024.

PS: The following content contains spoilers!

PPS: I will admit that parts of this page was written with the help of AI - it makes my work so much easier to not start from a blank page!

It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia - S9E9

#10 - The Gang Makes Lethal Weapon 6 (Season 9 - Episode 9)

After creative differences over what constitutes tasteful nudity cause Frank to pull his money out of "Lethal Weapon 6" during filming, Mac, Dennis, and Charlie screen their rough footage for investors in hopes of raising enough capital to finish the production of their latest masterpiece.

The episode was rated 7.71 from 910 votes.

It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia - S9E10

#9 - The Gang Squashes Their Beefs (Season 9 - Episode 10)


When some bad blood with old foes compromises their ideal Thanksgiving, the gang decides to make amends by breaking bread with those they've hurt.

The episode was rated 7.75 from 911 votes.

It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia - S9E4

#8 - Mac and Dennis Buy a Timeshare (Season 9 - Episode 4)

The gang does their best to recoup their investments in questionable schemes by dumping their losses on Ben the soldier while trying to avoid being duped again by whatever mastermind is pulling their strings.

The episode was rated 7.83 from 994 votes.

It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia - S9E2

#7 - Gun Fever Too: Still Hot (Season 9 - Episode 2)


After Frank appears on Local Television advocating gun ownership, the rest of the gang takes a look at the ownership process and alternatives to find a common ground on this still heated issue.

The episode was rated 7.85 from 1023 votes.

It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia - S9E5

#6 - Mac Day (Season 9 - Episode 5)

Everyone in the gang gets a day to do what they want while everyone else in the gang must participate willingly. This is Mac's Day... and its got twice the "Mac".

The episode was rated 8.02 from 1021 votes.

It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia - S9E7

#5 - The Gang Gets Quarantined (Season 9 - Episode 7)


The gang voluntarily quarantine themselves inside of Paddy's in an attempt to keep their singing voices pristine for an upcoming competition when a severe flu outbreak sweeps Philadelphia.

The episode was rated 8.06 from 966 votes.

It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia - S9E8

#4 - Flowers for Charlie (Season 9 - Episode 8)

In the episode "Flowers for Charlie" of the sitcom "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia", the gang finds themselves in a fun and familiar twist on the classic novel "Flowers for Algernon". After an experiment successfully multiplies Charlie's intellect, he quickly becomes distant from the bar and the gang must find a way to pick up the slack. The gang soon finds out that they are not as capable as they assumed and must learn how to complete the menial tasks that Charlie typically handles. Through hilarious mishaps and classic dark humor, the gang must find a way to keep the bar running without Charlie's help. As the gang struggles to learn how to complete the tasks, they must also find a way to bring Charlie back to the bar and restore their typical dynamic.

The episode was rated 8.10 from 1027 votes.

It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia - S9E1

#3 - The Gang Broke Dee (Season 9 - Episode 1)


The gang of friends on "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia" attempts to cheer up Dee, who is deeply depressed in the episode "The Gang Broke Dee". Dee has hit rock bottom, and the gang realizes they are the cause of her predicament.

Kaitlin Olson shines as Dee on her journey of self-discovery and an unassuming rise through the comedy world. Dennis’s struggle to control his sister mirrors this journey and is a humorous revelation in itself. The episode is full of clever jokes and riffs on the world of standup comedy and features some famous guest stars from other shows like "Borat", "House" and "Breaking Bad".

The episode ends with an unexpected plot twist that leaves Dee and Dennis in a worse situation than before. This episode is an excellent start to Season 9, and is full of great comedy moments that make it a hit with viewers.

The episode was rated 8.10 from 1027 votes.

It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia - S9E6

#2 - The Gang Saves the Day (Season 9 - Episode 6)

The episode "The Gang Saves the Day" of the show It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia is an absolute tour de force. It places the gang in the middle of an armed robbery at a convenience store and each character's individual vignettes are both hilarious and absurd. Mac's kung fu movie homage is particularly well-done and Dee's dream about going from a witness to an actress who's dating Josh Groban is delightfully absurd. Dennis's fantasy is a *One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest* homage, while Frank's anticlimactic dream is simply to eat a hotdog. Charlie's fantasy is especially noteworthy, as it is an inspired parody of *Up* which captures Charlie's naivete and ignorance in a sweet and absurd way. The ending, where the gang simply steals things and runs away, is the perfect capper to this brilliant episode.

The episode was rated 8.10 from 987 votes.

It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia - S9E3

#1 - The Gang Tries Desperately to Win an Award (Season 9 - Episode 3)


The gang from It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia takes on a challenge to win an award for best bar in this episode. They try to give the patrons what they think they want in order to please them and be recognized for their years of service in the bar industry.

The episode is a great example of the show's meta-comic fun and its commentary on the hierarchy and conventions of TV comedy. It even takes jabs at its own place in the landscape and its inability to do anything that would please Emmy voters. The gang's attempts to recreate sitcom tropes and conventions predictably turn out disastrously. Frank and Artemis try their hand at avant garde comedies like Louie and Wilfred, Mac's attempt at wacky banter takes an overly sexual turn, and Dee gets caked with makeup and put in the brightest light imaginable. Charlie's Paddy's Pub song is a hilarious highlight as well as his emergence from a sewer singing an eff-you song with a chorus of spitting. It's no wonder why this episode is a fan favorite.

The episode was rated 8.16 from 1036 votes.

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