Life & Beth

10 Worst Episodes of Life & Beth

A trip down memory lane is a strong source of trauma, comedy and moving forward.

Written by Sophie and last updated on feb 08, 2023.

PS: The following content contains spoilers!

PPS: I will admit that parts of this page was written with the help of AI - it makes my work so much easier to not start from a blank page!

Life & Beth - S1E10

#10 - Kiss from a Rose (Season 1 - Episode 10)

Beth decides she can’t waste any more time on regrets. She makes a plan to move forward, cut some old ties, and forgive.

The episode was rated 7.24 from 71 votes.

Life & Beth - S1E7

#9 - Leonard (Season 1 - Episode 7)


Ann helps Beth move the last of her things out of her and Matt’s apartment. Beth enlists her father’s help in wining and dining a big client.

The episode was rated 7.19 from 77 votes.

Life & Beth - S1E9

#8 - MRI (Season 1 - Episode 9)

Beth gets an MRI to find the source of her back pain and, while inside, she reflects on her tumultuous childhood.

The episode was rated 7.19 from 73 votes.

Life & Beth - S1E5

#7 - Fair (Season 1 - Episode 5)


Beth spends more time with John at the vineyard and tags along with him to the annual fair. There, she has an awkward run in with a childhood friend.

The episode was rated 7.13 from 82 votes.

Life & Beth - S1E6

#6 - Boat (Season 1 - Episode 6)

Beth traps Ann into spending the day with her and John on John’s boat.

The episode was rated 7.12 from 76 votes.

Life & Beth - S1E3

#5 - Out on the Island (Season 1 - Episode 3)


After her breakup, Beth decides to leave Manhattan and head back to Long Island, at least for now. To make it work, she takes on a very “Long Island” Long Island vineyard as a client.

The episode was rated 6.98 from 89 votes.

Life & Beth - S1E4

#4 - Pancakes (Season 1 - Episode 4)

Beth’s friends encourage her to get back into the hookup game now that she’s back on the Island, but Beth has formed a crush on a farmer at the vineyard she now reps.

The episode was rated 6.98 from 81 votes.

Life & Beth - S1E8

#3 - Homegoing (Season 1 - Episode 8)


A newly unemployed Beth helps John at the farmers’ market. She and John attend a funeral, which makes Beth reevaluate a lot of things in her own life.

The episode was rated 6.93 from 71 votes.

Life & Beth - S1E2

#2 - We're Grieving (Season 1 - Episode 2)

Beth and Matt head to Long Island to arrange a fast funeral for her mother. Beth starts to dig through her past.

The episode was rated 6.64 from 94 votes.

Life & Beth - S1E1

#1 - Life & Beth (Season 1 - Episode 1)


The cracks in every aspect of Beth’s seemingly great but unfulfilling life are starting to show when she gets earth-shattering news that will upend it all together.

The episode was rated 6.52 from 132 votes.

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