923 votes
Log Horizon

Log Horizon 2013

NHK Educational TV

One day, while playing the online game Elder Tales, 30,000 players suddenly find themselves trapped in another world. There, eight-year veteran gamer Shiroe also gets left behind. The trapped players are still alive, but they remain in combat with the monsters. The players don't understand what has happened to them, and they flee to Akiba, the largest city in Tokyo, where they are thrown into chaos. Once proud of his loner lifestyle, Shiroe forms a guild called Log Horizon with his old friend Naotsugu, female assassin Akatsuki and others.
Log Horizon - Season 3
#1 - Season 3

The season was rated #1 Best season of Log Horizon from 1 votes.

Log Horizon - Season 1
#2 - Season 1

The season was rated #2 Best season of Log Horizon from 185 votes.

Log Horizon - Season 2
#3 - Season 2

The season was rated #3 Best season of Log Horizon from 115 votes.

Log Horizon - Season 3
#4 - Season 3

The season was rated #4 Best season of Log Horizon from 0 votes.

  • Last updated: jan 04, 2023

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