
10 Best Episodes of Louie

Louis C.K. stars as a fictionalized version of himself; a comedian and newly divorced father raising his two daughters in New York City.

Written by Sophie and last updated on feb 04, 2023.

PS: The following content contains spoilers!

PPS: I will admit that parts of this page was written with the help of AI - it makes my work so much easier to not start from a blank page!

Louie - S3E5

#15 - Daddy's Girlfriend (2) (Season 3 - Episode 5)

Louie goes on a date.

The episode was rated 8.10 from 337 votes.

Louie - S4E13

#14 - Pamela (2) (Season 4 - Episode 13)


Louie & Pamela go on a date.

The episode was rated 8.11 from 452 votes.

Louie - S3E4

#13 - Daddy's Girlfriend (1) (Season 3 - Episode 4)

Louie is looking for a mate.

The episode was rated 8.12 from 364 votes.

Louie - S3E10

#12 - Late Show (1) (Season 3 - Episode 10)


Louie takes advantage of an incredible opportunity on The Tonight Show and gets a potential job offer afterwards that could change his life.

The episode was rated 8.14 from 332 votes.

Louie - S2E6

#11 - Subway / Pamela (Season 2 - Episode 6)

Louie starts his evening with a surreal trip on the NYC subway, where he witnesses a busker playing beautiful violin music while a filthy homeless man scrubs himself down with bottled water nearby, has a black-and-white vision of himself saving the riders from a soda-soaked seat, and then heads into the opening credits. Later, he meets his friend Pamela for lunch, and he ends up passionately telling her how he feels about her. And she doesn't respond at first, leaving him to misread a later invitation of hers, and the revelation ends with Louie standing outside her building and screaming in pain and anger.

The episode was rated 8.15 from 356 votes.

Louie - S4E14

#10 - Pamela (3) (Season 4 - Episode 14)


Pamela & Louie

The episode was rated 8.15 from 436 votes.

Louie - S2E8

#9 - Come On, God (Season 2 - Episode 8)

The spokeswoman for a group called Christians Against Masturbation, Ellen Farber, and Louie have a debate about the morality of masturbation on a the FOX News program, Red Eye w/Greg Gutfeld. Louie is the only person they could find willing to openly defend masturbation. After the show Louie goes home and masturbates while imagining a woman he had just seen on the elevator. Then, at Ellen's request, he attends a CAM meeting, and goes out for drinks with her after. She invites him up to her suite, but Louie is denied when he tries to go in for a kiss. Ellen gives a long passionate speech about how nice it would be to talk, date a long time before a kiss (but not "making out"), then finally getting to see her in her underwear on their wedding night. Then he goes to her suite bathroom to masturbate.

The episode was rated 8.16 from 341 votes.

Louie - S3E11

#8 - Late Show (2) (Season 3 - Episode 11)


Louie's "training" gets off to a rough start as he prepares for his chance to audition for David Letterman's job.

The episode was rated 8.21 from 347 votes.

Louie - S4E2

#7 - Model (Season 4 - Episode 2)

Louie does a benefit show.

The episode was rated 8.22 from 541 votes.

Louie - S4E3

#6 - So Did the Fat Lady (Season 4 - Episode 3)


Louie meets somebody new.

The episode was rated 8.22 from 546 votes.

Louie - S3E6

#5 - Barney / Never (Season 3 - Episode 6)

A guy dies, Louie meets a comedian, and has a bad day with a bad kid.

The episode was rated 8.22 from 358 votes.

Louie - S3E13

#4 - New Year's Eve (Season 3 - Episode 13)


Louie struggles through the holidays.

The episode was rated 8.26 from 330 votes.

Louie - S2E11

#3 - Duckling (Season 2 - Episode 11)

Louie unwillingly takes home Jane's class ducklings for the evening. The next morning he embarks on a 5-day USO tour in the Middle East, when unbeknownst to him, Lily had hidden one of the ducklings in his suitcase to keep him safe. Louie meets other entertainers (including country western singer Keni Thomas) as well as many various soldiers during his time overseas. The duckling ends up bringing Louie and others good luck in ridiculous and heartwarming fashion.

The episode was rated 8.27 from 348 votes.

Louie - S4E12

#2 - In the Woods (2) (Season 4 - Episode 12)


Louie Remembers his past.

The episode was rated 8.39 from 445 votes.

Louie - S3E12

#1 - Late Show (3) (Season 3 - Episode 12)

Right before Louie shoots his talk show pilot, Jerry Seinfeld comes to him some surprising news.

The episode was rated 8.58 from 347 votes.

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