
10 Best Episodes of Martin - Season 5

Sassy sitcom centering on radio and television personality Martin Payne. Series focuses on his romantic relationship with girlfriend Gina, her best friend Pam and escapades with best friends Tommy and Cole.

Written by Sophie and last updated on jan 30, 2023.

PS: The following content contains spoilers!

PPS: I will admit that parts of this page was written with the help of AI - it makes my work so much easier to not start from a blank page!

Martin - S5E19

#15 - Daddy Dearest (Season 5 - Episode 19)

Tommy's ex-marine father, Sgt. Strawn, shows up and tries to make his son a man by showing him up in front of his friends.

The episode was rated 7.63 from 24 votes.

Martin - S5E11

#14 - Waiting, Debating and Ovulating (Season 5 - Episode 11)


Martin and Gina are planning to have a baby. They plan to have a lunch-time rendezvous to get things going. But a trip to the courthouse with Cole, leads to them finding out that Martin has been ignoring jury duty since 1982. Now, forced to perform his civic duty as a juror, Martin presses for a quick verdict, so he can get home to his ovulating wife.

The episode was rated 7.67 from 43 votes.

Martin - S5E10

#13 - Scrooge (Season 5 - Episode 10)

Ghosts bring Martin holiday spirit.

The episode was rated 7.75 from 36 votes.

Martin - S5E7

#12 - The Life You Save...Might Make You Rich (Season 5 - Episode 7)


While attending a dinner party at an exclusive restaurant, Martin saves the life of an African prince. The prince rewards Martin with lavish gifts and offers him a large sum of money for Gina's services. Martin agrees to the offer thinking that they will be able to use this royal money for their own little palace. All is well in the Payne kingdom until Martin realizes the Prince wants Gina to be his Princess.

The episode was rated 7.75 from 60 votes.

Martin - S5E23

#11 - California, Here We Come (1) (Season 5 - Episode 23)

Martin's talk show is picked up by the network, and is slated to air to a nation-wide audience. The only problem is that if Martin wants the show, he must move to L.A. where the show will be taped. Gina, who also has news of a new job offer prepares to break the news to Martin and the gang.

The episode was rated 7.77 from 26 votes.

Martin - S5E3

#10 - Sophomore Jinx (Season 5 - Episode 3)


After some misadventures with marriage counselors, bad advice from friends fouls things up even more for the constantly quarreling Martin and Gina.

The episode was rated 7.81 from 70 votes.

Martin - S5E9

#9 - Come on over to My Place (Season 5 - Episode 9)

Cole attempts to entertain a girl at his Mom's house. But Mom shows up and ruins everything. Cole gets his own apartment. But it turns out to be a real dive. Cole and Shanise are happy anyway.

The episode was rated 7.88 from 59 votes.

Martin - S5E2

#8 - Back in Trouble Again (Season 5 - Episode 2)


When Gina learns she is nominated for an advertising award, she asks Martin to attend the awards dinner with her and advises him not to play basketball with the boys because his back has been bothering him. He decides to play anyway and ends up disabled. With the help of Tommy and Cole, Martin goes to a chiropractor who helps him make it to the event in time. But once he's there, the pain really begins to set in.

The episode was rated 7.89 from 83 votes.

Martin - S5E21

#7 - Goin' for Mine (Season 5 - Episode 21)

Pam becomes upset over the fact that she has been recently fired from her former job. Tommy, Cole and Martin stop by Pam's apartment along with their high school buddy Trey Foster who happens to work at a record company called Keep It Real Records as an successful A&R. Trey tells Pam of a job opening for an A&R position. Pam, who has a passion for music, decides to visit Keep It Real Records. While there, she meets Donna, the sassy receptionist, Clyde, the messenger, and Tony the creative director who tries to flirt with Pam. Trey shows up late for work and receives a message from Donna that their boss, CEO Sterling Sweets, wants to see him as soon as possible. Sweets urges Trey to locate new talent or Trey will have to search for new employment. Pam tells Trey that she may be able to help him if he can get her the A&R position. He agrees. Dante, Pam's typist/assistant from work, brings her the rest of her belongings from her old office. Dante begins to play the piano and sings. Pam be

The episode was rated 7.89 from 28 votes.

Martin - S5E6

#6 - Banging Hard in the School Yard (Season 5 - Episode 6)


When Martin announces on his talk show that any man can beat any woman at any thing, especially in sports, Gina and Pam challenge him to a girls-against-guys basketball game. Martin and the guys think it will be easy to beat the girls, until they discover the girl's secret weapon: the women's Olympic gold medal-winning basketball team. The "easy win" quickly turns into a challenging match as the guys begin to understand the girls' point.

The episode was rated 7.92 from 59 votes.

Martin - S5E20

#5 - Stake-Out (Season 5 - Episode 20)

The police want to use Pam's apartment for a stake-out, to keep surveillance on a suspect named Dynamite Willie. Martin comes up with an idea to capture the suspect himself, and cash in on the $100,000 reward.

The episode was rated 8.00 from 38 votes.

Martin - S5E4

#4 - Working Girls (Season 5 - Episode 4)


Gina is all ready for an underwear ad presentation until Cole accidentally erases her computer. She goes to Pam for help, but her friend is too busy with a date. Under pressure during her pitch, Gina is incoherent, forcing Pam to step in and save the day. The clients are so impressed that they put Pam in charge, causing Gina to feel betrayed. Pam struggles to pull it off, but in the end she has to rely on Gina to win the account.

The episode was rated 8.08 from 62 votes.

Martin - S5E13

#3 - Ain't That About a Ditch (Season 5 - Episode 13)

Even though Gina's out of town on business, her mom comes to town for a weekend visit, and wants to spend all her time with Martin, playing boardgames and just getting to know him better. But Martin has plans to hang out with Tommy and Cole at a new club that just opened up. Somehow he has to figure a way to get away from Gina's mom, so he can go out and have a good time.

The episode was rated 8.10 from 30 votes.

Martin - S5E5

#2 - Boo's in the House (Season 5 - Episode 5)


The prospect of owning a home gets scarier when Martin and Gina buy their "dream house" on Halloween, but soon find that the place is a haunted, calamity-filled horror.

The episode was rated 8.19 from 69 votes.

Martin - S5E15

#1 - Goin' Overboard (2) (Season 5 - Episode 15)

Martin and the gang are on a cruise ship with The Love Boat characters. Martin is doomed to finish the trip without Gina, who missed the boat, and is stalked by a suicidal temptress. Tommy thinks that Pam is suddenly interested in Cole, after finding them in bed together.

The episode was rated 8.23 from 26 votes.

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