
10 Best Episodes of Martin - Season 1

Sassy sitcom centering on radio and television personality Martin Payne. Series focuses on his romantic relationship with girlfriend Gina, her best friend Pam and escapades with best friends Tommy and Cole.

Written by Sophie and last updated on jan 30, 2023.

PS: The following content contains spoilers!

PPS: I will admit that parts of this page was written with the help of AI - it makes my work so much easier to not start from a blank page!

Martin - S1E9

#15 - Baby, It's Cole'd in Here (Season 1 - Episode 9)

Cole's mother interrupts Cole's evening with his girlfriend and demands back rent from her son. Following Martin's advice, Cole stands up to his mother but finds himself homeless when he is thrown out of the house. So he is forced to move in with Martin but soon drives Gina insane with his bad manners and disgusting habits. Martin informs Cole to persuade his mother to let him move back home. He comes to a mutual agreement with his mother and returns home.

The episode was rated 8.02 from 138 votes.

Martin - S1E26

#14 - Baby You Can Drive My Car (Season 1 - Episode 26)


Everybody pools together to get a raffle ticket from Roscoe the snot-nosed kid, and wind up winning a brand new SUV. They decide to share it, by assigning each of them to drive on a different day of the week. Tommy ends up giving a ride Sheneneh, and her 2 friends, Bonquisha and Keylolo. Gina ends up fighting with Jerome, the player, trying to wash her window at an intersection, and breaking off the side view mirror. Cole ends up driving his mother, Mama Payne and a friend around, and crashing into the curb. Pam takes the car to a drive through bank window and gets hassled by Otis the security guard, who takes out his frustrations on the car. They all wind up running the vehicle into the ground and have to get rid of it.

The episode was rated 8.05 from 78 votes.

Martin - S1E12

#13 - Three Men and a Mouse (Season 1 - Episode 12)

After Gina wakes up in the middle of the night, hearing noises in the kitchen, she wakes up Martin and sends him to investigate. Martin spots a mouse running under the refridgerator. The next day he contacts an 'exterminator' who Stan referred him to.

The episode was rated 8.07 from 99 votes.

Martin - S1E10

#12 - The Night He Came Home (Season 1 - Episode 10)


On Halloween, Martin and his friends gather at his apartment to share scary ghost stories. But they all get scared out of their wits after they perform a seance to communicate with the dead and call forth the spirit of old man Ackerman.

The episode was rated 8.10 from 130 votes.

Martin - S1E7

#11 - The Parents Are Coming, the Parents Are Coming (Season 1 - Episode 7)

Gina wants Martin to meet her conservative parents but Martin's feeling nervous. Wanting to make a good first impression, he takes advice from Tommy and Cole that causes him to act like an idiot.

The episode was rated 8.13 from 138 votes.

Martin - S1E17

#10 - Blackboard Jungle Fever (Season 1 - Episode 17)


Martin returns to his elementary school to participate in Career Day. He discovers his favorite 3rd grade teacher, Ms. Trinidad, is still teaching there. They decide to go out to eat and catch up on old times. They end up at his apartment where she begins making moves on him, just as Gina walks in. She tells Gina that Martin made the unwanted advance on her, and Gina runs out in anger. The next day, Martin returns to the school to confront his former teacher. She makes another move on him in the classroom, but this time Gina's watching and she's ready to defend her man!

The episode was rated 8.13 from 113 votes.

Martin - S1E21

#9 - I'm Not Your Superwoman (Season 1 - Episode 21)

Martin gets the flu and he expects Gina to stay at home and take care of him. But Gina gets fed up with him acting like a baby and comparing her with his mother.

The episode was rated 8.13 from 75 votes.

Martin - S1E3

#8 - Things I Did for Love (Season 1 - Episode 3)


Tommy's new relationship with his new girlfriend Danice prompts Martin to take Gina out for a romantic evening at a dance club, called the Savoy club. Meanwhile, Martin makes insensitive remarks and, as a result, receives numerous calls from his listeners stating that he isn't romantic enough.

The episode was rated 8.13 from 209 votes.

Martin - S1E20

#7 - Break Up (3) (Season 1 - Episode 20)

Martin and his new girlfriend Nicole realize that they both are still in love with their rgeir former lovers, and break up. Billy Dee Williams guest stars on Martin's radio show and convinces him that he'd be foolish to lose Gina. Martin barges in on Gina while she's with another man, and tries to win her back.

The episode was rated 8.24 from 82 votes.

Martin - S1E1

#6 - Beauty and the Beast (Season 1 - Episode 1)


Martin gets in trouble with Gina when she listens in on his radio show and hears his insensitive remarks about women. When Martin gets home, Gina calls him into the bedroom, away from his friends Tommy and Cole. Martin gets chewed out, but give her attitude. So she threatens to leave him. Martin eventually gives in. But then Gina agrees to put on an act in front of Tommy and Cole by pretending that Martin won, if he attends a fancy dinner with her that night.

The episode was rated 8.25 from 364 votes.

Martin - S1E25

#5 - Variety Show (Season 1 - Episode 25)

Martin is chosen by his radio station manager to be the producer of a charity variety show for Aids. But in typical Martin Payne fashion, he lets the job go to his head, acts like a tyrant on the set, and alienates everyone around him, even Gina. In the end, Martin is left to do the whole show by himself, and bombs miserably.

The episode was rated 8.25 from 67 votes.

Martin - S1E23

#4 - Jerome's in the House (Season 1 - Episode 23)


After Pam gets dumped by her boyfriend, she decides to go out on a date with somebody 'different' out of sheer desperation. She decides to go out with Jerome, the player, even though Cole is trying to ask her out.

The episode was rated 8.26 from 92 votes.

Martin - S1E13

#3 - Radio Days (Season 1 - Episode 13)

Stan decides to hire a new female talk show host and place her as co-host of Martin's show, to boost the station's ratings. At first Martin feels threatened by the move and is very stand-offish. But she soon warms him up with her charm, and Martin finds that he has become very attracted to her. Even though he loves Gina, he still feels a strong attraction to Monica, and tries to resist the temptation to be with her.

The episode was rated 8.27 from 91 votes.

Martin - S1E24

#2 - Your Arms Are Too Short to Box with Martin (Season 1 - Episode 24)


Tommy's new girlfriend Shannon has an ex-lover that can't seem to let her alone. Eventually he and his gang of thugs confront Tommy and beat him up. Martin and Cole go after this angry group of little people to avenge Tommy's beating, by throwing their weight around and bullying the patrons in the little people's bar. But in the end, they almost get beaten up themselves.

The episode was rated 8.41 from 81 votes.

Martin - S1E27

#1 - Checks, Lies, and Videotape (Season 1 - Episode 27)

Martin and Gina try to expose a crooked preacher, Reverend Leon Lonnie Love, as a fraud, after he cons thousands of dollars from his church members, including Mama Payne. To do so, they decide to have Gina lure him to her apartment so she can elicit a confession out of him and then capture it on videotape.

The episode was rated 8.50 from 80 votes.

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