10 Best Episodes of M*A*S*H

The 4077th Mobile Army Surgical Hospital is stuck in the middle of the Korean war. With little help from the circumstances they find themselves in, they are forced to make their own fun. Fond of practical jokes and revenge, the doctors, nurses, administrators, and soldiers often find ways of making wartime life bearable.

Written by Sophie and last updated on feb 04, 2023.

PS: The following content contains spoilers!

PPS: I will admit that parts of this page was written with the help of AI - it makes my work so much easier to not start from a blank page!

M*A*S*H - S11E15

#15 - As Time Goes By (Season 11 - Episode 15)

Margaret and Hawkeye work on a time capsule to commemorate their time in Korea; Rizzo and BJ goof around with a fake hand grenade; Klinger becomes smitten with a young, pretty Korean war criminal.

The episode was rated 8.21 from 123 votes.

M*A*S*H - S9E19

#14 - The Foresight Saga (Season 9 - Episode 19)


The 4077th is given a gift of fresh-grown vegetables by a grateful Korean; and Potter questions the veracity of an upbeat letter from Radar.

The episode was rated 8.21 from 117 votes.

M*A*S*H - S8E9

#13 - Mr. and Mrs. Who? (Season 8 - Episode 9)

Charles returns to the 4077th after a trip to Tokyo with an uncharacteristic hangover and the uneasy feeling of a romantic entanglement. Meanwhile, the hospital struggles to find a cure for an outbreak of deadly hemorrhagic fever.

The episode was rated 8.22 from 139 votes.

M*A*S*H - S8E6

#12 - Period of Adjustment (Season 8 - Episode 6)


Klinger and BJ both have Radar related woes, causing them to go on a drinking binge. A drunken BJ becomes violent with Hawkeye.

The episode was rated 8.22 from 150 votes.

M*A*S*H - S5E7

#11 - Dear Sigmund (Season 5 - Episode 7)

Sidney Freedman, feeling depressed, visits the 4077th to observe how they fare under the pressures of war. He begins a letter to Sigmund Freud as a form of self-therapy, and releases his tension in the form of a practical joke with B.J., aimed at Frank Burns.

The episode was rated 8.23 from 196 votes.

M*A*S*H - S7E25

#10 - The Party (Season 7 - Episode 25)


Talk of a post-war reunion gives BJ an idea- planning a present-day stateside gathering of 4077th families. He continues to obsess with the idea even under the duress of bug-out instigated by a Chinese breakthrough. Also, Klinger fears that the party will blow his cover, as his mother doesn't know he's stationed in Korea.

The episode was rated 8.24 from 123 votes.

M*A*S*H - S8E4

#9 - Good-Bye Radar (Part 1) (Season 8 - Episode 4)

On leave in Tokyo, Radar is desperately needed back at the crisis-stricken 4077th, but his return is delayed by outside events. While casualties continue to pour in from the front, the 4077th's generator conks out, and the backup has been stolen, depriving the medical unit of all electrical power. But Klinger, filling in for the vacationing Radar, lacks the expertise and experience to wheel and deal for a new machine.

The episode was rated 8.24 from 147 votes.

M*A*S*H - S8E17

#8 - Heal Thyself (Season 8 - Episode 17)


Colonel Potter turns crotchety when he catches the mumps, and his condition is worsened when Winchester gets the same disease and has to be quarantined with him. A temporary replacement surgeon, Newsome, is quickly brought into the 4077th and seems to be a gem in terms of both personality and ability.

The episode was rated 8.24 from 131 votes.

M*A*S*H - S8E25

#7 - April Fools (Season 8 - Episode 25)

A no-nonsense Colonel, who is notorious as a hard-nosed disciplinarian, visits the 4077th during an outbreak of April Fools' Day pranksterism. Colonel Potter tries in vain to halt the mayhem before Colonel Tucker arrives in camp.

The episode was rated 8.27 from 122 votes.

M*A*S*H - S10E15

#6 - Pressure Points (Season 10 - Episode 15)


Potter sends for Sidney Freedman when he loses confidence in his surgical abilities, and Winchester loses patience with his bunkmates' sloppiness.

The episode was rated 8.28 from 107 votes.

M*A*S*H - S8E19

#5 - Morale Victory (Season 8 - Episode 19)

Tired of their constant complaints about the quality of recreational activities at the 4077th, Colonel Potter appoints Hawkeye and B.J. as the new morale officers. Winchester's morale has already reached a new peak: He's ecstatic about his operation on a wounded soldier, Sheridan, which saved the boy's leg, leaving only "negligible" side effects - less use of his right hand. However, the soldier was a concert pianist before the war, so Winchester obtains music written by Maurice Ravel for a pianist that had lost a hand in World War I.

The episode was rated 8.37 from 119 votes.

M*A*S*H - S8E18

#4 - Old Soldiers (Season 8 - Episode 18)


Hawkeye is appointed temporary commander of the 4077th when Colonel Potter rushes off to Tokyo on a mysterious mission. While in command, Hawkeye's main problem is housing a large group of Korean refugees comprised mainly of rambunctious children who need medical care.

The episode was rated 8.38 from 124 votes.

M*A*S*H - S3E24

#3 - Abyssinia, Henry (Season 3 - Episode 24)

Actually, we won't. One of the classic M*A*S*H episodes. Henry finally gets his discharge. While he is tying things up, Burns prepares for his new command. Henry bids a tearful adieu, but not before Klinger turns up in an outrageous tropical outfit, and gets Henry to zip him up, and he gets a kiss Margaret. He gives Radar a hug and his last order, and departs by helicopter. In the traumatic and shocking last scene, a devastated Radar announces that Henry has been killed when his plane was shot down over the Sea of Japan.

The episode was rated 8.41 from 216 votes.

M*A*S*H - S8E5

#2 - Good-Bye Radar (Part 2) (Season 8 - Episode 5)


As company clerk Radar O'Reilly reluctantly prepares to depart the 4077th, the unit is still without electricity due to a broken generator, and the operating room continues to fill up with war wounded as night falls. The responsibility for procuring a new generator falls on Klinger, who lacks Radar's masterful knack of cutting through red tape in search of much-needed supplies.

The episode was rated 8.45 from 148 votes.

M*A*S*H - S11E16

#1 - Goodbye, Farewell and Amen (Season 11 - Episode 16)

Hawkeye is sent to a mental hospital; a freak accident causes Father Mulcahy to lose his hearing; Margaret worries about her post-war plans; Charles run across a band of Chinese musicians; BJ is sent home, much to Hawkeye's dismay; Klinger decides to stay in Korea to marry Soon-Lee; a ceasefire is declared, ending the war.

The episode was rated 8.89 from 174 votes.

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