Mystery Science Theater 3000

10 Worst Episodes of Mystery Science Theater 3000

In the not-too-distant future Joel Robinson is held captive by Dr. Forrester and TV's Frank, forced to watch B-Grade movies on the Satellite of Love with the help of his robot friends: Cambot, Gypsy, Tom Servo and Crow T. Robot.

Written by Sophie and last updated on feb 10, 2023.

PS: The following content contains spoilers!

PPS: I will admit that parts of this page was written with the help of AI - it makes my work so much easier to not start from a blank page!

Mystery Science Theater 3000 - S1E2

#10 - The Robot vs. the Aztec Mummy (Season 1 - Episode 2)

Movie Plot: A psychiatrist unleashes a curse. The mummy released by this turns out to be an ally, however, in a battle against an evil robot. Also riffed was the short: "Commando Cody: Radar Men from the Moon, part 1." Segment One: Joel invents an airbag helmet for motorcyclists. In Deep 13, the Mads have a new security system. Segment Two: The ship is attacked by demon dogs. Segment Three: The SOL crew try to negotiate with the King of the Demon Dogs. Segment Four: Crow tries to impersonate the Demon Dog's King. Segment Five: Joel manages to fool the Demon Dogs. Original film made in 1957, released in US in 1964.

The episode was rated 6.93 from 46 votes.

Mystery Science Theater 3000 - S13E3

#9 - Beyond Atlantis (Season 13 - Episode 3)


In the theater, the crew watches as a team of jewel thieves discover a mysterious island and the bug-eyed civilization living there, in "Beyond Atlantis" (1973). Meanwhile, a new test subject is trapped in the Simulator of Love with an animatronic Tom and Crow.

The episode was rated 6.90 from 10 votes.

Mystery Science Theater 3000 - S5E11

#8 - Gunslinger (Season 5 - Episode 11)

Movie Plot: A Roger Corman spaghetti western. Not much else worth saying about it. On the SOL: Joel, Crow, and Gypsy take turns popping Servo's new balloon head / the SOL creates several whiffle-type products / Gypsy and Crow are the SOL's version of the Pony Express / the crew compares the 1870s with the 1970s. In Deep 13: The Mads invent a day planner that makes peoples heads explode. Of course, Frank becomes its first victim. Original film made in 1957.

The episode was rated 6.88 from 24 votes.

Mystery Science Theater 3000 - S1E4

#7 - Women of the Prehistoric Planet (Season 1 - Episode 4)


Movie Plot: The survivors of a space ship crash run into prehistoric amazons on a desert planet. Intro: Joel and the 'bots redecorate the SOL to look like a talk show set. Segment One: Joel invents toilet paper in a bottle. In Deep 13, the Mads open a fast food place: "Clay and Lar's Flesh Barn." Segment Two: Joel brings a strange spacecraft inside the SOL. Segment Three: The strange object is discovered to be Isaac Asimov's Literary Doomsday Device. Segment Four: While the crew tries to disarm it, the doomsday device explodes, turning the entire crew into Isaac Asimov. Segment Five: Fan letters are read. The winners of the "Name the Plant Guy Contest" are announced. Original film made in 1966.

The episode was rated 6.86 from 43 votes.

Mystery Science Theater 3000 - S2E2

#6 - The Sidehackers (Season 2 - Episode 2)

Movie Plot: A couple of sidehacking gangs get into a minor war of vengeance against each other. Intro: Joel tries to get the 'bots to go to bed. Segment One: Joel invents a Slinky named Getchen that talks and does tricks. In Deep 13, Dr. Forrester creates the Slinky tube which can let him be in two places at once. Segment Two: The crew discusses the requirements necessary to be a sidehacker. Segment Three: Joel instructs us on the terminology of sidehacking. Segment Four: Joel makes the 'bots Rommel hats. Segment Five: Joel sings "Love Pads the Film". Original film made in 1969.

The episode was rated 6.84 from 31 votes.

Mystery Science Theater 3000 - S2E6

#5 - Ring of Terror (Season 2 - Episode 6)


Movie Plot: A medical student must rob a grave as a fraternity prank. Also riffed was the short: "The Phantom Creeps, part 3." Intro: Crow and Servo trick Joel into thinking it's movie sign. Segment One: Joel creates a pinball machine out of intestines. In Deep 13, Dr. Forrester plays a real life game of operation on Frank. Segment Two: Joel and the 'bots create the "Old School for Old Students". Segment Three: Joel performs an autopsy on a vacuum cleaner, much to Gypsy's chagrin. Segment Four: The 'bots can't think of a single good thing about the movie. Segment Five: Frank sings "If Chauffeurs Ruled the World." Original film made in 1962.

The episode was rated 6.77 from 26 votes.

Mystery Science Theater 3000 - S2E3

#4 - Jungle Goddess (Season 2 - Episode 3)

Movie Plot: An expedition to Africa to recover a missing heiress leads to trouble when she is made queen of the jungle. Also riffed was the short: "The Phantom Creeps, part 1." Intro: Joel and the 'bots toy with the forces of the universe. Segment One: Joel invents a radio controlled saw. Dr. Forrester has had his head transplanted onto a saxophone. Segment Two: The SOL crew presents an infomercial selling some of Bela Lugosi's Phantom Creeps. Segment Three: Joel explains to the 'bots the movie binocular vision trick. Segment Four: Two aliens visit the SOL with a list of demands. Segment Five: Joel and the 'bots put on a fake TV show, which has Frank entertained. Original film made in 1948.

The episode was rated 6.76 from 25 votes.

Mystery Science Theater 3000 - S5E18

#3 - The Atomic Brain (Season 5 - Episode 18)


Movie Plot: A mad scientist does odd experiments on peoples brains. Nothing Atomic is involved. On the SOL: The crew performs a Broadway-style musical / Mike and the 'bots mock the Mads mercilessly / Servo goes out into space to report the weather / Magic Voice chats with the movie's narrator. In Deep 13: The Mads retaliate Mike's taunting by dressing as the SOL crew. Original film made in 1964.

The episode was rated 6.75 from 24 votes.

Mystery Science Theater 3000 - S3E20

#2 - The Unearthly (Season 3 - Episode 20)

Movie Plot: A mad scientist creates havoc when an experiment to stop the aging process goes awry. Also riffed were the shorts "Posture Pals" and "Appreciating Your Parents." On the SOL: Joel invents celebrity appliances / the 'bots film an action packed home movie / Servo and Crow create "The Unearthly" board game. In Deep 13: The Mads create odd shaped pills including one with a fish hook / Frank eats potatoes. Original film made in 1957.

The episode was rated 6.71 from 21 votes.

Mystery Science Theater 3000 - S1E3

#1 - Mad Monster (Season 1 - Episode 3)


Movie Plot: A mad scientist turns his assistant into a monster to help get revenge. Also riffed was the short: "Commando Cody: Radar Men from the Moon, part 2." Segment One: Joel presents the Hell-in-a-Handbag anti-theft device. In Deep 13, Dr. Forrester shows off his fire=breathing thunder lizard. Segment Two: Tom falls in love with a blender, which Joel then drinks out of. Segment Three: Servo and Crow have some questions about Jedro the werewolf. Segment Four: Joel switches the bots heads. Segment Five: The 'bots each give a good thing and bad thing about the movie. Original film made in 1942.

The episode was rated 6.64 from 42 votes.

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