Naked Attraction

10 Worst Episodes of Naked Attraction

The show looks at whether a partner can be found based solely on the naked body and animal magnetism. Two singletons join host Anna Richardson as they seek to choose a date from a selection of six naked people, who will be revealed to them one body part at a time. They then get dressed and head off on a date, to see if there is any chemistry when the clothes come on.

Written by Sophie and last updated on feb 06, 2023.

PS: The following content contains spoilers!

PPS: I will admit that parts of this page was written with the help of AI - it makes my work so much easier to not start from a blank page!

Naked Attraction - S7E1

#10 - Brian & Shaida (Season 7 - Episode 1)

A 23-year-old virgin from Kent picks a partner from six nude candidates - but this proves a nerve-racking experience, since he has never seen a naked woman in his life. Meanwhile, a 27-year-old beauty therapist from London is determined to have a baby before she turns 30, and hopes that one of the men lurking behind the screens will be the perfect father.

The episode was rated 6.59 from 46 votes.

Naked Attraction - S7E4

#9 - Raheem & Jerome (Season 7 - Episode 4)


Professional dancer and virgin Raheem wants a man who can pop some moves on the dancefloor and in the bedroom. Rugby player Jerome needs a confidence boost to find his lucky lady.

The episode was rated 6.56 from 32 votes.

Naked Attraction - S10E1

#8 - Rara and Zeus (Season 10 - Episode 1)

Fetish model Rara is sick of being tied up in someone else's fantasy, while trans man Zeus dips his toes into the dating scene.

The episode was rated 6.56 from 36 votes.

Naked Attraction - S8E2

#7 - Kelly & Carlo (Season 8 - Episode 2)


Kelly from Brighton is in need of some TLC, but she's unsure whether she's looking for a man or a woman. Steeplejack Carlo from Somerset is looking for the perfect girl after surviving leukemia.

The episode was rated 6.52 from 42 votes.

Naked Attraction - S8E1

#6 - Iain & Leon (Season 8 - Episode 1)

Wrestler Iain is looking for the perfect partner to pin him down for good, and bi-curious graphic designer Leon wants to share his new body with a special someone.

The episode was rated 6.51 from 45 votes.

Naked Attraction - S12E3

#5 - Jane & Anthony (Season 12 - Episode 3)


Empowerment coach Jane wants to attract a spiritual and compatible man... will the stars align? And not-your-typical-Geordie-lad Anthony wants a canny lass to snuggle up to with his dog.

The episode was rated 6.38 from 13 votes.

Naked Attraction - S11E1

#4 - Sarah & Jamie (Season 11 - Episode 1)

Proud pansexual Sarah can't wait to road test her new body on her first date as a woman. Plumber Jamie's love life has gone down the u-bend and he's all cisterns go to find his perfect partner.

The episode was rated 6.38 from 32 votes.

Naked Attraction - S12E4

#3 - Luke & Abi (Season 12 - Episode 4)


Luke, who’s lost his dating mojo, is raring to reinvigorate his love life and find a lady to relight his fire. And can pole dancer Abi find someone to send her heart into a spin?

The episode was rated 6.29 from 17 votes.

Naked Attraction - S11E4

#2 - Lauren & Ryan (Season 11 - Episode 4)

Bisexual Lauren is looking for a geeky gamer to reboot her love life. Ryan, who's a sucker for a silver fox and a dad bod, is hoping to find his dream guy to wake up with every morning.

The episode was rated 6.06 from 16 votes.

Naked Attraction - S11E6

#1 - Skyla & Zeus (Season 11 - Episode 6)


Skyla's cleaning business leaves her too busy for a man. Is her sparkly someone in the pods? Bisexual trans man Zeus is just dipping his toe into dating... can he find the one? Season Finale

The episode was rated 5.76 from 17 votes.

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